chapter 6

Shehryaar POV:

   "she is still unconscious, I looked  her face deeply, why... Why whenever I look at her, I just want to protect her from this cruel world... And just live my whole life with her in my arms " I said. I stand up from bed and left the room .

    "Amma bi, take care of girl that I brought last night, give food and medicine " I said. Amma bi  is just like my grandma... She's so sweet.

    "OK.. Son I will take care of her " she said.

  "Adam Alert the body guard around the house, and come with me we have to go resolve some issues about our rival company..." hope so she will not do any stunt ...

   Anaya POV:

    I got up with pounding headache... Suddenly room door opened by someone and woman of mid fifties entered in room with tray of food "dear... You got up.., look I brought the food for you, sit and eat it, you have to take your medicine " ,she said

     "I don't want to eat anything, just please let me go " I said while sobbing.