Operation ‘Good Will’

Sitting in a Gringotts conference room again with Rodrak and Barrat in front of me. I'm probably the only wizard who has met with Rodrak so frequently. He's the leader of this bank which Is similar to a lord of a noble house for goblins. Goblins give off bad impressions with their rough attitudes so why would wizards want to subject themselves to that. They're also still subservient in the minds of most wizards, but they have established themselves as a vital part of wizarding society.

"I know where another Horcrux is I just need your help destroying it." I said.

"Where is it and what do you need? I speak for every Goblin when I say we would not want 'you know who' coming back." Rodrak said.

"There's a shack in the woods just outside the village of Little Hangleton that belonged to the Gaunt family. Inside the shack, you will find the Gaunt family ring. The home if you can call it that is warded or has some type of defensive spells. The ring itself has some sort of decaying curse on it so no touching. It may also have a spell to coerce you into wearing it. I want to buy the shack and have the friendly goblins of Gringotts tear down the magic protecting it. Secure the ring and cleanse it of the Horcrux and curses then give it to me. I'll pay this time because I didn't bring the Horcrux myself." I explained.

Rodrak and Barrat looked surprised. They probably think I'm a Seer or something. I gave them names for investments in future businesses that some didn't even exist yet. I talk and act like an adult even though I'm a child. I'm giving them the details of things I shouldn't know about for example the cup in the Lestrange vault and now the ring in the Gaunt shack.

"That can be done but are you sure the shack isn't owned by anyone?" Rodrak said breaking out of his stupor.

"It shouldn't be, all the Gaunts are dead to my knowledge and an abandoned shack in the woods isn't exactly prime real estate." I said.

"Alright, we'll look into it and get it done. Of course, we will gladly take your gold for our services." Rodrak said with a smile only a goblin could have.

"Charge the gold to the Black vault and owl me anything that needs my signature. Thanks for your time It's always nice doing business with you." I said and leave the bank. Before leaving Diagon I head to madam malkin's robes for all occasions. No, I'm not getting robes. I'm asking if she can make muggle clothes with magical enhancements like resizing, self-cleaning, etc. I spent an hour in the shop explaining the outfits I want. Mimsy brings clothes from my closet for examples. Madam Malkin was excited to make something new. The wizarding world is stagnate and after making the same robes a certain amount of times your job gets boring.

I spent the rest of the day relaxing I've been going hard on training and need a break. I decided to execute operation 'Good Will'. We have enough information on the mistreated elves, who their masters are, and the layout of their homes. Three hours before the sunrises I called all my elves to the front yard of pride manor.

"You all have worked hard gathering information for operation 'Good Will' and now it's time to get it done. Your job is simple sneak into muggle houses steal a pair of dirty underwear. Sneak into your designated wizarding homes while invisible. Place the underwear on the sleeping masters or mistress's face. Wait until they wake up and freak out throwing the underwear away from them. Then apparate the elf of said house in the line of the falling underwear to catch it. The second they have possession of the underwear you apparate them here so they can become Potter and Black elves." I explained and the elves nodded.

The operation is simple but effective. If you woke up with someone's dirty underwear on your face their's no way you wouldn't throw it away from you. All the houses we are sending the elves to only have one elf. Theirs really no need for more than one elf per family because elves don't have to do manual labor. They just snap their fingers and the dishes and laundry clean themselves. The only places with multiple elves are schools like Hogwarts, big businesses and government buildings. I haven't investigated these yet, but Hogwarts is run by Dumbledore so the elves are probably treated well.

"You all know what to do go get it done I'll wait here." I said and they all popped away leaving me and Mimsy behind.

"Mimsy can you get me a chair?" I asked and an armchair appeared behind me. Nothing to do now but sit and wait.

The next few hours were spent bonding with random elves. It took a long time to go through the repetitive process but it was finished by lunch. The first elf that appeared before me was none other than Dobby. He had this shocked look on his face that was hilarious. He was literally jumping at the chance to become an elf of the great Harry Potter. I gladly accepted him and changed the seniority system of my elves. Dobby will be head Butler and Mimsy will be head maid. When the operation came to an end I doubled my elves to two hundred. We didn't have room for that many at Pride Manor so I moved half to Black Mansion. 50 butlers and 50 maids each house.

The next day The Daily Prophets front page was titled 'House elf Heist or rebellion'. Talking about what happened and why someone would want to steal house elves or how they could rebel. Sighting interviews from the 'victims'. There was a moving picture of a very pissed off Lucius Malfoy. The elf that carried out the operation on the Malfoy's said that Lucius screamed like a girl when he woke up. I asked for the memory and watched it in a pensive. I wonder if I could make copies of the memory and sell them Nah I have enough money. I asked the elves and they said they can make copies. So I had a thousand copies made and had the elves leave them at people's front doors especially the Weasleys.

After a couple of days, the news moved on and the price of house-elves jumped. You can't just call for a free elf any more thanks to me hoarding them. I got a letter from the goblins they bought the shack and will start tearing down the wards and protections soon. I also got a letter from Madam Malkin saying the first outfit is done.

(Thanks for reading!)