Duel for a Sword

The next day I went to Gringotts to meet with my account manager. I entered the bank with my hood up to hide my identity like always. Immediately a goblin appeared in front of me bowed and escorted me into the back. The other customers looked on with shocked faces. Never have any of them been treated or seen another be treated like that by a goblin. Some tried to ask who I was but were ignored by the goblins. Others tried to pay for information knowing goblins like money but were turned down yet again. I guess Rodrak told them to keep their mouths shut. Making my way in the back I'm taken to a conference room.

"Wait here, please. Barrat will be with you shortly." The Goblin said bowing and left. A minute later Barrat walked in taking a seat.

"Why did you call this meeting? I already owled your bank statements and investment updates for the month." He asked probably wondering if I found another Horcrux.

"I want to make a request. I've been learning swordsmanship and I know it's not usually done, but I would like to purchase a goblin silver sword." I requested.

"Not usually done? More like never done. The last person us goblins made a weapon for was Godric Gryffindor. Which still hasn't been returned to us." He said. The goblins very rarely make weapons for wizards and when they do it must be returned upon the death of that person. No one knows where the sword of Gryffindor is except the sorting hat that houses it and maybe Dumbledore. Even if it was found I can't see the ministry or the Hogwarts school board returning it.

"Yes and I'm sorry for that, but I still request a sword made for me." I insisted.

"Alright, I can't make the decision on this wait here while I get Director Rodrak." Barrat said exiting the room. Five minutes later Barrat returned with Rodrak and a dirty looking goblin dressed in blacksmith attire.

"Hello, young harry it's good to see you again." Rodrak said as they take a seat.

"Its good to see you as well Rodrak I'm sorry for asking the impossible, but if you want something why not go for the best?" I said. The unknown goblin stares as if inspecting me.

"Yes, I don't blame you. This is Agnok the master Blacksmith of this bank." Rodrak said introducing the unknown goblin.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Master Agnok I'm Harry Potter." I said standing up to bow then taking my seat again. Good first impressions will help future dealings and hopefully get me a nice shiny sword.

"A wizard with manners now I've seen it all. I will be the one to decide if you'll get your sword. The fact that I'm even here means the director agrees to your request. Rodrak may be the director of the bank but he's not the director of my forge. If I don't like you or feel you're unqualified you will get nothing from me. Do I make myself clear?" Agnok said in a no-nonsense manner. I nod my head.

"Good, I'm only considering this because of your relationship with the director and your service to the bank. Now, how old are you?" Agnok asked

"I'm eight years old." I replied. Agnok turns to Barrat.

"Go and have young Ulkras prepare for a sword duel." Agnok instructed and Barrat left the room.

"if I'm going to make you a sword you better know how to use it. You'll fight the strongest goblin we have that's closest to your age. Ulkras is twelve years old and a very promising swordsman. If you lose then you never had the qualifications to ask for a goblin made sword in the first place." Agnok said leaving the room. Rodrak turns to me.

"I think he likes you." Rodrak said.

"Likes me? That's not the word I would use." I said looking skeptical.

"The fact that he even came here to see you shows he likes you. To goblins soul magic is a very big taboo and your role in the destruction of three Horcruxes has garnered you a lot of respect here at Gringotts. Not to mention who those soul pieces belonged to. 'You know who's' reign of terror didn't just affect the wizarding community but the goblins as-well. So yes he likes you." Rodrak explained.

That was surprising I didn't think I'd get the respect of all the goblins so easily. I knew I had a good relationship with Barrat and Rodrak but that was all. It's a good surprise though, having the support of the goblins will help me immensely in the future. We left the room and Rodrak took me to a room filled with different weapons and armor none of them were goblin silver but they were still better than anything else I can buy. I chose black formfitting dragons hide armor and a bastard sword that fit my small size.

When I was dressed and ready Rodrak took me to a huge room built like a small coliseum. The stands were filling with goblins ready for a fight. In the center of the arena stood who I could only guess is Ulkras with metal armor and a rapier. What sucks is his sword and armor seem to be made from goblin silver. That's going to make this harder than I thought. When I made my way to the center of the arena Rodrak cast a spell to amplify his voice and addressed the crowd.

"Today Harry Potter came to Gringotts asking for a weapon made of Goblin silver. (Crowd murmurs) Quiet! Harry has been given the challenge to beat young Ulkras in a duel with swords. If he wins Master Blacksmith Agnok will make him his weapon. If he fails there will be no second chances and he will leave Gringotts today empty-handed. The standard rules apply, you lose if your defeated, disarmed, surrender, or are injured enough that I stop the match. Most importantly you will not kill or maim your opponent. Are the duelists ready?" Rodrak said. Ulkras and I nodded.

"Good draw your swords and on the count of three you will begin the duel." Rodrak announced. I drew my bastard sword and Ulkras drew his rapier. We stood about 15 feet from each other waiting for the count to start. The second Rodrak said three I was dashing at my opponent. I knew that I had the upper hand in speed with my hide armor and longer legs. What surprised me is Ulkras dashes at me too as if his metal armor weighs nothing. Damn, I forgot that goblins enchant their silver weapons and armor. He must have some sort of weightless enchantment on his armor.

At least I still have the advantage in longer legs. I have to make sure I don't get poked by his rapier. The strength of a rapier is its reach, thrusting ability, agility, and speed. While its weakness is its restricted cutting ability. My bastard sword is what I would call the king of swords. Stab, slash, switch between one hand and two. It's the all-around sword and that's why I've been training how to use it for the past year.

When we met in the middle of the arena Ulkras thrust his rapier at my stomach. I batted the attack away and swiped at him aiming for his helmet. Hoping to disorient him with the sound of metal on metal. Ulkras ducked out of the way and backed up putting some space between us. We circled each other waiting for a weakness in the other to appear. He must have seen one because Ulkras moved first.

Stalking towards me and thrusting again this time aiming for my thigh. I block and we cross swords. My sword is heavier so I easily push him back. As he staggers back I hit his helmet with the end of my hilt. A loud ding is heard as the metal pommel of my sword makes contact. While Ulkras is stunned from the hit and the ringing in his ears, I put the point of my bastard sword in the gap between his helmet and his chest piece winning the duel. The crowd was shocked silent not expecting me to win. Ulkras falls on his rear getting away from the point of my sword his ears probably still ringing.

"We have our winner the terms of the duel will be upheld. Congratulations Harry." Rodrak announces his voice amplified for everyone to hear. The announcement breaks the crowd from their stupor and they start cheering loudly. If their's one thing that goblins might like more than money it's combat. If you had to explain the personality of goblins in the least amount of words it would be 'money-grubbing battle maniacs'. Sheathing my sword I walk to Ulkras and offer my hand helping him to his feet.

"I enjoyed our match Ulkras we should do it again, next time with blunt weapons." I said smiling at my former opponent. Turning around I see Agnok walk up to me.

"Come let's talk about your sword." He said and leads me to his smithy.

(Authors note: his sword is obviously going to be a bastard sword. It took me a bit to choose which sword would be best. I wanted a katana but that wouldn't fit and felt weird. Give me ideas for enchantments that could go on the sword. This is also the first fight scene I've ever wrote so let me know how I did or how I can improve. Thanks for reading!)