
Since it's Monday, we have history of magic with Hufflepuff then defense against the dark arts with Gryffindor. History of magic was boring, so I just slept through the entire class. DADA was a mess with Quirrell stuttering the whole time. What's sad is the information he was teaching seemed to be useful, but half of his sentences were inaudible. Even Hermione who's usually very involved in classes didn't raise her hand once for either class. Throughout the day when our paths crossed, I could see Parvati making small glances at Padma, so during dinner, I decided to sit at the Gryffindor table.

"Hello, Parvati how are you?" I said, taking a seat beside her at the Gryffindor table.

"Harry, I don't think you're allowed to sit here." She said.

"No, you only need to sit at your house table during special events like the sorting." I said as Padma and Hermione sat across from us.

"Why are we sitting at the Gryffindor table?" Hermione asked.

"Because Parvati is my friend, and it's not against the rules so why not. Maybe we can eat at the Hufflepuff table tomorrow." I said. The twins looked happy that they could at least eat together.

"Five points from Ravenclaw, for not sitting at your assigned table." Said Snape, as he walked over with a sneer on his face.

"Third page, second paragraph." I said handing him a book on the school rules. After reading the designated page, Snape walks off without even rescinding the five-point deduction.

"What a prat, he can't just take points for no reason like that." Padma said.

"Since he won't fix his mistake, we can just talk to Flitwick about it later. I'm sure he can help, and if he can't we can speak with the McGonagall." I said. After dinner, we went to Professor Flitwick's office to get this straightened out. It seems that heads of houses can't reverse a decision of another, so he said that he'd have to speak to the Deputy Headmistress. Truthfully I could care less about five points, but the twins and Hermione were beyond angry about it.

The next day we have charms with Slytherin, transfiguration with Gryffindor, and potions with Slytherin. Charms was not as boring as I thought it would be, seeing as I've learned it all already. Professor Flitwick is a good teacher with an excitable teaching style. A problem happened about ten minutes into the class though, and that problem's name is Draco Malfoy. It seems my comment about his family made him a bit more brazen than the story. While no one was looking Draco cast a bat bogey hex at me, but before it hit me I leaned out of the way. Everyone turned seeing a bright flash of light from the spell, but no one saw who did it.

"Whoever is casting magic in my class, know that if it happens again there will be a severe punishment!" Flitwick said, as his happy demeanor was replaced with a stern expression. Nothing else of note happened during the class, but based on the glare I was receiving this wasn't the end. Since he wants to be so aggressive, I've decided to plan a nice prank for Draco. After class Flitwick informed us that the five points taken from us was overturned by the headmaster.

When we enter the Transfiguration classroom, McGonagall was in her cat form waiting on her desk. While everyone was talk king their seats, I walked up to her desk and started petting her. She was purring in bliss for about a minute, but when I stopped she scratched my arm and hissed at me. It seems she's embarrassed about being petted by a student. I just return to my seat chuckling along the way. Ron and a kid named Seamus Finnigan were late, so I guess Seamus took my place as Ron's best friend. McGonagall is a good teacher just like Flitwick, but instead of cheerful and excited she's more reserved and strict.

"That marks the end of our first class. There will be no homework, as this is only your first day. Mr. Potter, please stay behind for a moment." McGonagall said as everyone left the class but me.

"Yes, Professor?" I said, walking to the front of the room.

"I've talked to Professor Flitwick about your encounter with Professor Snape. I just want to say that if it happens again to please let us know. Severus didn't have a very good relationship with your father, so he may take that out on you. He's been warned to treat you like any other student, but old grudges are hard to quell, so if anything happens let us know." She said.

"Alright, thanks for the help, Professor." I said.

"No problem, Mr. Potter. Now, off with you to your next class." She said, shooing me away.

The last class of the day, and the one I look forward to the most, potions. How much of an arse can Snape make of himself? When everyone was seated, Snape made a grand entrance with his robes billowing in the wind. The entrance might have been cool if he wasn't a greasy-haired, long-nosed git.

"There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to enjoy the subtle science and exact art that is potion-making. However, for those select few, who possess the predisposition, I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory and even put a stopper in death. Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confidant enough to not...pay...attention." Snape said. He may be a huge git, but the guy knows how to make a good speech.

"Mr. Potter. Our...new...celebrity." Snape said, and I could here Draco laughing in the back of the class. "Tell me, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

"Draught of Living Death, sir" I said, and he looked genuinely surprised that I knew the answer.

"Where, Ms. Patil, would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?" He said, recovering from his shock. Since he can't pick on me, he's decided to target my friends, but we're Ravenclaws so I don't know what his goal is.

"The stomach of a goat, sir." Padma answered. After two consecutive loses, Snape gave up trying to embarrass us, and moved on with the class. When class ended, it was time to start planning my prank on Draco. I wonder if I should recruit the Weasley twins?

(Thanks for reading!)