After waiting a short minute, dumbledore came barreling in with a worried look on his face. When he saw the crispy corpse on the floor, he breathed a sigh of relief. Walking over to my side he gave me a pat on the shoulder.
"Can you tell me what happened, Harry?" Dumbles asked.
"Sure, I had a vision of Quirrell going for the stone, but you weren't here, so I took things into my own hands. On the back of Quirrell's head under his turban was the wraith of Voldemort. He wanted to use the stone to make himself a body or something. Since he was holding the stone when I lit him on fire, I would say the stone is destroyed. You may want to contact your friend Nicholas and his wife, as they won't have much longer to live." I said.
"You don't have to worry about them. They have grown tired of living, and want to move on to the next great adventure. That's the reason they gave me the stone in the first place. Do you think they can't protect it? Many have tried to steal from them, and none were ever heard from again. I was planning to destroy the stone after baiting Tom, but no plan is foolproof." Dumbles said.
"That's good, I've seen pictures of them, and they look like walking mummies. It can't be comfortable living like that. Although they have magic to ease their lives, it can't be easy on them. Why did you leave school in the first place?" I asked.
"Yes, they have to use magic for most tasks nowadays. It will be sad seeing them go, but we just have to remember that they have lived far longer than most. No matter how long someone lives we all have our time to go. This is just their time. As for the reason I left, a meeting was called in the Wizengamot." Dumbles said.
"Who called the meeting?" I asked.
"Lucius Malfoy." He said.
"Do you think it's a coincidence that a former death eater calls a meeting, and Voldemort makes his move on the same day." I said expressing my suspicions.
"I was thinking the same." Dumbles said.
"Well, it's late and I'm tired from all the fighting, so if it's fine with you I'm going to sleep." I said, as I climbed to my feet.
"Yes, but I'm afraid you'll be sleeping in the infirmary. Madam Pomfrey would go mad if you don't get a check-up after fighting a dark lord." Dumbles said.
"That's fine, as long as there's a bed where I'm going I'll have no complaints." I said, and we made our way to the infirmary. I tucked myself into one of the beds and passed out, as Dumbles went to get Madam Pomfrey.
Next afternoon
I awoke to a room filled with cards and candies. I guess the school found out what happened, but I doubt they know it was Voldemort. What's probably spreading is that I defeated Quirrell, as he tried to steal the stone. That's fine though, I doubt it would be believable that I defeated the ghost of Voldemort. Dumbledore enters the room with Madam Pomfrey trailing behind.
"Good afternoon, Harry. I see you have tokens from your admirers?" Dumbles said.
"Yeah, I take it everyone knows what happened?" I asked, and Dumbledore nodded. "Do they know everything, or just about Quirrell?" I asked.
"Just Quirrell. I'm afraid people aren't ready for the whole story just yet." Dumbles said. As we were talking the door slammed open, and three girls rushed in with worried faces. These girls are obviously Parvati, Padma, and Hermione.
"Harry are you alright!?" They all asked at the same time.
"Did I not say to wait out in the hall? Get back out there, and once the Headmaster is done I'll call you in." Madam Pomfrey said with a stern look.
"It's alright, Poppy. Harry and I are done with our chat." Dumbles said, as he makes his way to the door stealing some of my candy on the way out.
"Harry, we heard that you fought Quirrell. Is it true that he was faking his stutter the whole time?" Padma asked.
"Yeah, he has no stutter what so ever. When I found him trying to steal the stone, he didn't even bother faking anymore." I said.
"Wow, I always wondered why he felt so weird, but now we know why." Hermione said.
After answering some questions, I was discharged from Madam Pomfrey's loving care. The rest of the year moved by quickly, and Ravenclaw easily won the house cup. We all loaded up onto the Hogwarts express and enjoyed the ride home. Once we made it to the station, I met the girl's parents. For some reason, their fathers were giving me the stink eye. I guess when your a father any man around your daughter is a potential enemy. When I made it back to my apartment I was met with an anxious dhampir.
"What's wrong, Damon?" I asked.
"You said I have to wait until you get back from school to get justice for my mother. So can I go now, or what?" Damon asked.
"Yes, you can leave but make sure you pack everything you'll need. Before you leave come speak to me, and I'll give you some money." I said, and Damon rushes towards his room. Since it's time to take over the Kreiger sect, I'm going to start mobilizing my elves.
"Mimsy!" I called.
"Yes, Master Harry?" Mimsy appeared.
"Put together twenty teams with four elves each, for the fight against the vampire sect. After that have one team follow Damon, and have the rest hide in the surroundings of the Kreiger sect fortress." I commanded.
"Yes, sir." She said, as she popped away.
When Damon left The apartment, I just sat at home and waited. There's no reason for me to trail him when I can just have my elves apparate me to him, so I'll just relax until he gets to the fortress. A day later I put on my cloak of invisibility, and my elves popped me near Damon. He stood outside the giant gates of the mountain fort.
"Who goes there!?" A guard yelled from atop the high walls.
"I'm Damon Kreiger and I've come to challenge my half brother Kieran to a duel to the death, for the murder of my mother!"
(Thanks for reading!)