Chapter 00: Unknown World and Encounter with a Diva

"A gray floor, ash-grey sky, a horizon that seems limitless, and myself." I mutter to myself my description of the place I end up without knowing how.

"Hello…" A girl's monotone voice resounded behind that astonished me. Strangely enough, her voice sounds artificial like a machine. I braced myself and looked at the speaker. When I did look backwards, what I see is a girl.

Her long and messy grey hair was tied in pigtails, it was long it had reached her knees. Her skin is pale white, while her eyes differ in color. The girl's right eye's color is turquoise and her left eye's color is pink. She is wearing a long-sleeved blouse that is colored white above, but the lower part is dyed gray. Her dress extends to her thighs. Around her neck is a tied red bow and there is a black harness on her upper body.

"So cute…" In an unknown place where I arrived under circumstances beyond my understanding, I instinctively appreciated the lovely girl in front of me that I met for the first time.

"Thank you." The girl responded to my what I have said.

Before I was aware, I already closed the distance between myself and the lovely girl, then, I grab her two hands raised them on the same level as our chests and clasped them together.

"I'm Rokuro Enmado. May I know who you are?" My heart is beating so fast as my thoughts narrow down with a single thought and that is to know more about this girl in front of me. The cold temperature I felt in her hands didn't bother me. I just want to know more about this girl.

A melancholic atmosphere revolves around her, but she gives a mellow impression. Her expressions that look indifferent is so adorable, and that will only increase the impact of her emotions she will express due to the gap. She also gives an impression of innocence and ignorance that makes you want to protect her at all cost.

"I'm…Miku Hatsune…" The lovely girl answered to my inquiry.

"Miku Hatsune…a lovely name. It is my pleasure to meet you, Ms. Hatsune." (Rokuro)

"Um…I'm here to explain why are you here." (Miku)

Did the actions I made her uncomfortable? I released my hold on her hands and sat in seiza. "I'm listening, please proceed to your explanation."

For now, I will hold myself back as I intend to take my time in learning more about Miku. It seems like what she will explain to me is something important that I must know.

Miku sat down mimicking that way I am seated. So cute.

"In your previous life, you have entered an agreement with the world. The agreement is that you will perform missions assigned to you, and you will receive rewards for completion. You have reincarnated under the condition that your memories of your previous life are removed, in exchange, you will gain the privilege to obtain abilities in this life." (Miku)

"I want to ask what your role is, Ms. Hatsune." (Rokuro)

"I'm designated as personnel that will permanently accompany you. Now that you have reached eight years of age, I was allowed to communicate with you." (Miku)

Excellent. I'm glad that Ms. Hatsune is not a messenger that will go back where she came from after telling me her explanation. This spared me of the process of investigating her origins in order to find her.

"That is all I have to explain. Do you have any questions, Rokuro?" (Miku)

She called me by my given name. So cute. "I have none."

"Let's proceed." A rectangular hologram flashes in front of Ms. Hatsune.

Driven by my curiosity, I started reading what's written on the hologram.

[Name: Rokuro Enmado

Occupation: Exorcist, Necromancer

Race: Human

Status: Healthy

Occupational Skills:

Exorcist: Void-Rendering Magic Bullet Enhancement -, Psalm 69:20 F

Necromancer: ??? EX, Corpse Restoration EX, Life-Drain EX, Mausoleum EX, Preservation Coffins EX, Soul Subordination EX, Reanimation EX

Personal Skills:

Charisma of Wicked Wisdom EX, Conspiracy Creation EX, End of the Spider Thread EX, Golden Rule EX, Intuition EX, ??? EX, ??? EX, Unified Language EX]

"This are…my abilities? I recognize the Exorcist one. Are the rest of these abilities are previously owned by myself of my past life?" (Rokuro)

Miku nods her head once in affirmation to Rokuro's guess. "Occupational skill came from obtaining an occupation and mastering it, while Personal skill is naturally obtained. The two differ on their mode of acquisition and way of improvement. Earlier I mentioned that you will get to choose abilities. You can choose three Occupations, three Personal Skills at EX Rank, and 2 Complete Abilities Sets of a Heroic Spirit of your choice at EX Ranks with this terminal here. Some of the abilities that you might choose will synchronize with the abilities that you already possess. The world will assist you in the merge of your abilities."

I touched the hologram and started fiddling with it. "This hologram is called terminal, huh. The sensation while using this feels like something I have read in a sci-fi manga."

After a fiddling and experimenting, I learned how to use the terminal. I could have just asked Miku for help, but I will be able to learn it much better if I explore it myself.

[Selected Occupations: Curse Sorcerer, Guide, Martial Artist,]

[Selected Personal Skills: Clairvoyance EX, Future Calculation EX, Future Prediction EX, Retrocognition EX]

[Selected Heroic Spirits: Karl der Große, Senji Muramasa]

"Once the abilities have started to ingrain themselves, you will lose your consciousness and automatically deport you from this world. Are you ready?" (Miku)

"Last question. What is this place? How can I return here? And will you be still here if I go back to this place?" (Rokuro)

"This world was created by your feelings and I will be always here, waiting for you. For now, you can only enter this world in your sleep." (Miku)

"See you later." (Rokuro)

"Yes." (Miku)

Still, I wonder how valuable my memories that I was able to get abilities like one that enables me to predict the future. Some names in Personal Skills also gives off a mastermind impression of sorts. Perhaps I did a lot of things in my past life. I have the feeling that it will give me headache if I were to remember my past life so I won't bother doing it. As they say, ignorance is bliss.