The start of a journey

He continued running for a few more minutes until he was met with a stream. This was a good sign because he was very thirsty due to all the running he had done. He then proceeded to follow the river upstream. While he was walking he never let his guard down listening to every little sound making sure he was in no danger of something following him. Because of his years of experience, he had keen hearing and vision as well as silent footsteps. After walking for a few miles he could hear something in the distance, it sounded like rushing water. After more concentrated listening he recognized it as a waterfall. He quickened his pace in order to see what was waiting for him up ahead. Of course, he was right and it was a beautiful waterfall that was as high as he had ever seen. He allowed himself a little smile and genuine happiness. He wanted to strip and go swimming but he knew he didn't have time because it was early in the morning and he has not slept at all and was very hungry. He decided he would look around and try to find something; to his amazement, he found a decent size cave and decided it was the best place he was ever going to find. He gathered sticks, rocks, and grass so that he would have materials to build something when he eventually needed to. After this exertion, he was extremely tired and weak so he laid down in the cave and went to sleep forgetting that he wasn't exactly safe. Luckily, he woke up unscathed in the morning of the next day. Having been sleeping for a full day he felt much better except for the fact that he needed to eat. So, he got up, grabbed the pointest rock, a straight stick , and some grass he could use to make rope and proceeded to make a spear. Recognizing the spear wasn't going to get much better, he accepted it was good enough. He knew hunting was difficult and could take many days but he was just hunting for himself and only needed small prey. Even so, this still posed as a challenge he thought he might never overcome and on top of that his spear threatened to fall apart many times, it luckily didn't. After longer than he would have liked he finally his a squirrel and celebrated his victory by giving himself a little chuckle. After he was properly amused he went to retrieve the squirrel. He grabbed his spear, took the squirrel off it and found his way back to his cave. He couldn't just eat the animal raw, he needed to make a fire, a feat that was much easier to accomplish. When the fire was nice and warm he put his catch on a stick and began roasting it. By this time it was getting dark and he needed to find something better than the solid ground to sleep on. He found a corner in the cave and packed some sticks with grass on the top to make a decent bed; it wasn't as luxurious as the one at home but he couldn't get that one could he. As he was sitting by the fire he started thinking about how lucky he really was. I mean, he was alive and as safe as he ever was. It's more than he could say about everyone else. As far as he knew they were all dead. The last thing he could remember seeing in that village was a man about to kill his mother before dropping her and chasing him. He remembered everything his mother and father taught him and everything they had done together. He didn't want to let himself believe his parents were dead, the two people who gave him everything he had, dead. His father was the strongest in the village and his mother was the kindest person you would ever meet. He started thinking about how he didn't deserve this, none of them deserved this to happen to them. Everything they had worked so hard for, gone in an instant never to be gazed upon again. All the parties they had, everyone so happy, nobody ever being mean to one another. All just living their life caring for one another, making sure everybody was happy and the children having a bright future to look towards. Thinking about all of this made him very angry and he wanted vengeance, but he kept hearing his mother's voice in his head telling him to forgive the people that wronged him and they would eventually help him if he was in need of assistance. This calmed him down but it didn't extinguish the fire that was burning inside him. He made a vow to himself that night, that he would avenge his village and Fight off every person that attacked them. But to do that he had no choice but to go back to his village.