The Trip back

That night he had a dream about a strange man, he seemed to be in a robe and was wearing a hat. He could not see his face, only the clothing covering the rest of its body. He thought he heard the man telling him something, just barely able to make out the words, he thought it told him to go outside and look to the sky. This made Merlin wake covered in a sheet of sweat and full of adrenaline, for what reason he knew not. Quickly he got up and ran outside of the cave and followed the instruction to look to the sky. In doing this his gaze was brought to the top of the rushing water where he saw a figure shaped like a man. Just as quickly as he saw it, it disappeared. At this moment he was very confused but also very tired so he shrugged it off making himself believe it was an animal and went to sleep. By the next morning, everything that had happened the night before was very fuzzy to him and he couldn't remember anything. Remembering what he had discussed the night before he forgot about it and proceeded to continue his plans, but he could not go unarmed or with a half-broken spear. He knew whoever attacked his village knew how to fight and weren't new to combat. He had to build something to be able to do sufficient damage to the attackers, but first, he needed more supplies. So, he went out and gathered more sticks, rocks, grass, and any food he could find. When he got back to camp he thought about what he would use and eventually decided on a long-ranged weapon which would be good for attacking and giving enough range to stay out of danger. To do this he needed to think of something that could accurately shoot projectiles very fast. After extensive brainstorming, he came up with what we call a bow. Prior to this adventure, the only weapons he knew were spears and knives, so this was very impressive. Merlin then began building what he had come up with by stringing a self-made rope with a bent stick. And created arrows by gathering straight sticks and sharpening them at one side. He did this a couple of times making a bunch of arrows. After all this work it was sundown, so Merlin prepared everything for the morning with some fruits because he didn't know how long it was going to take him to get back. He went to sleep and woke up the next morning with the only interruption being a few howling wolves. He gathered all of his stuff and headed out. Not knowing what he might come across he kept an arrow drawn hoping his aim was good enough. He had practiced a little the day before to get used to the new weapon. He was walking normally after gaining confidence when nothing attacked him, however, he still had the arrow and was alert. After walking a good bit from his camp he began hearing crunching noises as if something was following him. The steps were soft and quiet but Merlin's ears were extraordinary and never missed a sound he was listening for. Off in the distance, he spotted a deer. He wanted to get this deer but he knew he shouldn't because he was heading to the burned village and it would just be a waste of meat. But, at the same time, he was thinking about this, the decision was already made by the pack of wolves sneaking close by him. They bolted straight for the deer, ignoring Merlin completely. He had no idea why and didn't really want to, but he just ducked and watched the wolves chase the deer around him until they eventually got it. After it was confirmed dead the wolves tore it to pieces eating every bite they could, they looked very hungry. But the strangest thing happened, as the deer was almost eaten to the bone, the wolves stopped eating it and walked off. The leader, or what looked like the leader, stood tall and faced directly to Merlin, it was almost like the wolf was telling him to come and eat. This occurred for no more than a few seconds, but it seemed like an eternity to Merlin. The wolves then walked away and Merlin got up and headed for the deer, to see if he could get some of it. He gathered what he could, the meat along with some bones, and got back on track to get to the village.