Hiroshi In The Hospital

Doctor: what happened to him?!!

Ena: he just passed out

Doctor: are you hurt to ?

Ena: no.....

Doctor: don't I remember you from somewhere?

Ena: this is my first time in Japan

Doctor: oh are you related to the patient?

Ena: no just saw him on the street ( check phone using Hiroshi phone ) oh it already this late

Doctor: can you stay here till he wakes up...

Ena: sorry I can't

Doctor: why if you don't mind me asking

Ena: I don't like the smell of hospitals.....

Doctor: how old are you Ena?

Ena:( this Doctor is super nosy ) I'm 15 can you stop asking question when I'm trying to leave ( walks away )

Doctor: teenagers are so scary but I know her from somewhere...

Doctor Saya: ( from chapter 15 ) hi what are you think about?

Doctor: do you remember someone name Ena?

Doctor Saya: Ena?

Doctor: Ena and Hiroshi

Doctor Saya: girl that fight over that girl

Doctor: she said that she didn't know him...