Osaka Accent

Doctor Saya: Sir!! Are you awake ?

Hiroshi: Why am I here? Where Ena ? Where that girl that brought me here?

Doctor Saya: She not here no more a doctor saw her leave this morning it the afternoon sir sorry I wasn't here when she left I could of stop her from leaving because she suppose to be here.....

Hiroshi: How do you know Ena?

Doctor Saya: cuz y'all are still paying for her room.....

Hiroshi: you are not from here are you.....

Doctor Saya: no I'm from Osaka why you ask?

Hiroshi:( me and Ena is born in Osaka ) did she have an *Osaka accent*?

< in Japan different place have different accent I have a Osaka accent because my grandma was born in Osaka >

Doctor Saya: let me get the other doctor I was not here when Ena left....

~Moment Later~

Doctor Saya: did she sound or used Osaka accent....

Doctor: yah I think she did so sound scary though....