Going To Are Hometown "Osaka" Part 1

Hiroshi:( she might when back to Osaka because she never wanted to leave Osaka and came to Tokyo after that fight ) Hey can you give me your phone for a minute?

Doctor Saya: Yah sure thank god I had it on me ( pull out her phone and give it to Hiroshi ) ( doctors and nurses don't carry their phone but she had it because she just got their )

Hiroshi: Pick up the phone Atsushi.....

Atsushi: who calling me? ( pick up the phone ) hello?

Hiroshi: I think I know where Ena at?

Atsushi: hurry and tell me....

Hiroshi: Osaka she in Osaka because before she left to move to the states me and her got into a fight she think it tell 2015 that me she is waiting for me so she will confess her feelings for me.

Atsushi: Don't tell me your in love with Ena how about Chizu?

Hiroshi: I only said that because I don't want you to go out with Chizu but I'm am bi but for Ena I will not care for anyone else but her. But you can't have Chizu because he too out of your reach.

Atsushi: Just hurry up and go to Ena unlike you I will give you my bestfriend for her happiness.

Hiroshi: Chizu will never be happy with you so that why I'm not giving him to you... Damn it you making me mad I going to hang up on you.

Atsushi: wait don't....

Chizu: Wait going on?

Atsushi: untie him!! and give him some clothes.. your no use no more.

Chizu: what does that mean?

Atsushi: Hiroshi is going to Osaka to get Ena his "first love" so their no use to keep you tied you..

Chizu: so Hiroshi told you....

Atsushi: wait you know about this....

Chizu: about Ena going was confessing but Hiroshi never came because he didn't get the letter and even if he did couldn't go out with her because he was 18 and she was 15 she was a freshman will he was about to go to college.

Atsushi: you know everything at this point.

Chizu: oh yah come here ( Chizu punch the hell out of Atsushi )

Atsushi: I was going to say why you do that but I know why you did that ( He got down on the follow) I know that it will take more for you to accept my apology but please for give me!!

Chizu: I'm not going to accept that lame ass apology the fuck is wrong with you think just because you apologize that I'm going to accept that shit give me some clothes..

Atsushi: give him some clothes!!!

Kidnapper: theirs only girls clothes..

Atsushi: girl clothes ( though of Chizu in girl clothes is amazing )

Chizu: stop think of me like that give me your clothes now!!!

Author Note: Thank you for the people who follow me one Instagram @LadyBlasian as y'all know I been gone for sometime but I put thing on my story last week I posted about who you wanted to be the seme and who you wanted uke so 79% wanted Chizu to be the seme and the other 21% wanted he to be the Uke so let the fact speak for it self the winner is to be the Seme is Chizu and the Uke is Atsushi thank for y'all answer and have a nice charismas or Hanukkah.