What happened with Consort Kin? II

Yanfou people were man of their words. It was something that the little princess of Yan believed.

She had promised the position of Empress Zhu Zhi, in return, to the protection and help for Jin Mu during the Imperial meetings.

Empress Zhu Zhi might have reputation and rights even less than a low ranked beauty in the Imperial harem,still, she was the empress of the harem. She was the only one who could be considered loyal woman in a long term and the one who was most familiar with the harem laws.

For this, Ling Siyue had already done her research or investigation. If she wanted Zhu Zhi to get the deserved reputation and position, then, she had to kick out the woman who was in her place. It was Kin Fie.

Surprisingly, Kin Fie was her supposed mother in law. She did not know if it was a mere coincidence or her luck that she could hit two birds with one stone.

She got to know the common nature of the emperor of Binhai. His likes and dislikes all were all collected by the dark guard whom she had trained personally.

..... I will tell his likes and dislikes in ahead chapters but now let's know only one dislike which our YueYue will use .....

One thing that Emperor Jing hated was when his consort meddle with state affairs. He had made sure that the no news related to outer court or country would go inside the inner court without his announcement.

Emperor Jing knew that if that happened then the beauties sent by various factions in his harem who had his favour would try to manipulate his decisions, benefiting a certain faction.

He knew about all the tricks which were played behind the back in Imperial harem as he had lived with his mother in the Imperial harem of the late emperor. Now, watching these schemes, he felt funny and enjoyed them. But he made sure that this enjoyment would not affect the state affairs.

Smart, isn't he?

Wait!!! Now we look at it...

Emperor Jing had told his son to enjoy the scenes during the Tea ceremony. He surly liked to see women get jealous and do stupid things.

Oh my !

Ling Siyue prepared the bath for Kin Fie and called her.

Kin Fie had doubts. She stared at the innocent looking face before removing her clothes and sitting in the bath tub.

' I have to say.. My dear mother in law really has a good body ... that's why she has been able to hold emperor's favour.... ', Ling Siyue could not help but the praise the curvy body which Kin Fie had.

She told Kim Fie to keep quiet and relax as she held his hair in her hands. She was stroking them gently.

Ling Siyue began her real 'bath giving'.

" Madam, if you don't mind.. can I ask you something? ", she looked at Kin Fie from side.

Kin Fie was so relaxed that she had let her guards down instantly. ( That's why, don't trust woman with your secrets.)