What Happened With The Consort Kin? III

''Hm~ Ask.'', she had been very relaxed that she had forgotten all her doubts.

Ling Siyue smiled. "Madam, I have heard that your son, the great prince was actually able to take down the Yan Kingdom very easily. ", she hardened her heart.

" Hm~"

" He is so great that the other generals had to rely on him in this battle. ", Siyue filled admiration in the sentence's tone.

" Of course. He will be excellent after all whose done he is. Mine." , the woman in the bath tub was taken over by the love for her son.

' People say,' Love can do anyone blind.' This is correct after watching you, dear mother in law. ', Ling Siyue smirked as she noticed Kin Fie.

" That's right. Madam is excellent that's why her son is excellent, but... ", Ling Siyue started to sound dejected and helpless in that "but".

" But, what? Little girl complete your words or else.... ", Kin Fie started to get angry.

" No... no.. madam... this little one is speaking, please hold your anger. " , Ling Siyue sounded scared.

" You see the generals who had taken part in this quest were able to get there hands on national treasures and many positions. They were even given Yan people who tried to revolt against colonisation as a slave. But, your highness was only given a consort.", she sighed as she continued, " Consort who is actually a Yan. He is your only son. His marriage decision shall also include your as well as people's acceptance. He is supposed to be the next emperor, people shall favour him but by making this move, your highness, the emperor has actually reduced the favour of people for the second prince. "

Kin Fie could not help but fell into deep thought. Ling Siyue had actually pressed her aching nerve. That's right. When the emperor had announced that her son would take the Yan Princess as his Princess Consort, she was very upset.

She had tried to persuade the emperor but nothing happened. She had even tried to assassinate her but in the return the emperor had given her strict warning. ' This girl has actually told the truth. First, I was only thinking about his future consort but now when this girl pointed towards the countrymen's opinion, it has made think more. I have to so something. I have worked so hard to reach this position and make my son favoured, I can not loose just because a princess of a defeated country. I have to do something.'

Kin Fie looked at the tiny girl. She ghastly hid the intentions in her eyes. She returned to the topic of bath. ' First let's kick this girl out. ', Kin Fie thought.

Ling Siyue brought the bronze mirror. Kin Fie looked at her reflection and was amazed that she looked so thin ans more attractive.

" Well done. Come again after a few days. Take my token. No one will stop you if you get caught and here is your reward . ", Kin Fie gave Ling Site a token with a pouch with silver ingots.

Ling Siyue did not cared if it was silver or gold ingots. Her main task was done. Now only the emperor had to show his appearance. She bowed and left.

As she sat on a tree branch, she asked herself, " Shall I wait for the emperor to see the show or else leave the place. Let's wait for some time. "

After some time, the emperor Jing came. He was exhausted as now he had to monitor Yan for the time being. The Forbidden City was now completely in their control but they were still not able to find some artifacts, weapons and texts hidden in it.

Ling Siyue had to be more careful as there were many hidden guards protecting that Emperor Jing. She had to use various secret tactics which she had gotten her hands on when she was in the Forbidden City.

She blend to night's darkness as she increased her hearing power. She could not see due to the hidden but could hear. There was no lose in the end.

" Your highness, I am angry. ", Kin Fie's voice was so sweet that she wanted to puke blood.

' Is it really the same woman who I have talked to some time ago? ', Ling Siyue could not help but ask.

" Who has made you angry? ", the emperor was really exhausted. ' Looks like I have hit on the correct time.', Ling Siyue thought.

" You! Who has more power to make me angry other than you ?", Kin Fie began to pout.

" What have I done which not to your liking?", emperor Jing raised an eyebrow.

" You don't want Jing Qin to ascend the throne that's why you have made a fallen princess his consort.", Kin Fie directly came to the point as she has noticed that if she said it in round manner than already irritated emperor would get more irritated then she had to face his furry.

But the love for her son actually made her to forget that the emperor had actually not made Jing Qing , the crown prince. Her words also inflicted something, did not know what to make the emperor rage.

" I want you to remove that woman and make Kin Jing Hua, my dear niece the new consort and announce Jing Qin asked the emperor."

" Shut up!"