Meeting a mystery man

Ling Siyue bought a paper oil umbrella as it was raining. She passed the streets and was standing on a bridge near the ridge, gazing at the fishes playing happily in the clear water.

Suddenly she turned to return to the second prince mansion and bumped into someone. She lost her balance and was about to fall backwards but the pain never came.

A hand had caught her waist and pulled her, preventing her to fall. The man with red hair and a mask could be seen holding a pretty young lady with a veil. It was a perfect combination.

It was drizzling but the winds were heavy, causing the paper oil umbrella in the hands of Ling Siyue to fall into the river. Loosing the umbrella, Siyue opened her eyes. Her gaze met an intense gaze of the man.

They both stared at each other. Suddenly realisation struck of their intimate position in the public. Both of them moved backwards and formed a distance between themselves.

Seeing the awkward atmosphere, the man coughed and spoke, " Young miss is new here? ", his voice was husky, that could make anyone impregnate. Over all this man has a mysterious aura given that of the mask.

" Ah.. huh..... Why does this sir think so? ", Ling Siyue was caught of guard. As there was no chance if getting into any trouble like assissination here in this outfit, Ling Siyue had reduced the level of her Qing Gong.

" You see, I have never seen anyone like you here in past time. ", he moved forward a step.

Seeing him move closer to her, she stepped a little farther. She did not care about the words of this man but the behaviour in the public was important thing. She would come and go often in the public, so there was no way, she would let her reputation be destroyed earlier.

The man snickered. " Young miss, you are really daring. " . It confused Ling Siyue.

How was she daring? Was this man a rogue?

The confused look in the girl's eyes, amused the man. His gaze moved to her clothes from the eyes. Ling Suite followed his gaze.

Her clothes had started to get wet in the drizzle. As her umbrella had fallen, she was exposed to the drizzle.

She hurriedly hugged her body. She did not want anyone to see anything through those wet clothes. Her ears turned red of embarrassment.

At this time, the man moved ahead with an umbrella in his hand. He stood there like a painting. He handed over the umbrella to Ling Siyue. " Young miss, you are very interesting. I hope to meet you again. ", he whispered into her ear.

He passed Ling Siyue without looking back and disappeared from the sight. Ling Siyue's gaze followed his back until he had disappeared. This mystery man had dared to show his interest in her so openly.

But she was thankful to him as he saved her from falling and even have his own umbrella. As for meeting again. That would surely happen as she had to return this umbrella to the mystery man.