Collecting Information

Ling Siyue was currently sitting in a famous open window tea pavilion and eavesdropping on some conservations.

" Do you know that Kim Jing Hua, the white beauty of the capital was framed by that butch princess of Yanfou and kicked out of the hall ?", a man sitting on the next table spoke to the people sitting next to him.

" Yeah, I have also heard about it. It has caused a great rumour. Really, miss Kim is pitiful. "

" As expected from that Yanfou, really scheming is in their blood. "

" According to me, every woman us scheming. Moreover we don't know if it is the complete truth. ", one of them spoke as he sipped his tea.

" You said correct. Every woman is scheming. Only to fulfill desire of a man.", the man laughed.

" It is 100% correct. Woman is just a tool to fulfill a man's desire..... Hey, look over there. The beauty in veil.", the man was laughing as his eyes fell on Ling Siyue. He pointed towards her, while lowering his voice.

His friends stole a glance at Ling Site and made sure that they would not be seen doing this act. But there deeds could not be hidden much from the vigilant Siyue.

" All men are a big piece of sh*t. Really scums don't see country. ", Ling Siyue cursed under her breadth.

She hurriedly finished the tea and left the place. She did not want to attract much trouble. Initially those spies from the factions had tried to follow her but she had tricked them into following someone else, with the help of her dark guard.

As expected those people had tried to follow her, but lost sight of her in the crowd. They tried to find her but could not so dropped their ideas to next time and departed from the place.

Ling Suite was strolling around the streets. Everywhere, there was only talks about her and Kim Jing Hua. Really, news spread fast. No.. No.. it is that rumors spread fast. She knew that it would be spread that emperor chased Kim Jing Hua away as there were many palace maids around.

Those palace maids would gossip among themselves. Some would sent the information to the powers directly or tell the certain concubine or consort and transmit the information to them indirectly. Soon those talk would reach the ears of common servants and other people as those who were jealous of White Beauty of Imperial City would gloat and mock. Like this spread in the whole city. But before this news could spread by this way, Kim family molded it and had spread it vigorously and gain the sympathy. Truly manipulating.

" It was a waste... ", her words were cut as some words caught her attention.

"Our young miss has actually gotten the golden ticket to take part in the admission contest for the Imperial Academy. ", A maid huffed.

They were currently in a clothing shop. It was quite good for the common stitch prefers like lowly maids. To show the superiority to others, the maid told about his young miss.

" So what... ever our family's two young masters and miss has gotten the golden ticket. Why are you being so proud.. huff. ", another stood up.

The rest were trying to concotways to form a familial relation to know more and get close. As for Long Siyue just had to see the piece of cloth in her hands and listen to the conservation of the people.

" My young miss has been selected in the medicine sector, she can even get the chance to be the disciple of the great elder. ", the first maid spoke. How could she loose to anyone just like that? She had a face in front of other maids, and had to increase the superiority of the master, so that I'd she would go out, people would recognise her and praise her without telling them to do.

" Ah.... I heard that the great elder will take in a disciple."

" Yeah.... yeah... "

" If someone will become his disciple, she or he will be little sister of the second prince!!", one of the maid exclaimed.

" How lucky! Getting to know the second prince. "

Others started to sing praises of the maid and her master. She also stood proud and looked down on the other one who had tried to steal her lime light. She snorted in disdain.

The other maid was angry. She wanted to rebuke and found the words.

" So what... my master has got the ticket to the literature and history, he can get the chance to enter the Academy's Holy Library where even the second prince could not go. "

Hearing this piece of information, everyone started to look up to her, and forget the previous one. She had become their new idol.

The maid laughed and smirked as she was successful to steal the limelight. Moreover, when somebody else is enjoying the power, standing on the top, then falls and their top is taken by their rival, the feeling could not be explained. It would brought you immense pleasure and displusre.

Ling Siyueremembered the talk between the emperor and the second prince. Now this, reminder. She had decided to enter the Imperial Academy.

She left the cloth shop buying a piece of satin shawl. She wrapped her up and left. She bought an umbrella as it had started to drizzleand the temperature turned cool.

Here she had got such information, and there the rain started to pour heavily. May be this was sign that her decision to enter the Academy would effect her life tremendously. Moreover, it was said that there was something in the library to which no one could find. Let's see it, then.