
On a hospItal, in one of the many rooms we meet a young man around the age of 19. His appearance is nothing short of otherworldly. Combined with his cold exterior and weak body he looks as if carved of ice. He is looking outside his window with a slightly cold and envious expression with his gaze finding many families happily going about their business. A slight trace of longing can be seen in his eyes as he sees the families. He thinks to himself what he would give to have a family like that, supporting each other and sharing the pains and joys of their lives with each other. Only if his family was like that too.

The young man name was Daniel Johnson and for most of his life he has spent it inside the hospital. When he was young he was a very active boy however when he reached 8 years of age he suddenly started suffering from random bouts of pain. Doctors have been unable to find the cause of these pain attacks but that have been able to determine that he will probably die in one of these attacks and that too soon. These bouts of pain are accompanied with a weak body and are one of the reasons that he was not able to experience the world like a normal child.

Till the age of 8 he grew in a loving and rich family but it all changed due to these bouts of pain. At first his parents were very supportive and made sure to take care of him and also that he would not feel left out. But that all changed in due time. They still payed for his hospital and still visited him occasionally but it seems like a gulf has been formed between them. When the news got out that he would likely die in one the bouts of pain and that too soon they started distancing themselves from him. It was not sudden and took place in some amount of time but seemed like it was out of blue. One day he had loving parents, the next the only parent like thing his parents were doing was paying for the hospital bills. Due to this Daniel soon started to adopt a cold facade. He did not want to be hurt like that again. The physical pain was bearable but the emotional pain he felt was unbearable.

But it's not like he can't understand their point of view. He was soon going to die. That was the undisputed truth. It was better to distance yourself from him or you are very likely to suffer the emotional pain of having someone you care about dying. As much as he would like to say that he would be different, it was very likely that he would take the same route of distancing himself from the other person.

Due to suffering from near constant pain he was able to mature much faster than other children and it was because of this maturity that he was able to forgive his parents but that does not mean he isn't envious of others that are in similar conditions but still have loving and caring families. He had many times in the past thought how it would be like to have a family like that. But no point in thinking like that, his family was not one of these and that is the undeniable truth. At least he was able to keep a clear conscious that his siblings would be loved unlike he was. After all his parent were not inherently bad but just weak enough that they were not willing to suffer through the pain of someone they care about dying just like that.

The gradual distancing done had done more than elevating Daniels maturity. It has also elevated his disease to another degree such that while normally he could have lived to his twenties but now he was barely able to make up to his nineteenth birthday. That's right, today was Daniels birthday but he has no one to celebrate with. His parents were out of question but even in the hospital filled with dying people not many were there that he could call friends. This was due to his cold facade that people find it hard to become closer to him. But he was fine with that. This loneliness was bearable. Pain of essentially losing his parent was not. Thus he was unwilling to let anyone in lest they betray him again.

But that doesn't mean that there was no one who cared about him. In fact there were many nurses that cared for him since they had essentially watched him grow from a bright and hopeful boy to the slightly cold and aloof young adult. And it was one of these nurses that had brought him a cake to cut.

"Daniel come on, today is your birthday. You could give this big sister at least one smile." The nurse said to Daniel.

"Alright sister Ana. But just for you" Daniel helplessly smiled and replied. Even if he was a cold person, a smile was the least he could do for someone who went out of their way to bring you a cake for your birthday.

"That's right now keep that smile and cut the cake and make your wish."Sister Ana demanded.

"Alright. My wish is——————Argh..." Just before he could make the wish he was suddenly assaulted with a pain like no other and could only helplessly think about his bad luck.

'It looks like I won't be able to live past this one. I could only hope that whatever deity controls life and death and reincarnation would be more merciful toward me in my next life.'

With that thought in his mind he passed out already accepting that this would be it for him. After all he was prepared to die when he could die at any moment. His only regret was that he was unable to experience life like others could.