Chapter 1 - Meeting God

Daniel opens his eyes and finds himself in a dark void. As far as the eye can see there is only the void and nothing in it except him. The last thing he remembers was passing out from pain in another one of his bouts of pain.

'Huh? So I am very likely dead. I wish I can say that I am surprised but that would be a lie. After all I have always known that I was going to die soon. My only regret is that I was not able to experience life as a normal human being.' Daniel thought.

'But where am I? Is this afterlife. If that's so than it is a very boring afterlife. Just floating around in a very big and dark void feels too boring.'

"Yes if that was afterlife than it would be quite boring. Thankfully it is not the afterlife." Suddenly a voice speaks out in the void.

Daniel was quite surprised hearing the voice. The voice sounded old yet young at the same time. When he turned towards the voice he saw a being of pure energy. When he saw the being he wondered how he missed him when he first checked around. Nobody who saw this being would ever forget it, that was the vibe that he was getting from the being. The being seemed to occupy all the space yet no space at the same time. And power. The being radiated power like no other, such unbelievable power. Daniel was surprised for some time and did not care about any other thing. Then he got his bearing back and was surprised yet another time due to finally realizing the being had answered to his thoughts.

'What is this being? How is it reading my mind. Could it be a god?' Daniel thought.

"You are right in assuming that I am god but I am one only in the loosest sense of the word due to being a being of unbelievably immense power. And yes I can read you mind. You are currently only a soul and also lack training required to keep your thoughts to yourself. No worries, it is only a matter of time before you learn how to due to your powerful soul." The God replied.

'Where am I? Why am I here? And what do you mean by powerful soul.' Daniel thought to himself hoping God would hear these question and answers them.

"You are currently in my domain in space between dimensions and you are here because I have a deal for you. As for what I mean by powerful soul, it is exactly as it sounds. All beings and things have a little something called essence. In living beings the essence manifests as the soul. Your soul is a particularly strong one. Normally the stronger the soul, the stronger the essence, the more talented the person. However some souls get too strong for their own good and if the body is unable to handle their power then it suffers. This was what happened in your case." God complied with Daniels request.

'You mean that my bouts of pain were caused by my unusually strong soul.' Daniel thought while feeling not sure about the whole thing. While on one hand he should have happy to discover the reason for his suffering but on the other hand he feels helpless as something that should have caused him to soar above other people ended with him feeling envious of other normal people. This actually answered the question about his intellect too. He has always have had a surprisingly large amount of intelligence not only in his age group but overall too. By 12 years old he had already finished education up till college level. By 14 with nothing to occupy his time with he created multiple technology advances. By 15 he created what was probably the most advance AI to exist. He later sold the AI to one of the top defense company and washed his hands off the whole invention business. By 17 he had created so many advances in multiple fields that he became a candidate for the title of the most dangerous brain to exist. It was also then that the news about his disease went out and many people saw it as a check and balance to his existence. Who could have guessed that they were right about that. His own soul grew too big for his body giving him intellect unmatched but leaving his body suffering.

"Yes the pains were a result of your strong soul. It was attempts made by the soul to completely integrate with your body. As your body grew older it became tougher for the soul to integrate with your body, the pains becoming more intense after each attempt culminating up to the final attempt leaving your body broken down." God replied. "Also start talking out loud now. Your soul has already made protections around itself and now I can not read your mind without damaging it."

Daniel was still shaken from the revelation that the biggest asset and the biggest pain in his life were the result of the same soul.