Chapter 7 - Spirit Awakening (Part 2)

The duo of Daniel and Ning'er walks hand in hand towards the local spirit hall branch to get his spirit awakened. While walking towards the spirit hall Ning'er was looking side to side in excitement, after all she is not allowed to leave the orphanage by herself and there is rarely anyone free enough to take her to go on a stroll. Only Daniel tries to make time for his sister. That is why she does not have enough chances to explore the city and thus takes any opportunity to explore with excitement.

As they are making their way towards the spirit hall branch, Daniel was once again checking his mental list of things he has to do. First of which is to awaken the spirit and then spend the day with Ning'er. After that is to go to a trip to the northern outskirts of the city and meet up with one of his contacts there to finalize their deal. Then comes the time to register to enter the next batch of students and finally make contact with the Grandmaster. As he was thinking about his next steps he unknowingly came to the front of the spirit hall. He was brought out of his thoughts by Ning'er s voice.

"Look brother, we are already here." Ning'er says.

"Yes we are. So are you ready to witness your brothers spirit awakening ceremony". Daniel asked.

"Of course I am. And shouldn't you be nervous about the type of spirit you will get. No need to worry brother I am sure that you will get some cool spirit." Ning'er says.

"Why should I be nervous, I will surely get some 'cool' spirit." Daniel says indulgently. "Now let's go inside and get my spirit awakened."

After the little conversation the pair of sibling enter the building. The building was a majestic one with various decorations. Just with this alone it was easy to see the status and power of spirit hall. Even a simple branch hall in a small city like Nouding city is already better the the vast majority of the cuties other establishments and that includes the noble ones.

As they enter they see the reception and it seems like there are some other people also here for varying things. They then start moving towards the reception. After waiting for some time it is finally their turn.

"Welcome to the spirit hall. What is the nature of your visit?" The receptionist asks.

"We are today here for my spirit awakening. She is here to spectate." Daniel replies indifferently.

The receptionist was momentarily stunned due to the cold nature of the reply from a 6 years old child but was able to quickly gather her wits and replied.

"Then if you would wait for some time you would be able to take the ceremony."

"Thank you. We will wait here." Daniel replied.

As they were waiting Daniel decided that it would be the best time to test Ning'er on the stuff he is teaching her. Since Ning'er education was in Daniels hands he had taught her in his style. And Ning'er has proved to be a genius. Due to this she already knows what an average 16 year old is expected to know and her knowledge in the fields of theory exceeds most of the teachers in the Nouding academy except for the Grandmaster.

Soon after waiting for a mere 5 mins they were called up to the desk and said that there is a spirit master who is free for Daniels awakening. They follow the receptionist further inside the hall and come to a door on the far right of the hall. Entering the door they come face to face with a relatively handsome man.

"Good morning, so it is you who is going through the spirit awakening ceremony. Well let's don't waste our time and get right to it. Now don't get scared." Saying so the man steps back and says "Crimson lion body enhancement." Suddenly the whole of the spirit masters body was enveloped in crimson light and when the light died down we see a half man half lion being covered with crimson fur and a blood like mane.

Daniel upon seeing the transformation was utterly indifferent but Ning'er was very excited upon seeing the transformation.

"So you are not scared upon seeping the transformation. Thank god, you have no idea how much effort it takes to get the scared ones to stop crying." The man says showing visible relief at their reactions. "Now come and stand in front of me and I will get your spirit awakened."

Daniel does as the spirit master says so and stands in front of the master. Afterwards the spirit master places his hand upon Daniels head and start putting spirit energy into the formation at the floor which then Lighten ups. Afterwards Daniel feels as if he is on top of the world and feels like he is finally complete and now can do anything. His Heavenly Army Tactics starts circulating by itself and also breaks through the 6th level. Up to now all things that happened were completely up to Daniels expectations but what happened next was not. Instead of feeling his spirit energy moving towards his eyes only, he felt it moving towards both his eyes and his hand. That means that he has 2 spirits instead of one. While he was incredibly curious what his other spirit was but he forcefully suppressed the second spirit because he did not want to gather any more attention than he is already going to get with his spirit and essence harmonization.