Gambling Is Scary

Using the handle of the sword in my left hand I quickly butted his hand causing it to miss me by a hairs breath, following up quickly I swung low from the ground forcing him to make distance between us.

"..." How the hell am I supposed to even defeat that? Is this even a gamble? Isin't this just suicide?

Looking up I found that a smile had formed on his face, his killing intent rising to a new height.

How quaint.

Once more he charged his speed doubling along with his killing intent, this time he seemed to truly be aiming for my life as the weight and speed of his sword came down.

Once again I kicked out low on the same side, this time he anticipated it and kicked at my leg.


Immediately as his foot left the ground I switched legs putting down my right foot heavily and suddenly, feels like something broke there.

However, such a small amount of pain can't stop me. Whipping my left leg at full power on his one remaining leg I attacked the joint where the least amount of armor lay sending him to the ground.

Immediately he swung his blade in a sharp arc for my head as he fell, but in that moment that I felt my life flash before my eyes for the second time my right foot gave out and I fell back the blade missing just barely.

Quickly getting to my feet I leaned on one blade while pressing the other to Surnova's throat.

His eyes said that he was prepared.

"Prince!" Shouts rang out as all the men around closed in quickly, their voices agitated.

Looking back down at Surnova I removed the blade from his throat throwing it away.

If I kill him then not only will I die but no one in this city will be spared, something told me the killing of a royal is just that serious.

My right leg gave out, despite the pain not bothering me too much it is still a fact that the bone and muscles are badly injured, standing was already a miracle but now without the sword as a crutch, the miracle would also lose its crutch.

Kneeling in front of Prince Surnova as he stood up I grit my teeth.

"Agashi! We have come to save you!!" What?! Alias?! No! Leave!

Flicking my head over I saw a mob of soldiers running over, at least thirty of them, most wounded, the veteran whose name I still don't know leading the charge over.

"No! Leave you fools! Scatter!!! Now!!" I bellowed angrily as they slowed down spreading out near the enemy soldiers, a stiff balance formed.

Looking back, Prince Surnova now looked at me with a strange sparkle in his eyes, but the killing intent in them did not falter, only being redirected towards Alias and the others.

"Prince! Please, spare them!" I placed a hand to my chest, my heart is beating, yes beating, is it strange to feel weird about a heart beating? Wouldn't it be bad if it wasn't?

Ahh. I remember now. This is that feeling, the one Amiya once gave me. This is a feeling of love or belonging? These men without knowing me for long, or even at all, followed my orders and ran around for me, and now in spite of certain death, they have come to try and save me. I know death and feel no fear of it, but they do not know what happens, they have no idea of death and yet are willing to walk into it for me.

I cannot allow people like these who are willing to give a stranger like me so much to die such meaningless deaths.

"Agashi, was it? Do you understand what is happening here today?" Prince Surnova said coldly.

Of course, I understand what is happening! Even....

"Even so...! I beg of your Highness to let them live, they were simply following my orders, every life they have taken is on my hands, not theirs, so please allow me to die in their stead!" Dropping into seiza I bowed deeply placing my forehead to the ground, "Please!"

"Agashi! Don't do that! You mustn't give in! We can get you--!!" Alias tried yelling but a fierce intent rushed over shutting him up.

"Do not belittle his resolve." Surnova's voice made the soldiers, allied or otherwise flinch, his tone far more commanding than my own as even the enemy listened when he spoke.

"Tell me, Agashi, why do you fight?" Surnova looked down at me, though I could not see him I could easily feel his gaze, more and more enemy and allied soldiers pouring in to watch the spectacle, the thin balance breaking.

I cannot hesitate any longer.

"I once fought for a woman, but she died and so did I. These men have followed me despite not knowing me, they have fought and prepared to lay down their lives for me even charging into a suicidal situation. I fight for them, and I fight for myself, I never wish to fight for a foolish cause again, and I will never allow those who give their all to me to die foolishly for me either, so I beg you, spare their lives." My voice echoed out from the dead silent road, not a hint of noise to be heard as Surnova stared down at me.

"So then, you care about yourself and those who care about you, you do not fight for honor, glory or status, women or lands?" Surnova's voice heightened as the threat of death skyrocketed.

"I will not betray my convictions, where once I lost not only my heart but myself, I will not tread such ground again, I will die before treading that land ever again." Finally, I can express my emotions, too bad it's only now as death closes in, "I have loved many and lost it all, I do not wish for fame, lands or women, I simply wish for those I care about to not die meaninglessly."

My words reverberated through the area as a strange feeling spread through the area, my words seemed to have resonated with the crowd.

War is the same no matter the time, place or people, families get torn apart, hearts are broken, people turn into monsters, such is the nature of war.

"Agashi!!!!" Alias yelled trying to run to me, Prince Surnova nodded and Alias arrived shortly after right behind me.

"Did I not tell you to go back? Live--"

"Please, Prince Surnova Carrien, spare his life in return for my own." Did Alias cut me off? And what is this?? You need to leave now! Wait, why are all of you dropping your weapons?! Stop!

Suddenly the remaining men walked forward dropping their weapons and kneeling behind me.

"Please, spare his life, Prince Surnova Carrien." One by one they dropped to their knees.

In moments the force that rallied prepared for battle had turned into harmless sheep for the slaughter to save me. Damn it. I don't want this. They will all die because of me. More people will die because of me. Because I can't protect them...!

"Ha..ha....hahahahaha!!!" Suddenly Prince Surnova began laughing, laughing his lungs out even.

"You are all really...!" Surnova slowly calmed down as he looked over the troops who had stayed kneeling not budging an inch stabbing his sword into the ground just in front of my head, "Will you really lay down your lives for him, a man you do not know?"

"A real man of Dra never leaves anyone behind." The veteran said lightly, "We will always repay a debt no matter the cost."

"I see, a real man of Dra, is it?" Surnova's gaze looked over the kneeling men who each beamed with pride despite being on their knee's each one exuding their willingness to die for their convictions.

Slowly his gaze moved back to me.

"Agashi you are quite charismatic. I lost the duel and despite being prepared to die, you allowed me to live. I will uphold my part of the duel and allow your men to live and I will even stop the attack and allow what is left of this city to remain standing along with any who surrender, however, all that you are will become mine in exchange." Prince Surnova's voice was low and cold yet pervaded over the area.


"Agashi, son of no one, owner of nothing, now pledges loyalty to Surnova Carrien." Without hesitation I spoke, ignoring the pleas of the men behind me, "I will not allow any ill talk of his Highness Prince Surnova, he has allowed us all to live and sparred the city of his wrath, as men of Dra we must properly show our gratitude for his generosity."