A Fool Will Always Lose


"But nothing! Alias! Men of Dra stand up now and pay respects to the man who has allowed us our lives, and the lives of our loved ones!" My voice struck their hearts, they must understand that it's true, if not for the Prince showing mercy then not only would I be killed for holding a sword at a royal, but the city would be burned to the ground and everyone inside would be killed or left to starve to set an example.

The first to stand up was the veteran his voice spilling out, "Nefamiti pays his respects to savior and benefactor."

Suddenly all went quiet. Savior and benefactor? This would be fine, however, when he stood he bowed to me saying savior and bowed to Prince Surnova calling him benefactor, like this it would be seen that they are putting us on the same level or even putting myself above Surnova.

"Alias pays his respects to savior and benefactor." Alias did the same soon followed by the rest of the crowd.

Turning I saw a smile form on Surnova's face as a thought came to me. Nefamiti likely did that because he knew that no one would be willing to put down their pride to an enemy nation, they are all prepared to die, however from what I've learned it would seem that the men of Dra value their honor to the point that it has become Death before Dishonour.

Like this, they could all express their gratitude without having to suffer the dishonor of having their lives indebted to the enemy due to mercy or pity.

A smile lit up my face realizing that no one else would have to die today.

Hmm? Why is my vision darkening? Wait I've felt this before? Death? Seriously?! Looking down I saw that the hole in my shirt while the sword wound that seemed to be healed had torn open at some point, blood gashing out steadily.

My grip over the sword used as a crutch loosened my body giving out.

Is that Alias shouting? Why is everyone screaming? Ahh that's right... I'm dying again...

Damn it...

Am I back in the abyss again? Seriously? What if all those people I killed come and try to jump me in here? Can I die twice? Well, three times now is it?

"Really, what a strange kid. You're not dead. Just unconscious and secondly sending me all of those presents was very nice of you. Now shu shu, I already got my snacks so go back to being awake, you strange kid." Voice-chan? So I'm just unconscious is it?

Then, let's wake up, shall we?

Moments later light engulfed that abyss like world, a wavy ceiling invading my sight.

"A tent huh. So I really didn't die." That's surprising. A nice surprise, "Unless the afterlife now has tents for new entries? Hehehe..."

Seriously though, who the hell is that Voice-chan? And what the hell am I even meant to do here? And what is wrong with those guys! Making me feel so embarrassed offering up their lives like that! God, they are such good guys! Right, where are they?

Standing up I lightly trotted to the entrance of the tent my body had been bandaged and it seemed I'd healed up pretty well.

"Sir Agashi, your awake! Everyone! Sir Agashi is awake!" Oh? Turning about I found guards on either side of me, both of them familiar faces, though I couldn't put a name to them I do remember them in the crowd of those who kneeled.

I couldn't possibly forget even a single one of their faces.

"Yes, I am, but how long have I been out and where are we??" Many familiar faces came out of the surrounding tents, among them, Nefamiti and Alias came the fastest.

"You were out for two days in which time the Prince's army has swept the region launching a series of coordinated attacks on three other cities in the region surrounding the capital where we are now just outside of Dra which has just capitulated, Dra is....no more." Alias' voice contained a sadness that I knew all too well. The loss of something dear to one's heart.

Stepping forward I hit his shoulder lightly, this boy much younger than myself must be suffering terribly at the loss of his home and kingdom.

"Dra may be no more, but we are still alive now, under the banner of the Prince Dra fell, we must realize this and accept it and then move on as people of our conquerors, to try and rebel would simply bring down further tragedy, it is best that we capitulated so as to prevent any more loss of life, any more families from being torn apart," I replied as Alias began to tear up, many of the soldiers who had survived and followed me all the way here were young people, their father's dead and families destroyed, they all understood the reasoning behind my words but still did not want to accept it.

"Well said!" Turning my head I immediately bowed the rest of the men making room and kneeling.

"Prince Surnova, thank you once again for your favor." I said bowing my head lightly.

"I lost that duel and paid for it, that is all." Prince Surnova replied casually, he had come without a guard in sight.

Looking around I found that several of the younger men were agitated by this and so straightened my self out and looked out over them, "A fool will always lose, do not be impulsive, we must never disregard our teachings and honor as men of Dra."

Immediately several people's heads dropped lower, their minds having been read and promptly scolded they shrunk back.

"Indeed, a fool will always lose." Prince Surnova smiled grandly a deep look in his eye as several tens of people with bows appeared all around the tents their bows already drawn.

"I ask that you forgive them, they are young and in grief," I said bowing once more. Really these kids are always getting me in trouble!

Prince Surnova gestured and the bows were lowered though the arrows stayed nocked, "They are a handful."

"Indeed." I replied embarrassed, he saw right through me.

"Come with me then, we have matters to discuss." Prince Surnova said leaving.

Didn't even wait for a reply huh. What a guy thinking I will just follow. Though he's right it does slightly bug me that attitude of his but oh well.

Nothing to be done.

I fall in line behind Prince Surnova.

After a short while, we arrived at a large tent laced with red fabric clearly denoting its military importance as a commander's tent.

"Stand behind me at all times and look scary, that's your only role for now." Prince Surnova said just before walking in.

I don't have a shirt on, my body is riddled with cuts and wounds that are all bandaged up making me look like half a mummy, and my foot is basically out of commission with what I can only hope is a sprain and you want me to go in there looking scary?

Scary huh. Let's go with that then.

Immediately before I enter the tent I went through all of my worst memories while relaxing my facial muscles.

As soon as I entered the tent blades were pointed straight at me but I said nothing.

"How dare you raise a blade to my retainer?" Prince Surnova said calmly.

I guess I'm in charge of being the vicious one, the carrot and the stick I presume.

Immediately my eyes sharpened like a hawk and stared at the two guards forcing them to back off.

"Prince Surnova, eccentric as always aren't we? Perhaps he is the heroic commander you lost to in Durlivan city? The one who almost took your life but then gave in and instead begged for the lives of his men?" Instantly the man who spoke had lightly insulted both Prince Surnova and myself, despite it being the truth it sounded foul from his mouth.

"Duke Loktre, your age does nothing for your wisdom." Prince Surnova replied lightly as he sat down.

Standing behind him I stared Duke Loktre down, he is the reason that this country fell so quickly.

From what i've gathered Durlivan is the first city to fall and it belonged to Duke Loktre who had the retainer taking care of the city pull back his troops and allow them in, though something must have gone wrong that caused half of the troops to not follow orders, truly a fool of a man.

Regardless of that, Durlivan still fell turning to a supply route that both helped Prince Surnova to stock up and launch attacks on the surrounding fortress' that had lost their source of supplies taking them down in only two days, Duke Loktre's influence likely playing a large part in the fast fall of the nation.

But if he has so many loyal retainers who betrayed the nation for him, where are they now?