Chapter 2.2 The Adventurer's guild

POV David

April 8th 913 (2016)

We stood outside what could be mistaken for a well off inn, looking at the sign of a shield, hammer, and sword with some fancy script under it. This had to be the guild, we'd had to ask for directions after walking around the town for over an hour. But now we're finally here.

We walked inside, I wasn't sure what to expect, though the odd semi modern feel threw me for a moment. Wide open floor space, small bar in the corner, a few booths for more private meetings, and then a few small desks where the staff took care of the adventurers. Aside from the staff at the bar and the attendant at the desk there were few adventures around.

I looked around at the other adventurers. There was a group in a booth in the corner. I almost stopped to stare. The woman seated there was incredibly beautiful, she carried herself with a grace that… then I noticed her long pointed ears. An elf? I glanced at her companions.

The figure with a cloak pulled it tighter, but I briefly caught sight of a purple clawed hand. Aside from the mystery figure there was a short, heavyset man wearing plate armor with half a dozen sigils inscribed upon it. If there were elves, was he a dwarf?

Through sheer force of will I forced myself towards the counter, work first… the attendant glanced up from the book she'd been reading as we approached, though I'd noticed Rebecca had wandered over to talk with the elf and her group. I flashed a smile at the attendant and handed her the letter of recommendation from the Earless. "We're here to register as adventurers."

She nodded and started reading through the letter before she stood. "Ah, wait here just a minute."

She disappeared into a door that must have lead to the back, but she quickly returned with a woman that had a few scars. She scoffed as she saw us. "So you're the Earless's recommendation? The fabled Heroes she bragged about?"

"Of course, I'd love to go back home if you'd show me the way though. However I'm afraid you don't, so I'll have to make a living in your world somehow." I replied with venom coated words.

"No, I don't." She replied as she nodded, a small smile graced her weathered features before she shrugged.

"Let's get the three of you…" she looked around, trying to find our wayward Sister. Smith called her over and the guildmaster continued.

"We'll perform the preliminary evaluations and start the paperwork, please follow me to the training field." The guildmaster led us through a door in the side into a walled courtyard. There were several racks of wooden weapons and shields against a wall. There were a trio of individuals in the courtyard. One wore tight fitting black leathers, another was wearing full plate armor and had a small pendant clasped in their hands, the last wore a cloak though her piercing gaze was unsetting.

"Yo Guildmaster, this the fresh meat?" The woman wearing tight fitting leathers asked while twirling a dagger in her hands. The guildmaster nodded.

The three women looked at us with mixed expressions. "Well… which of you wants to be evaluated first?"

"How's this going to work?" Smith asked as he stepped forward.

"Are you familiar with the arcane?" The one in the cloak asked.

"Magic?" Smith shook his head and she shrugged and stepped back.

"He's more your type Anne." The one wearing leathers stepped back as well as Anne, put her pendant back around her neck and closely examined Smith.

"You were a soldier, but seem unaccustomed to the weapon you bear…" She remarked as she drew the shield from her back and the sword at her hip.

Smith didn't reply as he drew his sword and widened his stance. Anne cocked her head to the side as Smith hefted the hatchet in his other arm. She shook her head. "Come at me with the intent to kill."

Smith didn't utter a word, merely started walking forward. Anne moved forward as well, keeping her shield up. Was Smith about to get his ass kicked, he was edging forward cautiously, almost like…

Smith exploded forward, swinging the hatchet to strike Anne's head. It struck her shield and bounced from his hand. Her momentary smile was shattered as he lunged into the block and drove his sword under the shield. Anne masterfully countered and Smith released the sword. He stood fully inside her guard at this point and before Anne could react Smith's gauntleted fist slammed into her jaw.

Anne's eyes rolled into the back of her head and she collapsed in a heap on the ground. He looked disdainfully down at the collapsed adventurer. He flexed his fingers a bit before collecting his hatchet and sword before glancing at the other two that had come over to examine their comrade.

"Knocked Anne unconscious in a single blow…" The one in leathers stood and examined Smith with a furrowed brow. Her glance shifted to me and I felt the cold hand of death creep up my spine.

She pulled out a pair of daggers and nodded at me. "Let's see what you can do."

As soon as I placed my hand on the hilt of my sword she sprinted towards me. I quickly yanked the blade from the scabbard and swung it before me. She easily slid under it, kicking at my knees as she did. The whole world shifted to the side as my legs flew out from under me, I felt the weight of a truck slam into my lower stomach and I nearly blacked out. Between the wheezing and my eyes watering I caught glimpses of a dagger pushed against my neck. After a few more moments of agony the dagger was pulled away and the truck-like weight on my abdomen disappeared as she stood up and shook her head.

"I may have overdone that…" She offered a hand andI accepted it as she pulled me to my feet.

"Jesus…" I muttered. Overdone it a bit? I felt like someone hit my stomach with a sledge hammer! I started limping over to the wall to sit as I heard Rebecca get her ass handed to her just as quickly as I did.

"Where are you going? We're just getting started." The woman called. I tried not to let my pained expression show as I turned around again.