The Kamado Family 3/3 (Edited)

A few days after the incident, Mark did his daily routine and also he started cooking for the children because even if they didn't say anything about it, you can clearly see it on their eyes, yearning for food.

Me and Kie decided that she will cook at Morning, and i will cook at Lunch and Dinner, which is the children got happy, and these few days i got in daily spin and sub missions.

You're wondering what mission i did in that day i fused with the Revenger bloodline.

This what happened,

Few Days ago,








After that painful torture that i got from fusing with the Revenger Bloodline, my body got more smooth like a baby, my face started to change, before my level was only above average now its the level of TV idol.

My pale skin is changing to a snow white skin like, and Nezuko, Kie noticed it woman is sensitive on this kind of thing.

Nezuko quickly said " Wow Onii-chan! you became more Handsome! how did you do that? "

Mark said " Thats a secret. " Nezuko pouted, while Kie was having a hard time looking at Marks body, she was blushes and she shouted her mind ' I'm already a married woman!! and i had 5 childrens!! why im i like this?! '

Mark has now a perfect 6 pack abs, which is totally lady killer, and his face is now to smooth, and then Daine give me a Mission.

Ding! Sub Mission!

Detail : Make Kie Kamato Blush~!

Reward : 1x Small Size Box (Grade : Common ~ SR)

Time Limit : 12 hours!

Failure : N/A

As i looked at the detail of the misson, suddenly a sound was heard in Marks head.

Ding! Congrats! You've Finish Your Sub Mission!

Detail : Make Kie Kamato Blush~!

Ding! Congrats For Getting A Medium Size Box (Rare)! You've finish it within the first second! and it surpasses the mission rate!

Mark got a blank look in his face, and said " Thats it? "

Nezuko who heard him saying that '" Thats it? what do you mean? " said Nezuko with a ? above her head.

Mark shook his head " Nothing Nezuko. " he looked at Kie who was looking at his body, blushing and finally he understood why he completed his mission so fast, he was basically half naked now.

And Mark hurriedly opened his Sub Mission Reward, and as he opened the Medium Size Box.

Ding! Congrats! You've Got A x1 10,000 SP!

Ding! Congrats! You've Got x1 Breathing Manual (Rare) !

Detail : A Manual that has the information of creating a breathing style, you can make you very own Breathing Style!

Ding! Congrats! You've Got x10 Instant Healing Potion (Rare) !

Ding! Congrats! You've Got x1 Special Spin Coupon!

Mark got happy in the rewards, i mean who doesn't what an extra life, and also since he was clueless on how to create his own breathing style, now he got a guide.

And Mark asked " Daine, what is this Special Spin Coupon? "

Daine [ Mark it's like the daily spin but with a better rewards! and even the most trash item in that coupon is Graded Epic! ]

Mark pondered and said " I see...then i'll use it soon when i need it, since i have plenty of time.. " and then he started training again due to his body, because it was different from before it's stronger and tougher.

While he was on training, he saw Tanjiro occasionally looking at him " Hmm? Tanjiro what do you want? "

Tanjiro panicked a little and said " Uhmm...P-please teach me h-how to use a sword!! "

Mark got surprise and Tanjiro request.

He thought in his mind ' He is suppose to start training in a year and a half in the original plot.. but..i'd like to hear his reason. ' and then Mark asked Tanjiro.

" Tanjiro..why do you want to know how to use a sword? " he said asked.

Tanjiro answered with a determined look " It's because i want to protect my family! and because i am the Eldest of my siblings after all! " Mark got stunned a little in Tajiro words.

And then he couldn't help but chuckle and he said " Fine, but be ready because you're training is going to be hell! "

Tanjiro furiously nodded " Yes! Sensei!! "

And there he started training Tanjiro, first he needed to improve his physically strength and make his body tougher.








Present day,

He continues to train everyday with Tanjiro and while he was teaching him, he was constantly creating his own Breathing Style with the help of Breathing Manual.

They trained and trained, Tanjiro everyday is like a dead dog panting in the ground and as for mark he rarely sweats now.

They do this every, it became their daily routine, while Takeo joined because of curiousity, and after he tasted that hell he immediately quits, and never trained with them.











6 Months Later,

Mark finally made his own Style, and he called it Breath Of The Dragon, it has 15 kinds of attacks, and each one of the attacks if stronger that the first Breathing Style, Breath Of The Sun.

And Attack Names are (A/N : i'll just put the first 7 i'll add it more in the future)

First Form < Pierce >

Second Form < Dragon's Slash >

Third Form < Dragon's Rage >

Fourth Form < Claw Of The Dragon >

Fifth Form < Dragon's Speed >

Sixth Form < Dragon's Right Eye >

Seventh Form < Dragon's Strike >

And now Tanjiro, is forming an abs now, and he likes about Tanjiro is he doesn't give up, he give Tanjiro a hellish training within this 6 month, luckly he survive.

Also Mark teaches Tanjiro with his Breathing Style, Mark actually made this Style 3 months ago and he started to train it to Tanjiro at the same time.

Tanjiro wasn't a freakish genuis, he had been teaching him the Breath Of The Dragon for 3 months, and he only learned the 3 forms of it.

And now it was time for him to live the Kamado family, at first he planned to leave in the first morning in their house (A/N : I know it's confusing but please understand lol) but he was stopped my Nezuko, and the other kids.

And so this is what happened, actually Mark grew fond with these Children and Kie but he has to leave now because why? it's because of the mission.

Main Mission,

Detail : Kill Muzan The Demon Progenitor!

Reward : 1x World Size Box!

Time : 10 Years

Failure : Death Of The Kamado Family And Removing You're Breathing Style And Forever Staying In This World!

Mark " Well...i can even kill him in my current state..oh well let's make it fun, because it would be boring if kill him earlier " and Mark looked at his other Main Mission

Main Mission 2,

Detail : Join In The Demon Slayer Corps! And Became A Pillar!

Reward : 1x Revive Stone (???)

Time : 5 Years

Failure : Forever Staying In This World

This is one of the reason why he had to leave, and he will come back when Muzan arrive's in the Kamado's house to stop him from killing the childrens and Kie.

As he left the children cried, because they treat him like a father figure after all, and he said goodbyes to them and promised them that he will come back.

And now his figure dispeared in the sight of the children and Kie, while leaving them crying with the exception of Nezuko, Takeo, Tanjiro and Kie.

And now Mark will finally start on his adventure.

