Defeating Akaza!

Akaza ' Wha-?! '

Akaza eyes widened, he didn't even notice how he appeared beside's them he had one thought in his mind " This person is strong! not just strong! really strong! "

Akaza quickly made a distance between him and Mark and shouted ' You! who are you?! '

Mark stared at Akaza ' I am me....why ask? and i never knew An Upper Moon Demon was this weak ' he grinned

Akaza got angry because he was insulted by this human infront of him ' You..! '

Shinobu recovered and said ' that was close really '

Mark looked at her and wave his hands and said ' No problem, that's why you need to train more '

Shinobu lowered her head, since it was true she was weak she need to train more! she promised herself to train more so she won't be a drag to Mark.

And then Mark looked at him ' You what? you got to admit it! your weak! '

Akaza gritted his teeth and his arm that was cutted by Mark has regenerated, after that he rushed toward and he angrily shouted ' RAAAAAAAHH!!!! '

He formed a fist toward Mark with all of his strength, he wasn't calm because of Mark remarks it's actually true but he doesn't want to accept that fact that a human was actually more skilled and stronger than him.

Mark looked at the angy Akaza rushing at him, he shook his head and said ' First in a battle you should be calm '

And Mark dodged Akaza fist ' Second, you should move before the enemy attacks you back, never stop moving in a battle '

Mark used his breathing style and punched really hard in Akaza's stomach. Akaza pukes alot of blood in his mouth ' Cough! ' Akaza flew a few meters and Mark quickly appeared infront of him.

Mark ' And the third, you'll pick the wrong guy to mess with ' pointing his Nichirin Sword infront of Akaza.

Akaza looked at the Sword pointing at him as he gritted his teeth and said ' Kill me! the weak should be killed! now kill me! before i take the chance of defeating you in the future! '

Mark who heard that smiled widely ' No thanks! you can go! make sure you defeat me! i'll be expecting alot from you! ' shealthing his Nichirin Sword.

Akaza looked at Mark with a bloodshot eyes and shouted ' You'll regret this! ' and he disappeared in the view of Mark.

Shinobu shouted angrily ' Hey! why did you let is go?! are you crazy?! that demon will kill many innocent, because you let it go! '

Mark looked at the angry Shinobu and said ' It's not my responsibility to do that, i might be a Demon Slayer in name but not in heart, i will do what i want! no one can change that! '

Mark said seriously to Shinobu. Shinobu gritted her teeth and goes into the corner and ignores him and reporting what happened in the crow.















At the Demon Slayer Headquarters,

The pillar's shouted ' What?! ' they got stunned from the news.

Kagaya ' Yes, what you heard was true Mark-sensei truly fought an Upper Moon Demon and defeated it and let it go ' (A/N : Kagaya is calling him sensei because he teaches him of course)

Sanemi shouted ' Why did he let it go?! WTF was he thinking?! '

Giyu ' Sensei has his reason... '

Mitsuri ' Yes! Mark-Sensei has his reasons! '

Obanai ' From that demon training i've learned something from him he won't do something unreasonable, unless he spared that demon because he want it to be strong and takes a revenge at him? '

Gyomei ' Yes, indeed that is Sensei's attitude! '

Kyojuro ' Hahaha! yes! thats! it! '

Tengen ' Thats right! '

Muichiro ' ......yes '

Sanemi got speechless from his fellow pillars reactions ' What the fuck did that guy did to you guys?! to actually believe him that much?! '

The Pillars looked at him and said at the same time ' Shut up weakling, you don't know anything about him '

Veins appeared in Sanemi forehead, since he didn't accept Mark as his sensei he became the weakest of the Pillars.

Sanemi wanted to rebu, but he couldn't since he battled them one by one before including Shinobu, they defeated him easily and Shinobu barely won since she was the weakest one before but still she won from him, which made him the weakest Pillar.

Also the Pillars now has all had a Black marks in their faces, naturally except Sanemi who didn't get a hellish training from Mark, only an hellish beating.

Kagaya ' stop insulting him, just because your stronger now you can insult him and also Sanemi please trust Sensei, he isn't that kind of person you think he is, he might be cold outside but he is a good person inside but im sure some of you might notice this he had something about him is different, that he is almost angry all the time, angry of a certain thing '

The Pillars nodded and now Kagaya ' Okay now..i shall leave thats all '

Kagaya left at the meeting place, because he want to train he promised to Mark that he would be the one to kill Muzan!















Mark and Shinobu was walking they became akward again, Shinobu was still angry because he let go of an Upper Moon Demon! those kind of demon killed a Mountains of people! she got angry in that fact.

Mark said ' Hey don't be like that '

Shinobu said angrily ' Why would i be?! you let of that demon!! there would be countless of victim because of that! just because of your reason to make to stronger to defeated you?! what if it actually succeed of doing that?! '

Mark stopped walking and smiled ' Nope that thing will never be able to '

Shinobu angrily said ' Ha?! what a show of! '

Mark ' Well im not...also i want to show you something but keep this a secret and i'll show you i wasn't showing of ' he said seriously

Shinobu got silent for a moment ' ...Is it really need to be a secret? ' she knew that Mark would never joke around when he is serious.

Mark ' Yes, because what im i about to show you will make you view in this world upside down '

Shinobu ' .....Fine show me. '

Mark showed his palm infront of Shinobu and Mark used his Quirk called Blue Flame, after that a blue colored fire appeared in Mark's palm, which stunned Shinobu.

Shinobu shouted ' How?! how are you doing that! is that real?! or an illusion?! ' since she had experience of hunting a demon that can use an illusion.

Mark explained ' No..this isn't an illusion this power is called Quirk it's has the ability to make fire,water,wood and more and im the only person in this world can use this '

Shinobu got shocked from the revealation and noticed something ' Your the only one who can use this so called Quirks? '

Mark nodded ' Indeed i am the only one in this world...but not in the other world. ' the last sentence was said silently by Mark.

But Shinobu heard it ' What do you mean Other World??? '

Mark looked at her ' You don't need to know for now '

Shinobu pouted ' Fine..! '

(A/N : Changed of style and anyways! i'll start the plot in the next chapter! im actually gonna end this Arc soon after a 15 chapters or so )