Star B*cks?

(A/N : Seems like I need to think more, in the next chapters, i won't probably update in my one piece for a meantime, I'd like to spend my time writing this one, I'm finally fired up with n this little ARC of Revenge! 2 chapters a day but only temporary.)

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Shinobu and Tamayo looked curiousity around they never seen such things!

Mark told them to explore his small house, this was the small house near Mari's house, her house was at least thrice bigger than his little house.

Tamayo was in the kitchen, she looked curiousity at the gas stove and said " What does this thing do? "

She tried switching the gas stove, as a sound of gas releasing was heard.


Tamayo got scared " W-what is happening?! is it broken?! and I smell something weird in the air! Mark!! "

Mark dashed toward the kitchen, he was in the middle of wearing his shirt but Tamayo screamed so he rashed toward the kitchen half naked he shouted " What is it?! "

Tamayo pointed at the gas stove " I-i think I broke's releasing a weird smell! "

Mark hurriedly turned off the gas stove, and thought ' You could have burned the entire house with that you know..? ' he said was shaking his head " It's not broken don't worry...just don't do that again, at least tell if you want to know about my things here got it? "

She nodded, and Shinobu screamed " Kyaa! so cold! "

Mark looked at Shinobu since she was also in the kitchen, Shinobu " Mark! look at this tall box is snowing!! what kind of sorcery is this?! "

Mark got at deadpan face and thought ' Shinobu...that's just a fridge..I really need to teach them common sense first..'

Mark closed the fridge and said " Follow me you two. "

The two womens nodded, and they silently followed him with a hint of curiousity in their eyes.

Mark dress up first and they moved at the living room, Mark looked at the girls and said " I'll explain what is common sense to you girls in this world.. first. "

Mark started to explain, where is this, what is cars, formal outfit not yukata, that's for Japanese, and star b*cks cough-

Tamayo " Star b*cks? Mc D*nald's? what are those? "

Shinobu " Yeah especially Mc D*nald's what a weird name. "

Mark shouted in his mind ' Bitch! your future country called Japan is more weird! naming a bridge Oshita bridge, having a fucking P*nis festival a year! " but didn't say any of those, he said " Want to try to star b*cks? "

The two girls nodded, and Mark brought a modern outfit for the girls.

Tamayo is wearing a white shirt with a black bra, and a black jeans and as for the shoes she was wearing a black white rubber shoe.

While Shinobu was wearing a formal white shirt while wearing a purple mini skirt and wearing a long thin black socks and also a black and white rubber shoes.

While Mark was wearing a casual back shirt, exposing his perfect abs, while wearing a black glasses and wearing a ripped black jeans with a black Nike shoes.

Tamayo " Oh my...this outfit is Uhmm embarrassing to wear.. "

Shinobu " W-what are you making me wear Mark?! it's so exposed! this is so embarrassing! "

Mark rolled his eyes " Trust me it's normal here...and Shinobu looks like a highschool student...well it's not really wrong since she's still 18 after all but her metal age is...NVM " he whispered the Shinobu part so no one other than him heard it.

The two girls was still uncomfortable in their clothes, but Mark just left them be they need to get used on such clothes soon.

As they got outside, Mark first move was looking at Mari's house and used his EMS to see what's inside, but Mari wasn't their and he mumbled " Good thing she isn't home ..if she saw me with the would be.... troublesome.

Mark brought a car in the shop system, he brought it for 155,999 SP the car brand was Bugatti it was a black colored one, but is wasn't like those ordinary Bugatti's his car can survive even if it was hit by a missile.

Mark grinned at the car, as a man he obviously loved cars, back when he was with Cumwhore he didn't think of owning of such car, he whistled " Nice. "

Thought the car doesn't have a license, it's easy to get one, if you have money life is easy, why? this is America after all!

He got inside in the Bugatti, he said the words the he always wanted to say " Hop in! " he smiled.

The girl was stunned, a car appeared in front of them! thought Mark explained that he can create stuff. (A/N : He didn't tell them about the shop btw, he only told them that he can create stuff out of nothing. )

It was different when they see it from themselves! they finally regained themselves, and looked at the car with curiousity, it looks pleasant to the eyes, as they got in they were surprised on how soft and bouncy the couch was!

Shinobu " This feels nice..I could sleep here everyday.. "

Tamayo " I soft.. "

Mark started to drive, he might not have a car before but he knows how to drive a car, his father teached him how to drive a car properly.

As Mark drived the car, he was satisfied, Shinobu and Tamayo looked awe at the tall building, they looked like a child going on their first vacation.

After 30 minutes of driving they finally arrived at the Star b*cks coffee shop, as they got out of the car Tamayo was dizzy, she wasn't used of such a long ride, thought she might be immortal she is weak! she had a normal human strength, while Shinobu was looking at the shop with curiousity.

The people near or inside the shop looked at them with a stunned expression.

Girl 1 " Woah...that guy in black is so dreamy..ah~ I'm getting wet.. "

Girl 2 was breathing heavily while having a nose bleed " H-handsome. "

Girl 3 was having a date with her boyfriend, she was blushing while looking at his body " S-such body exist?! "

The guys were also looking at Shinobu and Tamayo.

Guy 1 " Holy sh*t! those two asian womans are so beautiful! "

Guy 2 " OMG! that girl wearing a uniform is seriously cute! is she perhaps an asian model? "

Guy 3 thought ' Damn..those girls are even more sexy than my girlfriend! are they a TV stars? "

They walked inside the coffee shop, actually the reason why Mark visited in this shop in the first place is because his parents own it.

The two girls wasn't aware of it, if they knew that they'd visit Mark's parents they will be nervous.

Mark looked around the shop and he found his mother who was in the counter, who was taking the order of a customer he smiled.

Mark didn't see her for a whole year after all, at least in the Demon Slayer World he stayed there for more than a year.

He said with affection " Mother! "

The middle age lady noticed him and said " Who are you? why are you calling me mother? "

( END- )

It hurts!! I know what you guys are thinking, I'll add the rewards next chapter, his mother didn't recognize him cause of his change he became 100x handsome than before so it's normal, also damn guys! those rewards too OP I doubt that the Next world would be Nerfed of those ability, as for GoB...well as isn't it just the same as his storage? I mean GoB is just a Treasury it's the same as an empty storage without items.

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