Revenge! Final 4/4

(A/N : Ahem* base of the comments some of you how cruel the last chapter is now you know why i have put the Ruthless tag in the book before thought, I already removed it anyways let's move on. )


Victor has now a craze expression while tears are falling in his eyes, he looked at Clarine it was because of this b*tch his business and Family is ruined! he shouted " B*tch! get the f*CK out of here! I don't want to see your f*cking face! NOW GER THE F*CK OUT! "

Victor did that because he was afraid that, he'll kill her if she stayed, he was really angry yet fearful at Mark, he thought that Mark was a heartless Monster that doesn't even blink when he kills which is not that far from the truth.

Mark is good at his family, friends, lovers and any person who is loyal to him, but it's opposite when it's his enemy he could be the devil himself for them.

Victor was physically and mentally tired, he didn't get a sleep within those days, it was time for him to sleep even if it's a few hours.

He is now inside his private room, and tiredly lays in the bed, he closed his eyes, he wished that everything was just a bad dream after he wakes up.






A few hours later, Victor woke up because he felt that is was too much wind, as he opened his, his face when pale, he wasn't in his room anymore!

Victor was in the highest building hanging in the rope, he was really scared that he wets his pants, in his eyes he saw the road with cars in it, they looked small that as if they were toys, but they weren't, it because he is in the tallest building in America, naturally it's because it too high.

Suddenly he heard a voice of a young man " Isn't the view beautiful? " it was naturally Mark.

He looked at Mark his eyes widened, Mark wasn't wearing a mask right now so Victor can see his face clearly he said " Y-you! your that young billionaire! why are you here?! "

Thought the media knows his face, they don't know what is his name, he smiled " It's actually Trillionaire, but forget that, does Mark sounds familiar to you? "

Victor eyes widened " It's you?! "

Victor realized that this young man in front of him, it was Mark, his eyes didn't have light anymore, he understands that he doesn't have any chance of getting revenge, his enemy was one of the few Trillionaires all over the world, he couldn't believe that his son offended such person.

Mark looked at him " Any last words? "

Victor didn't say anything, and Mark said " Good. "

Mark slashed the rope with a small knife, Victor screamed, after a few minutes of falling.

Pak! creak!

Victor body turned into a minced meat as his body fall in the ground, all of his organs flew everywhere.

Mark " That's the 5th gift "

Mark didn't record it this time, they'll know who is it anyways, Victor was kind of famous so they'll recognize him since his head didn't got explode from the impact.








6th Day, Alex heard the news of his father jumped into the building, the media thought he suicide, but Alex knew that it wasn't he knew it was Mark's work.

He grabs his head and started to shout " AHHG! F*CK F*CKKK!! MARK!! MARK!! "

Alex keeps screaming Mark's name, and suddenly a Alex heard a voice behind him.

" You called? " It was naturally Mark, he stood behind Alex for a while now, the idiot didn't realize it, he was busy thinking whatnot or whatever is it.

Alex recognize the voice behind him, it was definitely Mark! he grabs his pistol in his pocket, since it's normal to have a personal gun, it's America after all! you can buy anything with money.

He turned around and he pointed his pistol at Mark he shouted " YOU BASTARD!! ITS BECAUSE OF YOU! I LOST MY FAMILY! "

Mark calmly said " No you don't, your sister is alive and so your mother. "

Alex had a bloodshot in his eyes " You son of a b*tch! I'll f*cking kill you! "

Alex fired the gun, and was about to hit Mark, but honestly even if doesn't dodge bullet won't do anything to him, his body was tough as steel, instead of dodging, Mark grabs the bullet with his right hand.

Mark " Disappointing...that's all? "

Alex body trembled he couldn't believe, Mark caught his bullet he shouted in denial " No! Impossible! you must have use some trick! yes! you should have this time you can't do anything about it! "

Alex rapidly fired his pistol but Mark caught it with ease, after a few more firing, Alex pistol is now empty.

Alex looked at Mark with disbelief, and Mark slowly moves toward him, this time his heart was beating so fast, he was absolutely terrified this time, he was trembling, he didn't realize that he made a monster.

Alex said with a trembling voice " D-don't! stay Away! STAY AWAY YOU MONSTER! "

Mark sneered " Tsk! coward! "

Mark was already a few inches near Alex, and suddenly he kicked Alex right leg and instantly broke his leg.


Alex screamed in pain " AHHH!! F*CK! IT HURT! "

Alex was crying in pain, Mark acts that he didn't hear him and kicks his left leg and breaking it after.

Alex was screaming, he realized that he was in his territory he screamed in hopefully that someone will save him " HELP! PLEASE HELP ME!! "

Mark "'s useless I already killed some of your * Trusted mens honestly they were arrogant as hell so I end up killing them, and as for the others I ignored them no one will help you. "

Alex realized how F*CKED he was, it was as if he was just a toy that can be broken by Mark everytime he wants.

After that Mark also broke his other 2 limbs, like he previously did to him, but he won't piss him it was disgusting instead, he started to boiling a hot water since this was in the kitchen.

After for a few minutes the container is finally hot and he walks toward Alex.

Alex was scared of him, but he was totally helpless he could do anything except crying and screaming in pain.

Suddenly Mark grabs his hair and pours the hot water in his right eyes, Alex screamed in extreme pain " AHHHHHHH! MY EYE! MY FUCKING EYES PLEASE IM BEGGING STOP!! IT HURTS!! AHHHHHHH! "

Mark ignored him and continued to pour all of the hot water in his right eyes, after that Mark was surprised at his Discovery Alex eye ball melted!

Mark " Oh! I never knew that! "

Alex was still screaming, Mark didn't want to kill him he wanted him to suffer time he dies at an old age.

Mark was annoyed at his screaming, he crushed Alex throat and he couldn't speak anymore.

After that he left, Alex alone in the kitchen.








7th day, the last and final day Clarine was trembling in her room, she had heard that Alex got crippled similar to Mark in the past but without the eye part.

Clarine can feel it, she feels that she would be the next one, she had barely any sleep she was scared when she wakes up, she wouldn't be in her room anymore but somewhere scary.

While she was trembling, she heard her door opening, she got scared more she was sure that she locked her door!

And the person who opened it, is Mark obviously and he continued to walk toward her room saying " Oh?~ Clarine? ~ where are you?~ "

(A/N : Damn even I was the one writing this, it scares me lol kind of reminds me of a certain game granny. )

Clarine who heard his voice, couldn't help but pee herself, she was so nervous she was trembling alot.

Mark who arrived in the room and he finally found Clarine who was trembling " Oh! there you are and why is it smells weird? "

Mark who saw Clarine peed herself, he could help by laugh " Pfft! HAHAHA! Clarine seriously?! you peed yourself?! just how old are you to pee at your pants?! "

Mark laughed and suddenly his expression changed into a cold one deviod with emotions he said coldly " Clarine....your already afraid? I haven't done anything yet? "

Clarine couldn't answer because, Mark was truly scary right now, Mark chops her neck and made her unconscious.








Clarine woke up in an unfamiliar celling, she looked at around and she saw Mark at the distance.

Clarine said with a hint of fear in her voice " W-where is this?! "

Mark ignored her and said " You guys can do it now. "

Clarine got confused " W-what? "

Suddenly she had seen several mens who was naked showing of their ugly d*ck!

These people were either rapist or has aids, Clarine face paled " Mark! y-you can't do this me! "

Mark " I can and I would now you guys eat your meal. "

The mens hurriedly ripped Clarine's clothes and she screamed " Stop!! STOPP! PLEASE MARK!! STOP THEM!!

Mark sneered " No and isn't this what you wanted? having several men f*CK you at the same time? "

Before Clarine couldn't answer the rapist already shove his nasty dick in her pussy and she moaned " Ah! STOP!! NOO REMOVE THAT DISGUSTING THING IS INSIDE ME PLEASE AHH~ UGH~ . "

The other mens were groping her tits while crazily masturbating, the ground continued f*cking her till she broke, in a short span of hour several mens has already shoved their dicks inside her and even her anus wasn't spared.

Mark looked at the scene and said " Absolutely disgusting. "

Mark left her and he knew she would be a Cumhole to those rapist after.

Mark finally felt great doing his revenge he smiled at the sky " YEAH!! I FEEL F*CKING GREAT HAHAHAHA! "

( END- )

Okay yeah I'm not sure if you are satisfied with the Revenge with Clarine but yeah, he just ruined her life and be a Cumhole till she dies.

Word count 1.7k almost 2k lol.

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