The Awakening Of The Pervert

Mark rushed toward the direction of Merlin and Mari.

While he was worried, Mari and Merlin was happily talking with the couple, Merlin completely let her guard down around them, she realized that they weren't bad.

They continued to talk about stuffs, Mari asked Meliodas " Meliodas, do you like touching Elizabeth Onee-san boobs? "

Meliodas got a blank face and said " Why would i like touching her boobs? "

Mari said sagely " Because, it's good! "

Elizabeth was blushing madly and said " W-what are saying Mari! a woman like yourself shouldn't say something shameful as that! "

While Meliodas was thinking of Mari's words seriously and mumbled " Because it's good? "

Then Meliodas looked at Elizabeth boobs, and his eyes had an unexplainable curiousity, Elizabeth noticed her lover intense gave in her boobs she blushed and thought ' I don't mind if it's Meliodas...but...but it's so embarrassing! "

Mari eyes sparkles and she touches her chin and said " Young boy! discover a new world! " she said sagely as if her words were the most profound truth.

Meliodas curiousity went in peak, and he opened his mouth " Elizabeth! if I could..? "

Elizabeth was beet red right now, but she actually doesn't mind and said " I-if that's what you want Meliodas... "

She moved her boobs toward Meliodas while her eyes were close and her face was red as tomato.

Meliodas gulped and moved his little hands slowly toward Elizabeth's boobs, Mari was extremely excited that her nose was nosebleeding.

Merlin was speechless at Mari's current face right now, she thought ' I never knew Mari Onee-chan was a pervert! '

Meliodas hands is getting near in Elizabeth's boobs, and finally his right hand grabs the left boobs of Elizabeth.

Elizabeth moaned " Mhm~❤️ W-wait~ ❤️ not so rough~❤️ "

Meliodas felt the softness of Elizabeth and his hands felt like he hand just touched a whole world, and that moment Meliodas pervertedness awaken earlier than expected.

And his left hand was on the right side of Elizabeth boobs groping it, Elizabeth moaned " Nhm~!❤️ "

Merlin had seen a view that she wasn't supposed to and screamed her mind ' Arghh!! Mari Onee-chan! it's your fault! now I can't remove the scene in my mind! but.. ' she looked at her no boobs breast couldn't help but get jealous in the fact that she doesn't have boobs.

But she didn't give up, she was still growing after all and she thought ' And if I got big I'm gonna charm Mark-nii! w-wait why did I think of Mark-nii?! ' her face went red along with the others.

Mari nosebleed was falling like an endless water falls " Heheehehhh a real one heheheee~ "

While was Meliodas enjoyed groping Elizabeth's boobs, his face turned grave, he felt a massive demon energy, and shouted in his mind ' Is it father?! Impossible! he shouldn't left the Purgatory just to find us right?! '

Elizabeth who noticed, Meliodas Expression turned grave as he stop groping her boobs, she asked " Meliodas? what's wrong? "

Meliodas shouted " It's coming! Elizabeth hide! and take Mari and Merlin too! "

The girls were starled at Meliodas outburst, they were confused, Elizabeth asked " Tell me what is it Meliodas! "

Meliodas said with a grave tone " It's father! I can feel his presence nearby! only him can leak a strong demonic energy like what I felt now! "

Elizabeth got shocked and shouted " No! I can't leave you here never! even if we die together I don't mind! "

Mari and Merlin looked at the two drama, and they both know it wasn't the demon king, but Merlin was confused and thought ' Father? so Meliodas father is the current demon king?! ' she understood quickly she was not just smart but she is also sharp.

Mari knew that already, so she doesn't have much to say, Elizabeth looked at them with a gentle smile " It was nice, meeting you both but this is probably the last time we'll see each other, now please hide! "

Merlin and Mari was awe at her kindness, Meliodas shouted " His coming! "

Elizabeth got ready, she was ready to face the demon king, suddenly a figure arrived in the small cave, the figure was a male an incredibly handsome man with a black hair and a pure black eyes.

Meliodas was confused, he thought it was his father! he couldn't recognize this man, but the more he look at the man the more his shocked, he is leaking the same energy as his father a Demon King!

Meliodas eyes widened and shouted in his mind ' Impossible! there should be only one Demon King in this world! who is he?! ' the atmosphere got heavy.

The man who arrived is naturally Mark himself, he was kind of surprised that he saw Meliodas and Elizabeth in this place, he looked at their appearance they were injured and he thought ' So Meliodas betrayed the demon clan already? so I guess the holy war is starting. '

His gaze looked at the other side, and he saw his lover Mari and Merlin, as Mari noticed Mark's gaze she shuddered.

Merlin looked at Mari with a helpless smile, Meliodas was on defense " You, who are you? why do you have the same energy as the Demon King! "

Mark pretended " Hmm? a demon? and a goddess? I never knew that those 2 clans could get along. "

Meliodas said with annoyance " Oi! answer my question! "

He felt like his question was being ignored, Mark rised his hand and said " Wait a moment, I got to take care of something. "

Mark moved toward the place where Mari standing, it was so fast that it was as if, he was teleporting.

Meliodas was stunned, he was too fast! he knew that he couldn't beat this monster beside him, it's because Mark is in the same level of his father!

Elizabeth shouted worriedly " Mari! Merlin! "

Mark rised his hand in the head of Mari a slaps it real hard.


Mari shouted in pain " Ouch! why did you do that?! "

Mark said angrily " You idiot! do you know how worried I am?! and you still ask me why?! "

Mari couldn't make excuses " I-im sorry... "

Mark sigh at his girlfriend, he touches her chin and lifted her face and kissed her lips, after a few moment, their lips separated,and he said " Geez...Mari please don't be reckless next time. "

Mari was surprised at Mark's kiss and felt warm in her heart that he was worried for her, she buried his face in his chest and said " Mhm..I'm sorry I won't do it again... "

Mari means it this time, Mark looked at Merlin " I'm sure you got dragged here, you did your best. "

Merlin nodded, and the two couple got shocked at the scene in their eyes, they took the time to process the information.

Elizabeth couldn't help but ask " Uhmm, Mari what is going on? "

Mari answered " Ah, my boyfriend was just worried about me... don't worry he isn't an enemy. "

( END- )

Hmmmm yeah nailed it, on the process of changing her immature attitude.