Daine's Awakening

Mark has a shocked expression in his face while looking at the statue, which is Daine, and then he observed the statue and saw few cracks within it, he thought 'Cracks? system what happened to Daine?'

[ After your slumber, a millennial years had passed you three got separated and naturally since you the owner of the system is the first one to be free from the slumber, but since you found her body she'll be released from slumber tonight. ]

Mark asked again 'So basically your saying that they wouldn't be released from this slumber, if I couldn't find them?'

[ Yes, you need to be a few meters distance from them so you could release them from the slumber mode. ]

Mark stared at Daine statue and he could see the stones are cracking little by little, and now he needed to wait till tonight but he couldn't help but think 'How the hell did it got here in the first place?' and then he suddenly saw some random woman who kneeled at Daine statue and they prayed.

"Oh! goddess of dreams when do I find my destined person? please give me a sign!"

Mark looked at the woman with a blank look on his face, and then the woman looked at Mark and instantly she got smitten by Mark's extremely handsome look, she felt her heart was stolen and then she suddenly said.

"Is this the sign goddess of dreams?! if so I thank you from the bottom of my heart! Kyaa~! 😍 Hello~! there handsome!"

Mark expression got ugly and then he thought 'F*ck! let's run!' he suddenly disappeared, the woman couldn't see him anymore, and then the woman felt down, however she regained her motivation after a moment and said.

"I will find you my prince! I swear that will be together!"


Mark got an imaginary sweats in his face, since he doesn't really sweat much him sweating from running is almost impossible, but he thought 'What the hell? just because I was there that doesn't mean I'm her destined person!'

(A/N : No, I don't want to admit it he didn't raise a flag got that?!)

Mark sigh after, he till tonight cause finally they could be together again he won't feel jealous anymore, and then he went back to the place where he left Meliodas and then he saw, that Meliodas has finally gotten the sword. Gilthunder's Sword.

He gave the sword back to the soldiers, and they looked at him fearfully. The towns people are happy because the water ia finally pouring. Meliodas noticed Mark and then he waved at him and said.

"Yo! where have you been?"

"Checking something."

"Something? what is it?"

"I saw Daine."

"Oh! Daine...wait what?! you mean your lover? that Daine?"

"Yep! that Daine."

"Why she isn't with you?"

"She is still a statue, she will be released tonight."

"I see!"

Meliodas didn't asked any further. Mark told them about the slumber and he told them lies with some truth.

After Meliodas pulled the sword, the towns people invited him to a feast because they are thankful for him, and naturally he happily accepted, but first he needed to bring Elizabeth and Hawk.


The feast has started, the towns people drinks a lot of sake, and eat various kind of meats. Meanwhile Elizabeth helped serving the meat around thought she regained her memories she didn't change a bit for this is her true personality, and she had to hide her wings from the towns people, other races aren't welcome at this time.

While Mark is casually eating, he attracts a lot of young females attentions, it's because of his flawless face, though Meliodas is attractive but his charm isn't near Mark. The young females want to flirt with him and wanted him to warm their bed, however Mark ignored them, like they were invisible and he continued eating.

Since their attempts was a failure they stop talking to him, but they still started at his charming face, while drooling and imagining him doing 'That' kind of things with him, you know what I mean.

And the night has come, most of the Towns mens are drunk from too much sake, and a lot of them is going home to sleep. Mark heard the system saying.

[ It's time for her to be released. ]

Mark dashed toward the fountain where he found Daine, he arrived there in a blink of eye, not even a second had pass, as if he teleported.

As he arrived suddenly the stones around the body of Daine is slowly crumbing and falling piece by pieces, and after a few seconds all of the stones around her body is now gone, and she slowly opened her eyes and she saw Mark looking at her with a smiling face.

And then she understands the situation after that, she opened her mouth and said.

"It's been a long time...right Mark?"

Mark smiled, it wasn't really a long time, he doesn't feel like it was a millennial had passed since they were sleeping after all, however it is right to say 'It's been a long time' since it is the case. Mark said.

"Yes..it's been a long time Daine."

Daine went toward Mark and give him a deep kiss, after that deep kiss Daine asked.

"So? what's the situation."

Mark grinned at said.

"Finding the Seven Deadly Sins."

Daine nodded and smiled, as she held Mark's hand while slowly walking toward the boar's hat location.


Meliodas caught Gilthunder's spear which was borrowed from a certain soldier, and is currently in his right hand, this time he didn't bulge in his spot when he caught the flying spear, because it was really too weak to do a thing to him now

"Gilthunder that brat...sigh*"

As he was about throw it back, Mark suddenly appeared at his back and said.

"Let me throw it."


Meliodas looked at his back and then, he saw Mark and Daine and he grinned.

"Yo! it's been a 3000 years Daine."

"Hm? who are you?"

Daine acted confused, even with those actors who won Oscar award couldn't win against this one.

"Hah? Y-you lost your memories?!"

"Giggles* No just kidding, it's been a 3000 years Meliodas nice to see you again."

Meliodas forcefully smiled at Daine, he really thought that it was the case! he really never thought that Daine is a joking type person!

Mark grabs the spear at Meliodas hand, and then Meliodas was about to say something but, he was too late!

Mark throws it with at least 10% of his strength, and the spear flys breaking the sound speed.


Gilthunder is currently sitting in a throne, he is in a watch tower waiting for response, and after a few second he could see a shooting star going towards him, and his guts is telling him to dodge or he'll die a miserable death, without a hesitation he trusted his guts and move as fast as he could in the throne and miraculously he did.

And the shooting star, which is the soldier spear hits the throne, and instantly destroying the throne it exploded and the spear continued to shoot away and it end up destroying few mountains near the watch tower where Gilthunder stayed.

Gilthunder got a dumbfounded expression and said with disbelief.

"What...the F*CK was that?!"

( END- )

Hooray my dearest readers I decided to focus in this one! I'll update one or two chapters DAILY!

PS~ I just want to know the ending too. 😎

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