Reunion Of Wrath And Greed

First of all yes I do request for suggestions and sometimes I follow them, but Idc if you call it NTR or what, because it's my choice i created this for my own happiness but of course to satisfy you guys. However i won't ever follow a suggestion that i don't want, feel free to drop. I won't bother my energy for someone couldn't enjoy a free reading, and yes i know some of you guys find it bothersome but I don't care Read if you like Drop if you want.

Besides what is the point of this novel if I just follow your suggestions and without me enjoying it's better not to write.


After getting the information from Gilthunder, they went straight toward the place where Ban The Fox Sin Of Greed is currently being held, Mark is actually looking forward of what is going to be the reaction of Ban when, he saw Meliodas new appearance.

A few days later, they finally arrived at Dalmary Town, 8 miles northwest from Baste Dungeon, however this time Meliodas didn't die unlike it was originally intended to, within those days Diane is trying to strike a conversation with Mark, and she successfully did unlike before he was cold and arrogant back in the Demon Slayer World, but now eversince he got his revenge is slowly changing to be an open minded person, but ruthless at his enemy.

Though he is kind of a little cold for those he doesn't have contact with, but not overbearing like before, Mark and Diane relationship is considered friends, and actually Mark asked Meliodas to unseal the Ten Commandments after they found the rest of the Sins, Meliodas was surprised and naturally asked why. Mark answered.

"Besides them, nothing could interest me and I'd like to meet some old friends from that group, don't worry about them they are considered weak in the current you now."

He's right, Meliodas actually thought so too, since he is on the same level as his Father and The Supreme Deity, he doesn't need to fear them, besides he kind of misses that brother of his, Zeldris was only like that because his lover was killed, he was given a choice his lover or the clan? but he chose the latter.

Actually Mark could revive her, but she will became a demon after, well it's better than being dead at least, and she could be together with Zeldris without any problem, their race was the problem to begin with.

A Demon wouldn't accept a Vampire, as their prince bride, Zeldris isn't the same as Meliodas who actually betrayed his entire clan for Elizabeth, and he didn't regret it the only regret he got was seeing Elizabeth die a hundred times right within his very eyes.

But now the problem is solved, he could be truly happy now, he doesn't need to worry about his Father or the Goddess Clan, but little did he know that there is still Cath Palug, but Mark will take care of that little kitty.

That cat is no big deal, but the chaos is the big deal the only existence in this world who could match him is The Chaos herself, however they would meet officially in the future not as Mama Hawk but as the Chaos real body not a mere fragment like Author Pendragon.


The girls and Hawk is currently staying at the Dalmary Town, this time Diane didn't cause any trouble or panic in the town since, Mark casted a spell to shrink her, she was happy to have an almost the same size as them.

While Meliodas and Mark is rushing toward the Baste Dungeon with an extreme speed, but of course it wasn't their very best, because when they do they'll arrive their within a milisecond.

It took them a full minute to arrive near, and they saw a lot of soldier guarding the Dungeon, and they could see a few Holy Knights, they are actually aware of their arrival, however they still looked cocky and arrogant they thought that they could beat them, just because they captured Ban? hell no. Ban let himself get caught because he thought that his Captain Meliodas is dead.

Mark looked at Meliodas and said.

"Take care of them, do it within a few seconds."

Meliodas nodded and disappeared In his spot and Immediately made all of the holy including the soldiers faint with a short span of 1 second! and Meliodas held back a lot cause he'll end up killing them, he isn't really a fan of killing unlike before he met Elizabeth he was the perfect killing machine without emotions, just kill and kill following his Father's command.

And that goes without saying, Meliodas immediately went inside the dungeon, but Mark the first thing he did was checking the real face of the woman Holy Knight, he curious of the face of the woman who had an insect armor, he did it with haste and took of her helmet and yep he really expected it, she is definitely beautiful, but in this world she is just above average at least, this world has a lot of beauty, maybe because their genes are pure? an ugly person here is considered above average back in Earth, but the average looking face here is actually in the level of idol in Earth! most of them are even more handsome than those K-pop stars.

Mark puts the helmet back in her head, and he went inside the Dungeon to follow Meliodas.


Ban was still in the room where is was being held, he hadn't heard about Meliodas being alive because Gilthunder didn't really, report it nor that the observer could recognize the current Meliodas, so Ban doesn't have any intention of leaving the Dungeon, however he could hear a bone cracking sounds.

Ban got interested and muttered.

"Oh?~ Interesting~ someone invaded the Dungeon~?"

Suddenly he heard a familiar voice through the door saying.

"Ban? are you there?"

Ban eyes widened, there is no mistake! it was his Captain voice! though it was a little bit different from before, without a doubt it is him!

Inside the room he grinned, and he got exicited he quickly removed the restrained steel all over his body, and kicked the steel door, and then he happy shouted.

"Cap'tain~! where have you bee-"

Ban froze when he saw Meliodas, he looked familiar yet unfamiliar to him, but he could see some similar assets to the old Meliodas, and then Meliodas grinned while looking at his dumbfounded look, he kind of expected this and then he said.

"Yo Ban! it's been a while!"

And the two best friends reunion after a decade is kind of unexpected.


Mark is lost! he could feel Meliodas above him, they had a connection eversince Meliodas had drank his blood, it would be so simple to destroy the ceilings above him, however he doesn't want to, he was eager to find the entrance from above like normal.

As he walked around the Dungeon he met someone familiar, it was a girl who is a lot shorter than him, she wears an armor for a Holy Knight and that only person that comes into Mark's mind is 'Jericho! this tomboy is a beauty i had to admit she's cute...oh kind reminds me of Shinobu I missed her.'

Jericho who saw Mark froze for a full minute, none of them moved, but after a few moment, Jericho regained her bearing and shouted.

"Y-you! who are you bastard?!"

There was a hint of shyness of her voice, and again by just standing, he yet again raised a flag.

( END- )

Meh enjoy reading, and don't forget to VOTE!

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