
Mark heard his name even though he was at least a hundred meters far away from the Ten Commandments spot.

He looked at Melascula, and stared at her collar which he used to silence her from spreading his existence, he thought. 'That collar is really durable, to think it didn't last until today..'

Though it's invisible to the eyes of most people, it's actually visible to someone that is at the same level or higher BP than the Ten Commandments.

That's why it was named invisible slave collar, because ordinary people couldn't actually see it.

With all honesty he doesn't know how to talk with this supposed to be slave of his, he awkwardly spoke.

"Hey there, Melascula it's been a while.."

Mark snapped out of himself and thought. 'Aren't we supposed to be enemies right?! Why the hell am I acting awkwardly, like I owe her an apology?!'

Melascula on the other hand, couldn't believe what she heard, she didn't think that he would actually remember her!

More importantly he even remembered her name! She never expected that Mark would remember her, much less her name!

It made her kokoro (heart) extremely happy, though her face was solemn but her pale face slowly turned crimson.

All of her fellow Ten Commandments members noticed this, they had countless questions regarding this issue.

However no one dated to ask because it wasn't the time to do so, after all there are 3 enemies above them and each of them could literally kill them with ease.

Their Instinct was screaming for them to run, because the 3 people from above aren't someone they couldn't hope to defeat, especially Mark who is in the middle!

Mark defeated them 3,000 years ago with ease, and back then they're still at their peak.

Zeldris was mostly shocked by Meliodas because he could feel the same aura from his father the Demon King!

'What the hell happened to that traitor Meliodas?! Why does his aura feel like father?! Did he perhaps reach the level of father?! Impossible!' He gritted his teeth, and shouted at Meliodas.

"Meliodas! How?! How come your aura feels like father?! What the hell did you do within the last 3,000 years?!"

Meliodas stared at his brother silently and sighed. "Brother, it's a long short story Mark helped me upgrade my Demon Bloodline and here I'm at the same level as father!"

He didn't try to suppress his Demon King aura, so that the rest of the Ten Commandments who were doubtful are now sure that he had the same aura of their beloved Demon King!

While Meliodas and the Ten Commandments were having a staring contest, Eve was looking at Estarossa with a blank expression.

Estarossa was sweating like crazy, even though he couldn't recognize the Supreme Deity appearance right now.

He could still recognize her Divinity! It was something that only those who have a goddess bloodline in their veins could recognize!

Suddenly Eve spoke to him using telepathy.

'Mael, we'll have a good and slow talk later.'

Estarossa couldn't refuse her, so he silently nodded.




The atmosphere between Meliodas and the Ten Commandments is getting intense as the time passes.

Excluding Melascula she doesn't give a fuck about the conflict between Meliodas and her group, as her gaze was always on Mark since she saw him.

Ignoring her gaze, Mark decided to interrupt Meliodas and The Ten Commandments starring conflict because he was sure that they would fight at any moment now.

"Alright! You Demons! We didn't come here to fight!"

All eyes were on him at the moment, Meliodas was giving him a questioning look, he was really surprised by his words as he was sure that they would have to fight his Brother and rest of the Ten Commandments!

Mark noticed this and gave him a shrug, he continued. "I'm here to tell you that, there is no need to conquer the human world which is ordered by the mother fucking Demon King! I'm here to declare peace!"

Eve giggled at his words, while the others were dumbfounded, Zeldris wasn't really offended that Mark mocked his father, after all calling the Demon King mother fucker was already being polite.

With all honesty, Zeldris doesn't want to conquer the human world for it is a pain in the ass, but he doesn't have a choice but to obey his father because he wanted him to recognize him and make him a Demon King.

So that he could finally free his lover Gelda and her race.

Mark continued. "Starting tomorrow

there will be no Demon King! Because I will kill him! You guys won't have to worry about getting killed by him or sort. I'm just asking you all to live peacefully after that and Zeldris you can release Gelda because your bastard father would be no more."

Zeldris' eyes widened, he shouted. "How did you know about her?!"

"I just know, don't ask, I'm not going to harm your little lover and her race as long as you live peacefully, and I won't be made of you guys killing humans as long as the human you killed is worthy of killing."

Zeldris was thinking about the pros and cons, after a full minute of silence, he ultimately decided to betray his father for the sake of Gelda.

"Fine..! I promise that I won't conquer this world anymore! But you also have to stay true of your promises!"

"Naturally, I would then what about the rest of you guys?" Mark shifted his attention to the rest of the Ten Commandments.

Monspeet, Derieri, Melascula, Drole and Gloxinia don't have a problem with that, while Grayroad and Galand couldn't accept such conditions!

As they are prideful and they think humans as inferior beings.

Mark noticed this, and said. "I see, so that's your decision...then goodbye."

He pointed his finger toward Galand and Grayroad, he gathered a huge amount of mana enough to erase Galand and Grayroad from existence!

"[ Extermination ]."

A blast accurately hit both Galand and Grayroad, it made them disappear from the face of earth their presence is nowhere to be found.

A terrifying silence was all over the place, all of the Ten Commandments members shivered from the sight, because what 'if' they didn't agree with him?

Perhaps their ending would be the same as Galand and Grayroad!

"Done!" Mark smiled at his handy work, though his smile was pretty handsome but in the eyes of the Ten Commandments his smile was the most devilish thing that they ever saw in their lives!

He literally killed 2 members of the Ten Commandments like they are nothing but ants!

( End- )