Chapter Fifteen Part Two

"Aaru, you have the dawat in two hours. The first one is at Nani's, so go and quickly get ready." His mom said while already on her fifth puri.

"It's two hours away…" He said while smiling wryly. "Plus, it's only a twenty-minute drive, or thirty at most. I can start getting ready in an hour."

"No, you need to start now, just in case you get late." She said with a frown.

"Alright." He sighed. "Hazim, after you're done eating, call Sara and start looking for halls you want for the engagement. If you find one you like, finalize it quickly and put it under my name, I'll go talk more with the person later. If you have time, you can try and find a caterer as well, but remind them of the time crunch. We only have a few days."

"Oh yeah, the engagement is in three days right?" His mom knew since Lammy told her the same night. Really, everyone was informed already since the aunts and uncles were a part of a family group chat in an app. The news spread like wildfire.

"Yeah." Aarush said with a sigh. "Although it's a little quick, I think we can get all the preparations done by then. Only issue I see is the food really."

"Here, why don't me and your dad pick up my sister and go decide the food? Hazim and Sara can get the decorations done, the hall choice, and other important things, and we can get the food. Plus, Hazim and Sara are inexperienced, so they probably won't know how to discuss the food and how much of each will be needed." His mom said after a thought.

"Yeah, that's a better plan. Can you tell Lammy to also prepare a list of people she wants to invite. We just need a max number. Hazim, tell Sara to do the same, and you do the same. Prepare the guest list so you have a rough idea of who will be attending. We don't want to order too much nor too little food." He wasn't concerned about the financial parts of this, since he could handle it.

Hazim nodded his head. "Alright. I'll text Sara to let her know."

"Aliya, can you and Jeej go and get some designs for the engagement cards made? Get a few designs, then bring it to Lammy, and the rest, so they can decide which one they want." More people getting the work done would be better. After all, it was short notice and there was so much to do.

"No problem. You guys go and get what you need done. Leave the rest to us." Aliya smiled. "Chacha, later on, go and take Hazim to get all the dresses for Sara." Aliya looked at chacha who was eating and listening with a smile.

"Got it." He couldn't do much anyways since he was not the healthiest person, but that didn't mean he would be excluded. This was his son's engagement; he had a major lead.

Seeing most things were planned, Aarush nodded and headed back into his room with Aeleya. The latter took another shower, mostly to get rid of the smell of food on her. Aarush just washed his hands; he didn't really think too hard about it all. Instead, he decided a bit of cologne would do the trick.

"Aeleya, which suit am I wearing?" When Aeleya was done with the shower, she began to do her makeup in front of the large mirror in her room. The towel was tied on her head, while she wore breezy clothes.

The only reason Aarush was asking was because he knew Aeleya already planned everything out. Plus, his assumption was that all girls were very picky about these things, with his relevant source of information being his mom and sister.

"The one in your left hand." She pointed with a makeup item in her hand. Aarush nodded his head and quickly ironed his clothes. He didn't wear his clothes right away though, they still had time. "Why aren't I wearing a salwar kameez? Isn't a suit too much?"

Aeleya looked at him with a bit of irritation. "If you had any, I would make you wear that, but other than the one at your wedding, you didn't have a single salwar kameez." She sighed. She would have loved it if he wore traditional clothes, but he just didn't have any.

"Why don't we go buy some later then?" He said while sitting on the bed causally.

"We can, but not right now. Probably tomorrow, since we don't have time. Also, we need to get you clothes for the engagement as well." She said while drying her hair with a hair drying. She looked extremely attractive doing all these things, atleast to Aarush.

"What's the point? I need to know if I'm even allowed to come." He sighed.

"What do you mean? Lammy said the wedding, meaning nikkah, you weren't allowed, but the engagement was never mentioned." Aeleya said with a smile.

"No, it's risky. If I go and a scene starts up, it will ruin the whole event." He already decided to just avoid the big events. He didn't want to ruin anything for Hazim and Sara. Plus, he knew himself, if Lammy did want to start something, he wouldn't back down either… things would just get messy.

"Aarush, she won't say anything." Aeleya walked over and said gently. "This is Hazim's engagement, how could you not go?"

"I want to go as well Aeleya, but trust me, things could go wrong. Especially since her anger hasn't gone away yet. If the engagement happened much later then I would definitely come, since she would be cooled off." He shook his head. "Anyways, if you go, then there isn't a problem."

"But I wanted to attend this with you…" She said with a bitter look. "It would be the first event I would attend with you as my husband, how can I go alone?"

"For Hazim, you have to attend. If I don't go and you don't go, how would Hazim feel? Just go, alright?" He stroked her cheeks gently.

"Alright." She agreed reluctantly. "But if I find out that Lammy is alright with you coming, then I don't care what you say, you will attend, got it?"

"I know." He smiled as she got up and began to dry her hair once again.

After an hour of getting ready, Aeleya was in her dress while Aarush in his suit. The letters suit wasn't baggy, rather it was very well fitted. Aeleya's dress was traditional and looked very beautiful.

"We have an hour before it starts so we'll leave in twenty minutes." He said while putting his shoes on.

"Alright." She smiled while also putting on her heels. Aarush saw that she was struggling so he helped her put it on. While he tied up the lace on the back for her heels, Aeleya gently fixed his hair. "Your hair is so messy."

"What do you mean? I thought it looked fine." He said bitterly.

"No, it's a little bit messy. Let me fix it." She grabbed a comb and began to fix his hair.

"Ouch, go a little lighter." His hair began to pull on his scalp, making him close one of his eyes in pain.

"Relax, don't be so childish." She shook her head and continued to fix his hair. Soon, they were both ready to go. Aarush held her hand to help her out. "How do I look?" She asked with a sweet smile.

"Beautiful." He said gently. "If we didn't have a dawat to go to, I would make you stand here forever, just so I could watch you."

She smiled at his words. She walked forward and fixed his collar. "You look so handsome as well." Aarush wanted to lean in and give her a kiss, but she quickly stopped him. "My lipstick will get ruined." He looked at her bitterly before shaking his head.

"Let's go leave then." She nodded her head and they both walked down the steps. Aarush made sure to hold her hand and helped her carefully descend. With heels, it was very difficult for her to walk down. "Screw this." Seeing as they were moving slow and he was feeling a little impatient, he picked her up and walked down the stairs.

"Aarush." She said with a bit of surprise. "You'll ruin the dress." she spoke with a pout.

"No, I won't." He smiled and quickly got to the bottom floor. Placing her down gently, he grabbed her hand and walked to the living room.

"Wow, Aeleya you look beautiful." Aliya saw Aeleya entering and she stood up and said with a bright smile. "Aarush, you look whatever." She said with a smirk, causing Aarush to snort.

"Aarush, you look great." Jeej walked up and said with a smile. "Here, let me get a picture of you two." he pulled out his phone and had the two-stand next to each other.

"Take one with my phone as well." Aeleya quickly passed her phone to Aliya, who nodded her head.

They took a few photos, with various poses. Surprisingly, Aeleya was actually really into photos. Aarush never thought she was into things like that. In total, they took about twelve pictures, each in a different pose.

"Wow, this one looks great." Aeleya looked through her phone and smiled with a blushed face. "Aarush look, this one is nice, right?"

"Yeah yeah, it's great." he didn't really look. He wasn't a big fan of pictures.

"Aarush, you have to look." She said, while pestering him about it. He sighed and looked at it again and smiled at her.

"You look beautiful." She smiled before scrolling through the rest happily.

"Aarush, I remember you used to always say that if your wife wanted you to take pictures, you would do so without complaints. What now?" Aliya asked with a smirk .

"What do you mean? I just took twelve pictures, isn't that a lot? He asked with shock. Normally, he would at most take two pictures for any event. He hated to be in the camera, it just bugged him for some reason.

"That's not a lot. When me and Hafiz took pics, we take atleast fifty." She said with a smirk. ."Twelve is nothing."

"Aarush, let's take more. We still have a few minutes." Aeleya looked at him with her bright eyes. He sighed and nodded his head.

"Aliya, take a few more for us." He passed her the phone, which she happily took."

Soon enough, they had a bunch more photos. Some of them turned out great, others not so much. Most of the problem was with Aarush if anything. He didn't know how to smile properly nor stand for a photo. He was very stiff.

"Aeleya, let's leave now." She smiled and nodded her head, while still looking at the photos. Even when they got into the car, she was actively looking at the photos.

"We should get this one framed. It looks really nice." She showed Aarush one of the photos as he drove. He looked at it briefly, and nodded his head.

"Sure, I don't mind." He wasn't too considered.

"I know you don't like to take pictures, but you took so many for me. Thank you." She smiled and grabbed his arm. "Hey, we should do more things like cooking together. It was really fun." She placed her head on his shoulder as she spoke.

"We should. Maybe next time, we can play badminton or something together. We can go shopping again, maybe watch a movie." He smiled as well, just thinking about all the things they could do.

"Yeah." She smiled and nodded her head. They drove for a while longer and finally arrived at a house with white walls and flowers decorated everywhere. It looked very peaceful and serene. They got out of the car and entered the house.

"Nani?" He called out. After walking around for a little bit, he saw his Nani sitting on her personal takat.

"Aaru beta, come here." She beckoned him over with a smile. "Wow, you look so handsome." She laughed while rubbing his head. "Aeleya dear, come here come here." She called over Aeleya as well and stroked her hair too. "You look beautiful. Here, Anu is setting up the table in the kitchen, let's all head over." The house they were at, weirdly enough, was Tari's. Nani lived with her oldest son, Anu mamu and his wife. Aarush and Aeleya of course knew this, but to them it didn't matter too much since the most important person was Nani.

Aarush helped his Nani up and slowly walked towards the kitchen. It was large, with lots of room, rather than a single kitchen, it was a combination of a large dining room and kitchen, mixed with a living room. The decorations were also very beautiful.

Anu mamu and his wife dressed very nicely, just like Aarush, Anu mamu also wore a suit. His wife wore a beautiful dress. Tari was already sitting on one of the chairs, but she also looked gorgeous with her blue dress.

"Anu mamu." Aarush walked over and gave the man a hug.

"Aaru, how are you feeling?" He looked at Aarush with a bit of concern. Of course, he heard about what happened with Tari and him, but he didn't put much thought into it. Rather, he was disappointed in his daughter for her actions. His wife on the other hand was a little offended, but no one brought it up. A dawat was supposed to be a happy thing, not sad.

"I'm doing great. I healed up pretty well, so no issue." He smiled and then looked at his mami. "Mami, how are you?" he walked over and gave her a hug as well. He was close to his mami as well. He was close to all his aunts and uncles, just some more than others. Although he and his mami weren't as close as him and Lammy, he was closer to his mami than his other aunts, mostly because of his relationship with Anu mamu.

"I'm fine. How is your arm? Does it still hurt? I told him to wait and let you heal up, but he just didn't listen to me." She looked at him with concern, not showing any fakeness. She was genuine about her feelings.

"It's fine, there is no need to worry." He smiled.

Aeleya also spoke with Anu mamu and mami a little before everyone sat down around the table.

"Aaru, it's very unexpected that Hazim and Sara would decide to get married." While they happily ate, the first topic brought up was the most earth shattering one, Hazims and Sara's marriage. No one expected it.

"It is a little unexpected." He also agreed. "But hey, it's a good thing. Hazim has a good future ahead of him and will be able to properly care for Sara. What more could we ask for?"

"Agreed." Anu mamu replied with a smile.

"Also, I wanted to ask you something, Anu mamu." Aarush said while eating his food.

"Hmm?" His mouth was full so he couldn't say it with words.

"Well, I plan on sending a few of my cousins to live with Maya and Maaz in America, so that they could either further their studies, or find a career and try to gain some experience. You know, it is good for their futures." He said with a smile. "Why don't you guys let Tari go? She has a degree and everything, so finding a job wouldn't be hard for her."

Anu mamu was a little shocked by Aarush's words, but he smiled gently. 'This is why he is like a son to me.' He couldn't help but think this. Even with all the problems that happened between him and Tari, Aarush still thought of her future, like a big brother. "I don't mind, but I think we should hold up on that." He swallowed a bit and looked at Aarush with a gentle smile.

"Oh? Did something happen?" He smiled and asked. He could tell the issue wasn't because of him, rather something did happen.

"Tari has gotten a proposal from a very good man. He is a few years younger than you, but he is very well educated and even has a great job in London." Anu mamu explained without hesitation.

"Really?" Aarush asked with pleasant surprise. "Wow, congratulations then." Aarush spoke with a smile. If the man was really as good as Anu mamu said, then Tari was fortunate, of course he would never let his cousins be forced to marry someone they didn't want to, so he would look at the guy and see himself as well. It didn't matter to him if the person who was getting married was Tari or not, to him all his cousins were equal.

"Thank you." Anu mamu was excited himself. He was sad that his daughter was still unmarried even at such an age. He wanted to see her happy, rather then hung up on someone who didn't like her. He knew that somethings took time, but he also knew that if she waited too long, then it would be too late. He didn't want to ruin his only daughter's future. Mami was also very happy as well. Although she did like Aarush more and was hoping that Aarush would be the one to wed her daughter, but since that never happened, and she was happy that a person who was also very well off could marry her daughter. She just wanted her daughter to live a carefree life.

Aeleya looked at Tari with a bit of surprise. 'To agree so soon? Did she stop liking Aarush so quickly?' However, when Aeleya saw the comfortability in Tari's eyes, she felt a little taken aback. 'Did she agree voluntarily, or was it forced like for me?' No matter how much she disliked Tari, the latter was Aarush's cousin, so in turn they were family. She couldn't hope for anything bad to happen to Tari. Especially like forceful marriages. She was lucky that the person she was forced to marry was Aarush. He was loving, kind, gentle, and really loved her, yet not everyone was like Aarush.

"I'll be right back." Tari got up and left the table after giving a valid excuse. Aarush smiled at her while Aeleya waited a moment before also excusing herself. She followed Tari. The latter entered her room and was silently sitting on her bed with a sullen look. When Aeleya saw this, she could tell something was up.

"Tari?" She decided that maybe talking to the girl would help. Although she wasn't the best person, it was better than nothing.

Tari looked up and saw Aeleya enter her room. She couldn't help but frown and stand up, showing hostility. "What do you want?"

Seeing her act all defensive, Aeleya sighed. "Tari, look. I don't think you and I have too many issues, really. You liked Aarush and that's understandable since at one-point you guys were going to get married, but in the end I married him. The issue is only this." She sighed. "But still, no matter the issues you and I have, you are Aarush's cousins, his family, making you my family as well. I can tell something is bothering you, why don't we talk about it if you want? It could help you feel better."

"There isn't an issue, and I don't need to talk to you about it." She growled a little.

Seeing her act like this, Aeleya sighed. "Look Tari, I know you don't like me, and honestly, I don't like you too much either. You try to make me feel really bad, and you like the man I'm married to, my Aarush." Aeleya spoke her words coldly. "But even then, I want to help you, since my husband considers you family." Aeleya ignored her glared and sat on the edge of the bed. "Listen, if you're being forced to marry this person, tell me. I can help you. If this person isn't a good guy, tell me about it, I can help you. Trust me, I would be the happiest person in the world if you find someone you love other then Aarush, since that would finally take a burden off my shoulder, but I would not be happy if you were married to a guy you didn't like. I'm a girl, I know that would be terrible."

"What do you know? You married Aarush so happily, you got him while I'm left with a guy who I haven't ever seen!" Tari looked frustrated. "If I married Aarush then do you think any of this would have happened? I know he didn't like me, but he would have eventually." She spoke with red eyes. "You had to come in and ruin it all."

Aeleya sighed. Instead of retorting her words, she said something else. "You want to know a funny story? I was actually forced to marry Aarush myself."

"Lier." Tari didn't buy it,

"Say what you want, but this is the truth." She shook her head and continued. "I didn't look forward to marrying anyone, just wanting to get a degree and live a free life, but my parents forced me to marry Aarush. Unlike Aarush who loved me from the very beginning, I actually didn't like him at all. I didn't hate him either, but I didn't have any feelings for him." She said with a smile. "I told him the truth on our first night, you can imagine the heartache for him." She sighed, just thinking about it. "But I didn't have a choice. I was forced into it, but I couldn't lie to Aarush and hurt him either. So, after telling the truth, we never actually spent too much time together. The truth is, a few days after we got married, Aarush was called to the hospital for a week straight. He never came home for a week. And then when we got to Pakistan, he was called back again for a week. Really, ever since our marriage, I have only spent a few days with him. I love him to death now, but in the past I didn't like him."

"Why are you telling me this?" Tari still had red eyes, but she couldn't help but ask. She was shocked when she heard this, and deep down felt a little bad for Aeleya since right now she was being forced to do the same thing.

"The reason is because I want you to know I have been through a similar situation, however yours is a bit better. Unlike me, you have Aarush who can back you up and fight for your wants. I never had a person who could fight my parents and tell them what they were doing was wrong. So, if you are hurting, tell me and Aarush, we will help you." She got up from the bed and was about to leave, but left one more line. "Remember, I was lucky enough to get Aarush, but not everyone is lucky. You have a chance, fight for it now when Aarush can support you, if you don't then once you are married, his hands will be tied." She then left the room. Tari sat on her bed and felt like crying. To a certain extent, the love she thought she had for Aarush wasn't really love. It was more like she felt she had rights over him that were stolen from her. If she loved him like Aeleya did, or even the way Mona did, she would have felt a lot more heartache when he got injured, or she would feel anger on his behalf when he was called back to the hospital for a week, but she never felt any of that. Sure, she felt it was a little wrong, but that was it. Instead, she felt happy that Aarush wasn't near Aeleya.

'I know that Aarush will never marry me, not in this life, but how am I supposed to marry someone else, when I can't even like anyone else other than him? I was always told, since I was a little kid, that I would marry Aarush. I looked forward to it. People would tease me about it, yet now he's married, but not to me.' She sighed. Tari understood her personality was warped because of this incident, but how could she control herself?

Back at the table, Aarush and Aeleya spoke happily with Anu mamu and mami. Various topics were discussed and like that a few hours went by.

"Alright Anu mamu, thanks for having us." Aarush gave him one last hug and then departed with Aeleya.

"Aarush, I think that Tari is being forced to marry this person." When they were in the car, that was the first thing Aeleya said.

Aarush looked at her with a smile. "I'm not dumb Aeleya, I can tell she doesn't want to marry this person either." He started the car and began to drive, while Aeleya looked at him with a bit of shock.

"Then why didn't you say anything?" She asked with confusion.

"Tari's case is a little different from others." He explained. "From what I heard this man is good looking, well educated, and so much more. Of course, this doesn't mean that I will allow her to marry him if she doesn't want it, but I want her to meet the guy atleast once. She is stuck in a past which is hard to come out of unless she finds someone who she can love. If she meets this guy, speaks to him a little more and finds out that she likes him, then great, if not then I will prevent the wedding from occurring." He rubbed Aeleya's cheek and explained casually.

"You already thought this far?" She never knew that he would think this much into it.

"I've been thinking about this ever since I found out she was still thinking about the marriage that was supposed to happen between us. Honestly, I want to introduce her to a few friends of mine, maybe she will like them." He said with a smile.

"Isn't that a bit weird? She liked you, so wouldn't it just be bad for your friends?" She didn't like that idea since it would be very awkward.

"It would be awkward if she actually liked me, but I think you noticed this just as I did. She doesn't actually like me; she just thinks that what she feels is like." He explained. "If she truly liked me, she wouldn't have acted the way she had thus far. Plus, if what she felt was love for me, do you think I would act so normally around her? I'm not such a shitty husband." He said with a smile. "Anyways, I'm going to wait it out and see what she thinks of this guy."

"Ok, that's fine then." She didn't say anymore seeing that Aarush had everything planned out. "We still have about three to four hours until the next dawat, right?"

Raising his wrist and looking at his watch, he nodded his head. "Give or take."

"Alright, let's go home and change first, then we can do something." She smiled. After cooking, she wanted to do more activities. Anything would do for her.

"Sure. If you want, we can start a show together. I've always wanted to watch this anime that my little sister keeps pestering me to watch." He said with a smile. When he was young he watched various types of shows, from cartoons, to live action, and even anime. Although a lot of people avoided anime, he really liked them.

"Anime? Those are the Japanese cartoons, right?" She asked with curiosity.

"Yeah. Wanna?" He asked with a bit of expectation.

She thought for a moment before nodding her head. "I don't mind. It will be fun. First give me a general intro of this specific one you want to watch." She asked. Aarush nodded his head and gave her a run down. It was a very popular series with lots of episodes, yet he never got the chance to watch it. "Sounds interesting. Sure, let's watch it." Aarush smiled with a bit of excitement when she agreed. They got home and Aarush quickly changed into casual clothing.

"I'll put it on, you can change." Aeleya nodded and began to change, but right away she felt her zipper get stuck.

"Aarush, come here for a second." Aarush came running over with a confused expression. "My zipper is stuck, can you help?"

Nodding his head, he walked forward and helped her with the zipper. "Are you fine? Should I help take the rest off as well?" He looked at her with a smirk, but she shook her head casually.

"I'm fine. Since you're so excited, just put the show on, I'll come soon." He nodded his head and ran back into his room. He hooked his laptop up to the tv, so it would be easier to watch. Soon, Aeleya changed into one of his t-shirts and sweats and ran into the room. "Alright, let's start."

Aarush nodded and hit play and laid down beside her. He made sure to put on a timer so they could get atleast thirty minutes to change.

She laid on him, wrapping her arms and legs around him, while watching peacefully. Aarush didn't take any advantages this time since he was really into what they were watching. Aeleya noticed this and raised an eyebrow. 'Weird he isn't doing anything, but it's fun for a change.' She smiled and snuggled even more, watching the show with a bit of expectation.

As they watched, they noticed that the show was a little more dramatic than expected, but it was still good.

A few hours went by and the timer on the phone finally went off. "No!" Aarush heard it and suddenly screamed in annoyance."

"Haha." Aeleya laughed at his reaction. "Don't worry, we can watch more tonight."

"Did you like it?" He asked with expectation.

"Yeah, I liked it. Still, it was left on such a cliff-hanger." She sighed a little as she got up and crawled up. "Anyways, let's get ready, we still have to go to the next dawat." She got off the bed after giving Aarush a kiss on his lips. "Where is the next dawat anyways?"

"Umm, let me check." He pulled out his phone and checked the messages his mom sent him. "It's at my cousins." He showed her the phone and she nodded her head. It was one of his younger cousins. They both quickly got ready and left for the dawat. Aarush wore the same suit, while Aeleya wore a new dress. They arrived at the house and were faced with a large feast.

"Aaru bhai, let me see the scar on your arm." One of his cousins, a young boy, slightly younger than Maaz, walked over and asked with bright eyes.

"You want to see?" He smiled and took off his suit. He rolled up his sleeve and showed it to the young boy.

"Wow. Seriously, this is crazy." He looked on with fascination.

Aarush laughed a little, before putting his suit back on. "It is crazy, but my god does it hurt."

"Aeleya bhabi, what do you think of this scar? Do you get disgusted by it? Cause I know I would." One of his female cousins walked over to Aeleya and asked in a sweet voice. She was even younger than the boy.

Aeleya shook her head and smiled. "I don't mind it. Like, if it heals then that would be great, but it doesn't disgust me." She rubbed the girls head and smiled. "What grade are you in?"

"I'm in the seventh class." She said with a smile. "I got the highest mark in my math class and science, unlike him who always gets the worst." She smiled proudly and said.

"Pfft. Highest? Last I checked, you were only average." The boy wasn't going to take an insult lying down, so he exposed his sisters lie without hesitation.

When she heard his words, she looked at him as if looking at the most traitorous person in existence. "You… I trusted you." She said with a bitter look.

"You started it. If you're going to lie while talking trash about me, I don't mind speaking the truth." He smiled. Soon, the two began to bicker, giving Aarush a headache.

"Alright you guys, quiet down." he rubbed their heads hard, causing both of them pain. "If you're going to fight, go do it over there. Or else I'll tell your parents." He smirked and said. The two instantly quieted down while rubbing their heads.

The dawat was simple after the food. They ate, spoke and Aarush left with Aeleya soon after. After getting home, they began to watch the show.

"Aarush, let's sleep now, I'm feeling tired." Aeleya spoke with a yawn.

"Alright." He smiled. "But, before we sleep…" He smirked as he pounced on her.

The next day was relatively the same. They attended three dawats, one in the morning, then afternoon, and then night. The hall was yet to be decided, but most of everything else was done related to Hazim's engagement. The guest list was made, the food was selected and already ordered. The card design was selected that day, with around a hundred being sent out. Aarush and Aeleya were busy themselves, running from one dawat to the next. They couldn't even watch their shows since the timings didn't let them.

It was finally the day before the engagement. Aarush and Aeleya had to attend three dawats again, but they were mostly at night and afternoon, so they had time in the morning to relax a little.

"Aeleya, are you going to wear one of the dresses you already have to the engagement, or do you want to go get a new one? We can go right now if you want." He smiled and asked while coming out of the shower.

Aeleya thought for a moment before shaking her head. "I have a dress I'll wear." She then got up and walked towards him with a smile. "Do you want to see the dress?" He was only wearing a towel around his waist, so when she suddenly grabbed it, he was a little surprised. He opened his towel and pulled her in, wrapping them both.

"Sure, I don't mind seeing it. But, you better strip right now and then wear it in front of me." He smiled as he said.

"I was going to wear it either way, so sure." She wasn't as shy as before, a lot more relaxed. They were truly like a couple, not being embarrassed by such intimate actions. She got out of his towel and pulled the dress out. It was the purple and black one she showed Sara and rest a while ago. She quickly began to change in front of Aarush who began to use his phone for emails. After she was done changing, she walked over and did a little spin for him. "How is it?"

"Wow." Aarush got up and began to look at her carefully. "You look so hot." She smiled at his words, feeling a bit proud.

"You like the color, right?" She asked while pointing at the black and purple.

"Of course, these are my favorite colors. They look really good on you. Maybe I should bring more purple dresses for you. Also, purple underwear, because that would be hot." He said while in deep thought.

She blushed at his words and grabbed his ear. "Why are you so dirty minded all the time?"

"How can I not be?" He didn't react to her twisting his ears this time, rather he rubbed his face on her hand. "With such a wife like you, if I don't have these thoughts, how can I call myself a man?" He grabbed her hand and began to kiss it. "Plus, it isn't dirty thoughts. You're my wife, so I consider it proper thoughts." He smirked as he kissed her arms as well.

"Whatever." She shook her head, not wanting to say anymore. "Anyways, since we have time, let's go and buy the salwar kameez for you." She said after changing out of the clothes and into something lighter.

"Sure, I don't care." He shrugged and quickly changed into something comfortable. With the plan decided, they left the house and began to get busy with their day.