Chapter Sixteen

Sara and Hazim were busy themselves. They had to go and get the hall finalized, then get the decorators to come in on time, but they were already behind. They hadn't even decided on a hall yet.

"Sara, these halls are so nice, why aren't you choosing these?" Hazim had a tired look on his face. Sara had declined ten halls already. He didn't know why.

"Hazim, these are either too small, or too shabby. We have to get something nice." She said with a frown. She didn't care if the hall was cheap or expensive, but she didn't want anything bad. "Look, this one is nice, why don't we go with this one the?" She said after looking through a few of them. She got a bit excited after seeing it.

Hazim didn't even look at and stared at the man behind the counter. "Book it. I don't care about the price, just book it for tomorrow." He said in a rush, not wanting to waste anymore time in case Sara began to hesitate.

The man took the booklet and marked the one Sara pointed at with a bit of excitement. "Alright, it's all yours for the whole day tomorrow. Would you like to see what type of decorations we offer?" Hazim nodded his head.

He passed them another booklet and Sara began to look through it with excitement. "Wow, this one is so nice. Woah, look at this one." She got excited looking at the various designs. Hazim smiled and stroked her hair.

"Just pick which one you want." She nodded her head and nodded her head. After an hour of searching she finally found one she thought was the best. "This one?" He asked once again. She nodded her head with confirmation, so he also quickly got it done for her.

They walked outside after getting everything sorted out. "Hazim, this is so exciting. We're getting engaged tomorrow. Aren't you excited?" She grabbed his hand and tightly squeezed it with excitement.

"Why wouldn't I be?" He smiled as well. "I can finally marry the girl of my dreams. I've been dreaming of this for so many years." His eyes brightened as he stared at Sara with a soft expression. "Really, I'm very excited."

She smiled at his words. Hand in hand, they walked to the bike and went off. The first place they went to was Sara's house. Wit pictures in their phone, they showed Lammy the hall and the decorations they chose.

"Wow, these are really pretty." Lammy spoke with a smile on her face.

Suddenly, Zaid walked in with a package in his hands. "Sara, Aaru bhai sent you something." Sara got up with a smile and grabbed the box. She opened it up in front of everyone and a bright golden and red wedding dress appeared before her. There was also another dress, it was green with a bit of gold. Both of them were extremely stunning, with the red and golden standing out a bit more.

"T-these are so pretty!" Sara said with a shocked face. She lifted the dress and smiled brightly. "Hazim, isn't this the engagement dress I told you about?" She then looked at Hazim and asked with shock. The green and golden dress was something she saw and mentioned to Hazim, yet it was before her.

"I told Aeleya bhabi about the dress. She must have got it for you." He said with a smile.

"Then this dress?" She asked with confusion while looking at the golden and red one.

"This is a dress I once showed to Aaru when he was in America. I told him I wanted to get this for you as a joke, yet he actually got it…" Lammy suddenly spoke out, looking at the beautiful dress. As a joke, she mentioned that the dress would be something she would buy for Sara a long time ago, but little did she know that Aarush kept it in his heart and decided to get it.

"Aaru bhai is really so nice." Sara smiled brightly while looking at both dresses in excitement.

"Umm. Aaru bhai also sent this…" Zaid brought four small boxes. He passed them to Sara who opened them quickly. Inside each box was a new set of gold jewelry. Necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and nose rings. There were various kinds, but one thing in common was that they were all gold.

Hazim clicked his tongue as he fell deep into thought. 'This should have costed atleast fifteen grand. Where did he get so much from?' He couldn't even fathom it anymore. He knew Aarush made lots, but he didn't know that he made this much.

"Mom, look at this! They are so gorgeous." She showed Lammy the gold while trying them out at the same time. "How do I look?" She asked Hazim with a smile.

"Nice." He didn't say anything more since her family was around.

"Mom, look how much Aaru bhai cares. He sent me all these, so please you have to let him come. He really cares about us so much. Look, he even remembered something you mentioned so long ago." When Lammy saw everything, she sighed a little.

"Alright, I'll talk to him tomorrow at engagement. I'll tell him that he can come to the wedding." Little did she and everyone knew that Aarush wasn't going to show up. Even Hazim was unaware of this. Other than Aeleya, no one knew. "Alright, hazim, go home for now. It's about to get night, so make sure yuo get home safely."

Nodding his head, he left the house with a bit of happiness. He never Aarush would do so much without telling him. "I think that I should go with dad and buy the dresses for Sara."

He drove home rather quickly and picked up his dad. "Aarush and Aeleya are at a dawat and everyone is out." His dad said without Hazim asking.

"Alright. Let's go and get the dresses then. We can also eat for bit." He smiled at his dad and said. He had been busy the past few days, so he never got the chance to talk to his dad about the whole marriage issue. They drove for a bit and got to the market, while they walked, Hazim wanted to know his dad's opinion. "Dad, tell me honestly, are you alright with this wedding? Are you happy?"

His dad raised his hand and rubbed Hazim's head and smiled gently. "Of course, I'm happy. When I found out that you liked Sara, I wanted to get you married to her right away. Now that it's happening, I'm very glad. As long as you're happy, I am happy." He smiled and continued to walk. "But with some of my experience in life, let me give you some advice.' Hazim nodded his head and listened. He knew that his mom died a bit young, but from what he knew, his dad was also a very loving person to his mom, spoiling her with anything he had, almost becoming a wastrel to a certain extent.

"Anything you say, I'll listen to." Hazim replied with a smile.

"When you get out there into the real world, with a wife at that, things are a lot more complicated then you think. Aaru is a little different since he was working since the very beginning, so he knows how to handle the family and his finances, but you are inexperienced when it comes to that. When you go out there, other then the house, there are bills that you have to pay, you got to get lots of food every few weeks, you have taxes, you have so much to handle. When you live with Sara, use however much you want, but always try to put aside a little bit in case of emergencies. Plan for the future. Right now, you have saved lots mostly because of everything being paid for by Aarush, but you won't have the luxury in the future." He explained calmly. "Listen, working out there is a lot harder than it is right now. You don't have much to do except a few calculations for our family, and even if you ever messed up, Aarush could help you out, but when you are there, it's not so simple. For your job, will be handling major finances, something that would maybe tire you and make you want to quit work at times, but you can never do that. As a man, you have to keep working and providing for your family. Look at Aarush, he came here to relax and spend time with Aeleya, but he was forced to go back for a week. He was dedicated to his work because he knows that everyone depends on him. Don't forget, Sara will now depend on you. I will be depending on you as well. You will have kids and they will be depending on you. Never give them a life like Aarush's where he had to work from the beginning, nor one like yours where they must depend on their cousins to survive. You must be strong enough to carry your family on your shoulders. Does this all make senses?"

"Dad, I understand. I won't disappoint you. I will make sure that all of us will be able to live without a worry in the world." he smiled and said with confidence. "Even if I'm stressed, I'll continue working."

"One more thing." He wanted to say one last thing. "If you ever do feel stressed at work or feel overwhelmed, your wife is a person you can talk to, but don't try and say too much about your worries." Seeing Hazim raise an eyebrow in confusion, he explained more. "I know that a wife and husband should have no barriers, and I agree, but to a certain extent. Let me ask you something, if Sara is happily enjoying her life thinking everything is alright and then you go on and tell her that you're very stressed and feel like quitting, what will go through her head? 'I need to find a job to help the family. I need to ignore my happiness and help out my husband with his needs.' These things are great thoughts, but do you truly want your wife worrying about such thigs? Think about it. This is up to you of course, but think very hard about things like this."

Hazim fell into deep thought as they got all the clothes. 'Would I want my wife to know about my worries or not? I'm sure that Aeleya bhabi knows about Aaru bhai's worries, but does she know it all? Should I ask him for some advice? His generation is mine, while my dads generation is the last. Maybe he could tell me somethings about this?' He thought deeply. Soon, they bought a few dozen dresses. Each beautiful and very different from the last. After packing everything, they arrived home. Seeing that Aarush was home, he went to talk to him.

"Hazim? What's up?" Aarush was walking up the stairs with Aeleya, so Hazim walked over.

"Aaru bhai, can I talk to you about something?" He asked with a bit of hesitation.

Seeing that was feeling a little hesitant, Aarush understood right away that it must be something important, and since he didn't say Aeleya's name, he for sure wanted to talk alone. "Aeleya, go up first." He smiled and said to Aeleya, who nodded and walked away. Aarush walked over and smiled at Hazim. "What's wrong?" He sat down on the takat and asked while looking at his younger cousin.

Also sitting down on the takat, Hazim sighed a little before explaining his issue. "Aaru bhai, dad was talking to me and giving me a bunch of advice. Most of it was great and also straightforward, but he told me one last thing that I'm really confused about." He carefully thought a little and tried to find the best way to explain it. "After I get married, dad said that I should tell my wife everything, but should try and avoid telling her personal issues like stress and alike related to work and stuff. I understand why he says it, since he wants me to avoid making Sara's life more chaotic if something like this ever happened, but at the same time, I don't know if hiding things like this would make me a good husband. We're supposed to share everything, but is everything really alright? She is my life partner which is why I would want to share everything with her, but because she's my life partner and my love, do I really want to tell her things that would stress her out? I'm just tied between what I should do about this."

Listening to his words, Aarush suddenly fell into a deep thought. This was never something he actually ever thought about since he would share everything with his wife. He didn't want to hide anything nor would he. Whether it's the pain he was going through or the happiness. "Honestly Hazim, this is something that I can't tell you too much about. Everything depends on what kind of relationship you want with Sara. Do you just want to give her a happy life and basically never let her know of your pain and share them with? If so, then you can hide these things. But I seriously couldn't hide things from Aeleya."

"But what if the thing you want to tell her would break her heart?" Hazim wanted opinions about this.

"I would still tell her. Whether it breaks her heart or not is just something I would face after. Aeleya is my wife, so she has every right to know what is going on in my life, right to the very terrible things. Again, everyone is different and not all relationships are the same. Whether you tell her the full truth about your stress or not doesn't mean you love her less, it just means you show your love differently. You hide it to protect her, while I speak up because I feel that it is right, and I know Aeleya would want me to speak up too." He sighed and said. "Still, although I can't help too much, there is one thing I want you to know. This is something I experienced in this short period of marriage I had with Aeleya." He smiled gently and spoke with a clear head. "If you share your feelings, and not just a bit, but all of it with your wife, everything seems a lot simpler. By sharing your pain, you feel less, which makes it easier to fight against the pain and eventually come out of it. If Aeleya didn't appear in my life, there is a high chance that I would probably go off and do stupid things because of all the pressure I feel, yet since she is here, I feel the strength to fight these pressures and to move forward. I want to fight them and be a man she could depend on and be proud of." He smiled and rubbed Hazim's head. "Don't worry though, these types of questions are usually hard to answer unless you are in that situation. It's similar to when someone asks if you would save your father or your mother if both were falling off a cliff. Most people can't answer that question properly since they have never been in such a situation. This is similar, you can't truly say anything until you start feeling the stress. You may hide it in order to avoid hurting Sara, but you may tell her. We will only know with time." He smiled and walked towards the stairs. "Just remember this. Sharing your pain isn't going to hurt your partner if they truly love you." With that, Aarush left Hazim with his own thoughts and headed into his room. Aeleya was already in bed.

"How was it?" She asked with a smile.

"It was fine." He smiled and began to change out of his suit. "He was asking about some things related to what he should and shouldn't tell his wife." Aarush said while taking his collared shirt off.

"What did you tell him?" She asked curiously.

"Well, I couldn't tell him much. Everyone is different." He smiled and entered the bed with only his shorts.

She wrapped her arms around him and continued to question him. "Do you think that telling me everything is a good thing?" She asked with a smile.

"I tell you everything because you are my love, the only person in this world who truly gets me. No matter if I'm hurting, I won't share it with anyone but you. You're my wife, so it's your right to know." He said while gently caressing her hair.

"That's right, I have the right to know everything. You should never hide anything from me." She said while smiling and circling his chest.

"That goes for you too. I have the right to know everything as well." He kissed her head and spoke with a smile. "Anyways, let's go to sleep. I ate way too much today, and I'm tired from all the moving around." He sighed as he wrapped his own arms around her and closed his eyes. "Plus, you have to go tomorrow, and I will finally get a full day of rest. Maybe I'll follow up on what's happening with the case back in the hospital." He said in an exhausted tone.

"I thought you wouldn't concentrate on work while we are here? You promised." She sat up and looked at him with a frown.

"Don't worry, I'm just going to ask what is happening. Nothing else." He pulled her back down and tightly held her. "Let's just sleep for now." Although she was still grumbling, she decided to just talk about it tomorrow. They had been busy again and so she was tired as well. Closing her eyes, she also fell into a deep sleep.

"Everyone, get ready, c'mon. We have to make it before we get late." In the living room, the whole family was in a rush. There was Aeleya, Aliya, Jeej, chacha, and Aarush's parents. They were running around, grabbing things while also taking pictures here and there. It was the day of Hazim's engagement, so everyone was excited. Hazim had left early in the morning, wanting to go and see if everything was set up properly. Aarush on the other hand was missing since morning. Aeleya looked around and called him, but he never picked up. The only thing she had was a text from him, saying he would be busy for the day.

'Hopefully he is alright. He won't even pick up my calls, who knows where he is." She felt worried, but she couldn't do anything about it. She couldn't just not go to Hazim's engagement, it was important she went since Aarush wasn't going. "Alright, let's quickly get to the hall." She walked over to Jeej an Aliya while speaking with a bitter smile on her face.

"Alright, let's leave now. We might even get late if we don't leave soon." Although the engagements didn't have to be large, sometimes they were. Hazim's was a large engagement , even larger than Aarush's and Aeleya's. "Also, if you get in touch with Aarush, please let me know where he is." Aliya said with a bit of annoyance. She was worried about him too, but what could she do about him?

"Got it." Aeleya said. Everyone began to get into a large car that Jeej brought. Noori sat on Aeleya's lap while they drove off. After a twenty-minute drive, they arrived at the hall. It was lit up beautifully from the outside. There weren't many cars around since most people would arrive much later. They needed to be early to get a lot of things double checked, if they arrived late, the people would just leave and if any mess ups happened, they couldn't do a thing. Everyone entered the hall and looked around with smiles. It was bright, lit up with golden lights. There were tables decorated with beautiful flowers and other things. The walls had flowers and lanterns. There was a stage with two seats. Really, the engagement was very grand. When Aeleya and Aarush got engaged, they did so in Aarush's house with a few dozen people. There was no grand hall, with amazing decorations nor almost a hundred guests. It was a beautiful engagement, yet simple.

"Aeleya bhabi, over here." Hazim was standing on the stage with a few of his cousins. He beckoned Aeleya over with a smile.

"Wow Hazim, you look so handsome." She smiled as she walked over. She gently patted his cheek and spoke while showing her pearly white teeth.

He scratched his head in embarrassment. "Thanks." He then looked around with a confused expression. "Where is Aaru bhai? Is he parking the car?"

"Aarush?" She sighed and shook his head. "He didn't come. You know how Lammy said he wasn't allowed, so he didn't want to mess anything up and decided to stay away from the engagement." She had a bitter look on her face as she spoke.

"What?" Hazim looked at her with a shocked expression. "Quickly call him. He can come, Lammy is alright with it! She even said that he can come to the wedding! She is over her anger!" He became a little frantic.

"Really?" She said with a pleasant look, then she sighed again. "Even if he can come to the engagement, I don't know if he will. He hasn't picked up a single call from me and has been missing since morning." She felt even more bitter. 'Why doesn't he pick up? What is he doing?'

"Can you try again? I really want him here." Hazim said with a tone of negging. Aarush was the one who made the marriage even a thing, so for Hazim, Aarush's presence was vital.

"I will try again, but I can't make any promises. He just isn't picking up, I'm a little worried about him." She sighed and walked down from the stage. There was a large table for all of the family, and she quickly found her seat. All of the cousins and aunts and uncles were talking about various things, mostly regarding Hazim and Sara. Aeleya didn't join in and tried to call Aarush once again.

[Caller unavailable! Please try again later!]

"The same message over and over again. Aarush, where are you? What are you doing?" She felt even more concerned. She called his phone every ten minutes, hoping that he would pick up. The ceremony began soon, and everyone sat on their tables. Hazim made his entry with chacha and surprisingly Aeleya as well. Though the person he wanted to be there the most was Aarush, the latter just never picked up. So Aeleya took his place to walk him up to the stage.

As Hazim sat down and chacha took his seat with Aeleya, slow music began to play as Sara made her entrance. She wore the same dress that Aarush sent her. She was adorned with light jewelry, nothing heavy,. She had makeup on, but nothing too fancy. Over all, she looked simple yet very elegant. It was a breathtaking scene. She walked with Zaid and Lammy, who led her to the stage. She sat down with Hazim and smiled. The ceremony soon began. They were fed sweets, and a yellow paste was rubbed on their bodies by various people. Although most of the guests watched on with smiles, the family members all went in and rubbed it, even the friends did so.

Aeleya walked over and did her part. "Hazim, you and Sara are finally engaged, how does it feel?" She scrunched her nose and smiled at him teasingly, while rubbing the yellow paste on his cheeks. She then walked over to Sara and did the same thing. "You look so beautiful, Sara. If I wasn't married, maybe I would have just married you."

"Stop it Aeleya bhabi, you look so pretty." Sara smiled and said with a laugh. "If Aaru bhai saw you, he would be so stunned. You're wearing his favorite dress after all."

Hearing her words, Aeleya smiled and fed them a few sweets before moving off the stage. She walked back to her seat, but before she could sit down, Lammy walked over with a frown. "Aeleya, where is Aarush?"

A sigh escaped from Aeleya's mouth and she shook her head bitterly. "He didn't come. He thought you would get mad, so he decided to stay away in case things would get spoiled here."

"What? But I only said not to come to e wedding, why didn't he just come? Hurry and call him, how can this event go on without him here?" Lammy had thought long and hard about the marriage and felt that maybe she was in the wrong. Sure, the way Aarush spoke was not great as well, but in the end, he was speaking to help her daughter. The marriage was only possible because he was so persistent about it. How could she not want him there?

"Lammy, I've been trying to call him a few hours now. He just isn't picking up. I haven't even seen him since morning, I have no clue where he is. Even Dara and rest aren't here in the engagement, I feel like something is wrong." Aeleya spoke her worries while feeling a bit anxious.

"How could there be anything wrong? He is probably sulking somewhere. When he gets super upset, he tends to hide and just run off on his own "Lammy said with a sigh, but Aeleya disagreed. She knew that if Aarush was really hurt, he would talk to her about it. If he wanted room, he would tell her. There were no boundaries between them, they spoke about everything. So, she still felt something was wrong.

"Dara, why didn't you guys just go?" Aarush looked at his three friends who sat beside him on a bench.

"Do you think we could go to the engagement when you weren't invited? No matter what, our only relationship between your family is through you. If you aren't going we won't either. Simple as that." Dara smiled while taking a sip of his tea. "Anyways, why did you turn your phone off? I'm sure Aeleya is probably worried sick."

"I turned it off because I know she will call me and will probably worry, but right now I just need to get my mind off the engagement." He sighed. Of course, he was sad he couldn't go, but there wasn't much he could do except sulk, atleast that's what he thought.

They all sat quietly until Dara's phone began to buzz. "It's Aeleya. You want me to pick up?" Dara looked at Aarush and asked.

Aarush thought for a moment and nodded. "If she called you then maybe she might be getting super anxious. I left a note and everything, so I thought it would alright." Little did he know the note was actually unread and wasn't even in the house. It was accidently blown under their bed, so Aeleya never knew.

"Dara, where are you guys? Also, where is Aarush, he isn't picking up! He has been missing all day. Is he with you? Hello? Dara?" Her voice sounded anxious, and Aarush smiled bitterly.

"Aeleya, it's me Aarush. Why are you so anxious, did something happen?" He was puzzled. In his mind, the note should have been enough to not warrant any sort of major reaction. Sure, he left early in the morning, but that should not have been a problem.

"Of course, something happened!" Her voice was furious, yet also a bit choked. "Why did you leave without saying anything! What the heck were you thinking?! Even if you didn't want to come, you should have atleast told me you were going to be out of the house! I was worried sick! I thought something might have happened. Even your friends aren't here, how could I not be worried about you." She became even more angry as she spoke, while Aarush heard a bit of sniffling through the phone.

"Hey, why are already crying? Aren't you at the engagement, you shouldn't cry. Look, I'm sorry, but I left a note for you before I left. I thought that would be enough." He said calmly while holding a bitter smile on his face.

"Note?" She asked weirdly, her voice calmer., yet still filled with sniffling. "There wasn't a note. If I had seen a note, do you think I would be so worried?" She said with anger. "I don't care, just come to the engagement now. Wherever you are, you are coming. Lammy just told me she was expecting you to come and even said you can come to the wedding now. She understands she was a little headstrong, so come now. Please."

"What? She is alright with it?" Aarush felt a little excited as he stood up. "Alright, I'm on my way. I maybe missed a few of the main things, but I can atleast hang out with you a little." He spoke with a smile.

"Yeah, come here now." She spoke more quietly before turning the phone off. Aarush smiled and looked at his three friends.

"Alright boys, let's go to the engagement now. I'm not restricted from entrance." He smiled as he gave Dara his phone back. The three nodded their heads and walked towards their cars. "Should I grab some clothes or…" He looked at them questionably, but Dara smiled back and shook his head.

"No need, I have a suit in the car. I had a feeling that we might be going so I brought one just in case." He went into his car and pulled out a white and black suit. "Also, give this to Aeleya when you get there. I could hear her screaming on the phone, so ye…" He smiled and passed Aarush a purple flower. It wasn't a common one, yet it looked extremely beautiful.

Aarush smiled at Dara and nodded his head. "You really prepare things well. Thanks." He grabbed the suit and quickly changed into it, ignoring the fact his friends were right there. Though, they wouldn't care too much about him changing in front of them.

"Let's go then." He got into his car and the rest into their, and they quickly drove off.

"Lammy, Aarush and me just spoke. He's coming to the engagement now. Hazim, Aarush is coming, so no need to worry." Aeleya ran up to the stage where Hazim was sitting with Sara. Lammy was talking to Sara and Hazim about random things with a smile.

"Really? Aaru bhai is coming?!" Hazim got up with a jerk and looked at her with excitement.

Nodding her head, she sat down beside Hazim. "Yeah. He's coming. I gave him an earful so he's probably rushing over right now." She smiled proudly.

"Great." Hazim didn't care how he was coming, as along as Aarush came, he would be happy.

Ten minutes passed and four people entered the hall. Each of them wearing unique clothes when compared to the others. They stood out. Their clothes, their looks, and the air they gave off.

"Aarush!" Aeleya saw Aarush and rushed over with excitement.

"Aeleya, you look so pretty." Aarush split from his group and walked over to her with extended arms. He had a smile on his face, yet it warped into a frightened look when he noticed her not running to hug him, but to…. Hit him. "A-Aeleya, calm down. Alright, I'm sorry." She ran over and grabbed his ear and began to twist it. "A-ah, A-Aeleya, calm down. Ouch, Yo Aeleya, relax. It hurts." He winced as the pain spread from his ear.

"You just up and left, did you? Did you not think I would be worried? Why are you such an idiot? You do the stupidest things, make worry so much, and then expect a hug from me? Are you dumb?" She said with gritted teeth.

"Alright, I'm sorry. Just let go of my ear." He said with a bitter look. "Plus, you're my wife, why wouldn't I expect a hug? Here, let me take a good look at you." After letting go of his ear, Aeleya saw him checking her out with a smirk. She smiled at him and didn't hide a thing, showing off her dress. Really, the contrast was strange, two seconds ago she was fuming, now she looked like an angel.

"How do I look?" She spun for him while smiling with a bit of intoxication.

"Beautiful." He pulled out the flower Dara told him to give her and walked over. "Here, a flower to match the purple on your dress, my little beauty." He inserted the flower into her hair and smiled while rubbing her hair. He lifted her slender hand and rubbed it on his ear. "You know, that really hurt. How could you be so violent with me? Don't you love me?"

"Of course, I love you, which is why I can do this." She smiled while stroking his red ear. "You look handsome. Here, let's go quickly finish up some of the customs. Although everyone has already done it, we can still do it even now." She grabbed his hand and dragged him up the stage. Aarush smiled and let her small hands pull him.

As they got up on the stage, Aarush saw his cousins looking at him with a smile. Hazim looked handsome in his suit, while Sara looked stunning. Beside this beautiful cousin of his, was his aunt. Lammy looked at him with a glare. "So, you decided to come after all." She looked at him and spoke with an annoyed tone.

Aarush laughed bitterly. "Yeah. My wife called me over, so how could I not? Plus, I heard you were alright with me coming, so that was even better." he smiled and walked over. "You're finally over being mad? That's great. I'll see you even more at the wedding then." Aarush was shameless and didn't mind teasing this aunt and even taunting her a little.

"Whatever. You're invited to the wedding and everything, but I still don't want to speak to you." She grumbled and walked down the stage. Aarush smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"She'll, get over it." He walked over to Hazim and Sara and fed them sweets with Aeleya. He then rubbed yellow paste on them as well. "Hazim, how are you feeling? You're finally engaged. Huh?"

"I'm so happy. Thanks, Aaru bhai, you really deserve the credit for this." Hazim then smiled at Aeleya. "And Aeleya bhabi, if it wasn't you for constantly feeding so many things to Sara, maybe she wouldn't have finally wanted to marry me. Thank you, I know your contribution was actually the greatest when it came to getting us together." Hazim smiled sweetly.

"Oh?" Aarush smiled and looked at Sara. "You look like a princess Sara. Do you like the dress? Aeleya told me that this was a dress you like."

"Aaru bhai, you really spoil me. I love this dress, it's so beautiful." She smiled sweetly. "As for the wedding dress, that really won my mom over. I heard she told you about it a long time ago. I can't believe you still remember." She said with a teasing look.

"Of course, I remember these things. Honestly, I remember a lot of things everyone told me they wanted, and I try to get them all if I can. Anyways, you guys continue to talk here, I need to talk a little more with my beautiful wife. She has been missing all day. Aarush got up and pulled Aeleya up suddenly. She became a little surprised and felt herself be dragged down the stairs.

"Aarush…" She looked at him with a blush, feeling embarrassed by him saying what he did.

"My little wife, why do you always call me by my name? Am I not worth calling love to?" He pulled her close to him as he stood in a corner. "C'mon, call me love."

She sighed a little with his childish actions. "Alright, love." She smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "Are you happy now? If I remember correctly, I have called you love many times, so why are you crying about it?" She said with a smirk.

"I know you call me that occasionally, but I love hearing it more and more." Aarush smiled as he began to spin her around slowly to the music in the back. He was in a corner where only a few people stood nearby. He wanted to silently dance with his wife, avoiding others. He felt happier this way. "Aeleya, you really look so beautiful right now. I don't even want to taste you right now; I just want to keep on looking at you." He smiled and continued to glue his eyes on her.

Aeleya blushed from his words. "Do you really think so?"

"Why would I lie?" He asked with a smile. "Anyways, other then driving around all morning, I also met with the people who are making our house and had them begin. I know you still have things you want to add to the house, so I booked an appointment for us to meet the designer before the dawat. We can talk a lot more about the things we want." He smiled and said.

"Love, I wanted to ask you something." She said while slowly putting her head on his chest, and just moving slowly to the music. "Although I'm excited about this house as well, but you seem to be showing a bit more interest towards it. Any special reason?"

Aarush smiled and hugged her tightly. His legs continued to move side to side, they didn't dance beautifully, just moved comfortably. "Remember that little dream I told you about?"

"The one with living away from others?" She said while looking up.

"Yeah, that one." He was happy she remembered it. "Well, you told me that I should stay near family instead, so I decided to heavily invest on this house because I wish to send my dream here. Of course, if you're alright with it. I know that maybe staying here for too long would make you very uncomfortable, so you can make the final decision. Although this dream of mine was a large part of my life before I met you, it was after all a dream before I met you. I was lonely and depressed back then which was why I wanted it, but now, I don't care where we live, as long as the person with me is you, I can be happy anywhere." He spoke a little with a smile.

"You know what? It doesn't matter to me either. Spending time with you is what matters to me. When we have kids, I still think we should go back and let them go to school there since the education is better and provide more opportunities, but I want the kids to understand that this house we are building here is also one of their houses. I want to grow up here a little too, understand the family here and so much more." She spoke about her wishes as well, not hiding a thing.

"I understand, and I agree. Out kids should get the best opportunities and be able to succeed so they don't have to depend on us. Especially when anything could happen to me at anytime." He spoke with a smile, but his face suddenly twitched as Aeleya began to twist the skin on his hip.

"Don't say such bad things. As long as I'm here, nothing will happen to you. Got it? Like you said, I'm your second life, so I will make sure to keep you alive and well." She said with a smiled on her face. She stood on her heels and planted a kiss on his lips, savoring his taste. "Promise me, you will never talk about things like this again. I don't like thinking about such bad things."

"Alright, I won't say a thing.' He smiled and kissed her back. "But I still want to say this one thing." He hugged her tightly and spoke with a deep smile. "If something does ever happen to me, I don't want you to stay unmarried. If I die in the future, I want you to move on and find someone new to marry. I want you to forever stay happy, so go on with life and find someone who could give you happiness." He spoke deeply, his eyes showing his deep affection.

"Why are still talking like this? What's going on in your head? Are you hiding something from me?" She looked at him with a frown. "In this life, other the you, I will never let another man touch me. Even if we have kids and they pester me to remarry, I will never do so. I will die, but never let another man touch me." She touched his cheek and spoke with a smile. "I promise, I won't let you die, nor let anyone ever touch me. I love you too much for that to ever happen."

"Aeleya, I know you love me, and nothing is going on. Rather, I have been thinking about these things lately since my parents used to talk to me about this. My dad would always say that if anything ever happened to him, to let my mom remarry, and my moms used to say the same thing. I never understood there way of thinking back then, and even got angry, but recently with all the things going on, I began wondering. Would I be happy dying and leaving you alone? Never. I want you to forever be happy, whether that is with me or another man." He leaned in and gently bit her lip. "But while I'm still alive, I will tear apart any man who even touches you."

Aeleya looked at him with a bit of red eyes. "Stop talking about this. I get scared thinking about another man touching me, I could never do such a thing. Never." She hugged him tightly. "No man other then you has a right over me. Not in this life, nor any other life."

Seeing her become a little panicky, he hugged her as well. "Alright, no more talking about this then. Come on, look up and let me see you smile."

Aeleya lifted her head and looked at him, but she didn't show a smile. Only a slightly pale face. "Promise you won't talk about this ever again."

Aarush leaned in and kissed her nose. "I promise. Now, stop crying. You're such a crybaby, tearing up over every small issue." He wiped her tears and smiled. "Listen, I was thinking of having a large kids room beside ours. We can fill it with all their toys, games, books, and whatever they want. Also, in our room, we can have a large walk-in closet, where you can fill all of your clothes and really anything you want. I also want a big garage for our cars and bikes, and even a basement." He smiled and continued to tell her the things he wanted. Normally he wouldn't speak on such matters, but since Aeleya wanted him to speak too, he began to explain what he wanted. Aeleya began to smile and also pitched in her ideas. They were lost in their own dreams,

Soon enough, the engagement was done. People had come over to clear the place and all the food. Aarush and Aeleya didn't join in on this and decided to head back home. Sara also left and this time, Hazim couldn't see her until the day of their wedding. It was an old tradition, the girl would have to stay at her house, at all times, until the day of her wedding. She couldn't shower, nor do anything like it. She would wear a single type of clothing and never change out of it. It was a weird old tradition, but most people still followed it. Even Aeleya had to do it. Her's lasted a week or so, while Sara's was supposed to last on a few days. The wedding would be soon.

"Hazim, you have to be strong, it's only a few days." Sara was the one who was comforting him, rather then the other way around. After all, other then being able to see Sara, Hazim had his freedom, while Sara was not allowed any of that.

"I know, I can handle this much. You on the other hand should just be at ease. After a few days, you will be mine forever, and I yours." Hazim began ton fantasise about their futures and smiled brightly.

"Yeah yeah." She shook her head and left with her mom soon after. Hazim watched her leave and suddenly felt super reluctant. He was truly the weak one in the relationship.

Aarush and Aeleya got home and began to talk more in their room. They spoke about their futures; what they wanted for themselves and for their kids. Aeleya was super excited and so was Aarush. The conversation lasted a good five hours and Aeleya finally went to sleep. Aarush cuddled with her and also fell asleep. He gently stroked her legs and arms, feeling extremely comfortable.

The next morning arrived quickly and the first thing Aarush and Aeleya did was go to meet with the designer. The appointment was early in the morning since the dawats were in the afternoon. They only had to attend two dawats this time, so they were a lot more relaxed.

"Alright, I heard that you guys still have some minor alterations you want? Although the design is mostly complete, small things are still possible." The designer was an old man who wore a pair of large glasses. He had a large stomach, but his looks were vary amiable.

"Sorry about this." Aarush smiled a little. "It's only a few small things." He and Aeleya began to list out the room designers they wanted and where everything should be. Truly, the house was going to be extremely large, much larger than the one they had in America. A few families could easily live in the house, but Aarush wanted it for himself and Aeleya and their kids only. He had a guest bedroom added, but only for rare guests. He just wanted to live off with Aeleya alone.

"Alright, I can get these few things, but having this large garage would be difficult since it just wouldn't fit, and having a basement as large as this might affect stability of house and surroundings, so I can't do too much about this, also…" The designer listed a few problems which Aarush and Aeleya reluctantly accepted. "With all of this done, the house should be done in about…" The designer took out a piece of paper and began to do some calculations. "Alright, if everything is ready, we can get this done in about seven months. The price will be this thing circled on the page." Aarush looked at the page and nodded his head. It was a bit lower than expected, which was a good thing since he could invest whatever was left over into other things.

"Can I pay for it now?" He wanted to just pay for it and get it over with. He had been saving for the house for a while, so he had the funds to pay it off right away. Plus, it was a lot cheaper than the one in America, even though it was larger.

"Not here, but you can just head back to the main office and finish the payments and other important paperwork. I will get the workers started on this after a few days." Aarush sighed and nodded. He got up and left with Aeleya. Both of them got into the car, but Aeleya showed extreme excitement.

"Aarush, this will be our house! Our house!" Although the one in America was also their house, this time they were designing the whole house from scratch. How could she not feel excited?

"Well, we have time so do you want to go and look at a few pets?" He smiled and said.

"Really?" She asked with surprise. Aarush nodded his head and smiled.

"Of course. If you like them, we can bring it home early and you can train it before we move into our house. This way, it will understand some things before moving." Aarush smiled while holding her hand. He felt comfortable holding her, safe and at ease.

"Alright, let's go check some out then." She smiled with excitement, looking forward to seeing some animals. "Maybe we will find a dog as well, huh?"

"Let's see." Aarush smiled and said.

They soon arrived at a place for pets. Aeleya dragged Aarush in while looking around with excitement. They saw both old and young cats and various other animals. There were birds and the liked as well.

"Hey, look at this little guy." Aeleya pulled him towards a little cat which was sleeping soundly. It was curled up cutely. The cat had a chocolate brown coat, with a white streak starting from the top of its head and going to its stomach. It's little paws were very cute and Aeleya was instantly attracted to it. "Look, this one is only a few months old. Should we get this one?" She looked at Aarush and asked.

"Do you want it?" He, in turn, asked her. Aeleya nodded her head with a red face, which Aarush found extremely adorable. "Alright, if you want it, let's get it." He smiled and made sure to memorize the cat's name and the number it was assigned. He walked to the front desk with Aeleya and asked to buy the cat.

"Alright. The little one is very young, only two months. Here are the various habits that were observed when we were watching it grow." The young woman handed Aarush a small booklet with the information about the cat. It was a male kitten. Although a little skinnier than most of the other cats, it was healthy. From physical descriptions, to all health-related topics, everything was present in the booklet. Aarush was surprised to say the least. The amount of detail was even more than a lot of the animal shops he had gone to back in America. It was truly detailed.

After looking through all the information, Aarush looked at Aeleya once more and smiled. "So, are you hundred percent? This is the one you are choosing, right?" he wanted to confirm once more.

Aeleya smiled and nodded her head. "Of course, I want him. He is young, healthy, and also super cute. I'm sure that he will slowly grow to adore us, so I want him for sure." getting her confirmation, Aarush nodded and went through all the proceedings to get the cat. It was a little complicated, as he had to sign a bunch of papers. It was needlessly more complicated when compared to the one back in America, where you just got the cat and left. The one he was at seemed very uptight about the whole procedure. Making sure he sighed that he was responsible for the cat and so much more. As if he was adopting a child. "Done?" She looked at him and asked with a smile.

"Yup. Now he's ours. Last thing I need to add is his name. What do you want to call him? I just got to write it here as an official name for him." he sighed as he looked at the three pages he had to fill out. 'So much work…'

"Name?" She thought for a moment and looked at the cat for a bit and thought even harder. "I know, let's call him Yun. It means cloud in Chinese. I remember that I took Chinese when I was little since everyone was taking it, so yeah. Plus, he's so fluffy and cute, like a cloud." She explained passionately. Aarush smiled and nodded his head. Everyone studied various languages or other things out of fun. He pursued writing and drawing for fun, and from what he remembered, Aeleya liked looking at various cultures and studying them. She was a major fan of history as well.

"Yun it is." He searched up how it was spelt and quickly wrote it out. After completing it all, they were allowed to keep a copy of all the information, while the pet place also kept a copy, which they would keep secure in case of emergencies or other needs. "Let's buy a few things for Yun. Like a bit of food and alike. I'll ask Dara the types of foods I should feed him for now and other important details, after all, he knows more than me about this." Aeleya nodded and agreed. Dara was a vet so he knew much more than them. He was certified in this field, so he was a professional in animal health and care. Walking around the shop, he quickly bought a few toys, and some small snacks which the worker recommended. He would just come again with Dara and get much more later. Soon enough, Yun was inside of a small cage like box, however it was very comfortable looking. It was large enough for a single toy to be inside for Yun.

"I'll sit in the back with Yun." Aeleya was super excited. She quickly sat in the back while carrying Yun's cage. Aarush shook his head as he began to fill the car with the small things for the kitten. He then sat up front and drove back to his house. A smile played on his face the whole time. "Aarush, he is so scared, look at him. His hair is standing up and everything." Aarush gave a quick glance and then focused back on the road.

"No big deal for now. Simba was like this in the beginning as well. He was a scared and nervous kitten because everything was so new. Once he spends more time with us and gets more comfortable with his surroundings, then he won't be as nervous." Although he wasn't a professional, he had a bit of experience with cats since his sister owned one.

"Alright then." Aeleya nodded her head and continued to smile at Yun. "Hey Yun, don't worry, we will be home soon. Then, you can get out of this cage and do what you want. Alright?" She spoke softly as she continued to smile at the little kitten.

They arrived home fairly quickly. Aeleya was the first to rush in. She grabbed Yun and ran in with excitement. Aarush shook his head speechlessly. "What a little kid. She's married and still acts like this." He laughed a little as he grabbed a few things from his car. He walked in and greeted whoever was around. He didn't waste time chatting and followed Aeleya up to their room.

"Aarush, quickly close the door!" When he entered, Aeleya yelled at him with impatience and excitement. Aarush became a little bitter but closed the door. After the door was shut, she slowly opened the cage door and watched as Yun walked out. "Look, look, he's coming out!" She cheered with excitement, but to her surprise, Yun bolted out of the cage that second and rushed under the sofas. "Ah!" She screamed a little, taken aback by his fast actions.

"Haha." Aarush laughed as he sat on the ground. "He totally adores you already." He spoke with a hint of sarcasm.

"Hey, stop laughing and help me get him out." She grumbled and crawled towards the sofas. Aarush smirked and got up, walking towards the kitchen.

"Forget it for now. He'll come out himself. If you try to force him out, he'll scratch you or even bite you. Once he's ready, he'll come out." he began to brew himself a cup of coffee while watching his wife lay on the ground right in front of the sofa.

"Aarush, but how long will he stay in there?" She began to feel helpless. She turned her head and looked at Aarush with begging eyes. "Help me, please."

Shaking his head, Aarush walked over slowly and got on the ground with her. He put his hand under the sofa and tried to grab Yun. Unlike Aeleya, he wasn't trying to be gentle. "Yun, just come here." Soon, he was able to catch the kitten's tail, but he was met with a strong bite. Aarush winced a little, but didn't let go. Using his other hand, he wrapped it around the kittens body and slowly pulled it out. "Got you."

"Really?" Aeleya got up excitedly and waited as Aarush pulled the kitten out. She watched his hands come out with a small Yun, who was aggressively biting Aarush's hands. "Hey,. he's biting you."

"What do you expect from him? I'm forcing him out after all. Plus, his bites don't hurt right now, he's too small." Aarush smiled as he got up as well. Yun's body was wrapped around Aarush's hands and it continued to bite him. "Alright, Yun. Here, settle down." Aarush sat on the sofa slowly and removed one of his hands and began to gently pet him. Yun continued to be aggressive. "Aeleya, you're just going to have to be patient with him. He is just going to be more aggressive if I continue to force him." Aarush shook his head as he watched Yun bite him non-stop.

Aeleya sighed. "Alright, put him down then." She felt upset, but couldn't do much about it. Aarush let go of Yun who quickly ran back under the sofa. He leaned over and kissed Aeleya's cheek and smiled at her.

"Don't worry, this is normal. Just give him some time." He then got up and went to wash his hands. There was a tiny cut which was present because of Yun's small teeth. Aeleya sighed as well and walked to him and leaned against him while wrapping her arms around his waist.

"Do you think it will be alright to leave Yun here alone when we head out?" Although Yun was still very new to her, she still adored the little kitten. She was worried about leaving him alone.

Aarush smiled and grabbed her hands. "No problem. I'll just move him into our bedroom, there isn't anything sharp or dangerous there. I'll move water there and even some food for him. As for a litter box, I bought a bit of little and a small container. I'll leave it there for him. If he uses it, then great, if not, then we can just come back to him leaving some of his waste on our bed or ground. We'll just have to clean that. Still don't worry, nothing will go wrong, alright?" Aeleya nodded her head and went to change her clothes. They had two dawats and one of them would be in a few hours. She wanted to get ready early this time.

As Aeleya changed, Yun would occasionally run out of the sofa and then back under it. It would be random sprints, with its hair still standing up. Aeleya smiled whenever she saw him. At times, Yun would run to Aarush and begin biting his legs, for no apparent reason. "I don't think he likes you, Aarush." Whenever she saw this, Aeleya was a little jealous, yet also a little smug.

"Whose fault is that?" He smiled bitterly and stared at his almost dressed wife.

"Mine?" She pointed to herself and shook her head. "No way. He just doesn't like you." She then got up and walked to him, raising her foot and placing it on his knee. "Can you put this on?" She passed him the ankle bracelet.

Aarush nodded his head and began to put it on her. After he was done, she was about to move her foot, Aarush grabbed her ankle and locked it with his hands. "My wife, come and sit with me for a bit." With that, he grabbed her hand and pulled her and sat her on top of his legs. "We got you your kitten, but we will go get my dog next, alright?"

"Sure, I don't mind." She used her hands and fixed her dress while comfortably sitting on his. "I never said we can't. Whatever dog you want, I don't care." She grabbed his nose and squeezed it similar to how he always squeezed hers. "You should get ready as well."

"We have a couple hours still, so I'll get ready later. You were dumb to get ready so early." He said with a snicker.

"Dumb?" She looked at him with a bland smile. "When did you begin insulting me?"

Aarush felt a cold shiver crawl up his back. He kissed her cheeks and smiled sweetly. "I'm just joking, just joking." He got up and lifted her up with him. "Here, I'll get ready as well. That way there will be no problem." he rushed into the bedroom and threw her onto the bed and then began to quickly change.

"Hey, don't just throw me like that." She grumbled as she got up from the bed and fixed her clothes. "Anyways, I don't care if you joke with me. Don't get so worried." She walked over and pinched his hips.

"Ouch." He winced "You're really aggressive." He smiled bitterly as he rubbed his hip.

"Only certain people make me aggressive, and unfortunately, you are one of the few." She rolled her eyes and walked out of the room, not noticing a quick blush form on Aarush's face.

'Aeleya is too much. She needs to stop rolling her eyes, I'm going crazy.' He calmed his breathing and continued to change. It only took him a few more minutes before he was ready. "Hey Aeleya, we have like two hours till we leave, want to play a few games to pass time? Yun might walk out randomly as well."

"Sure, I don't mind." She nodded her head and walked over to him. "What game?"

"Chess." Aarush said with an enthusiastic smile.

"Chess?" She raised an eyebrow. "I don't even know how to play."

"That's fine, I'll teach you. Come, it'll be fun." Aeleya reluctantly agreed. If it made him happy, she was willing.

"Where did you even get chess stuff? I didn't see it before." She asked as she saw him pull out a chess board from under their bed.

He scratched his head in embarrassment as he set up the board. "I got it a while ago. I thought that I would teach you how to play, since it is a fun game. I taught my dad, little brother, and even sisters how to play. Even my mom knows how to play a little since I bugged her about it when I was younger." He smiled as he watched her sit on the bed. "Anyways, let me explain the rules. They aren't too hard to understand." He took about fifteen minutes to explain, from demonstrations to even a few examples. "Does it all make sense?"

She nodded her head. "Doesn't seem too hard." She said.

"Alright. Let's play a quick match and make sure you understand it all. After that, we will play a proper match." His quick match was really just attacking like an idiot and sacrificing all his pieces as quickly as he could.

"I think we can play a normal match now. Most of this is not too difficult, it will just take a bit of practice for me now." She said as she 'killed' Aarush's last piece, the Queen.

"No problem." He set the board up once more and they played another match. This one lasted a full thirty minutes. Aeleya took her time with each move, showcasing her patience and even concentration.

"Checkmate, right?" She looked up at him and smirked.

"N-no way." Aarush had a shocked face as he looked at the board. He would be lying if he said he was going hard on her from the beginning, but that was in the beginning. Even before the 'halfway' point, he was trying his hardest. "This is dumb." He got up with a grumble and walked away from the room.

Seeing him like so childish, Aeleya laughed and chased behind him. "Aarush, it's alright, some people just aren't good at these types of games." She grabbed his arm and gently pinched his nose.

"That was a beginner's luck." He said with a bit of annoyance. He grabbed her waist and then pinched her nose. "Let's play another game. I'll show you that everything was just luck." Weirdly enough, he became very competitive.

"Sure, I'll just beat you again." With a smile, they walked into the room. After thirty more minutes, Aarush walked out with a gloomy face.

"Bullshit! That game is rigged." He then walked to the area where Yun was. The kitten was finally a little more comfortable and was playing with his toys. When he saw Aarush coming, it became alert. "Relax Yun, I'm not gonna do anything." He casually sat on the ground, nearby the little kitten. He grabbed a small toy and slowly got Yun to come over. He then began to play with the little kitten.

"Hey, that's unfair. Why is he going to you?" Aeleya walked out with a smirk which became anger soon after.

"What can I say, some people aren't good at these types of things." he smirked, throwing her own words back at her.

Yet, unlike with him, Aeleya's eyes became moist which caused Aarush to panic. "This is unfair." She marched back into her room. Aarush became helplessly shook his head and carefully picked Yun up. Unlike before, Yun wasn't attacking him. He seemed very comfortable with Aarush.

"Alright Yun, you have to be nice to Aeleya, alright? She likes you more than me." He walked into the room and brought Yun with him. Aeleya was sitting on the bed cross legged, showing anger on her face. "Love, look, I brought Yun."

"He doesn't even like me." She said while grumbling.

"Of course, he will like you. He just hasn't spent any time with you. I happen to be a little a shit before, so he got a little closer to me because of that." He sat beside Aeleya and placed his chin on her shoulder. "Hey, c'mon. He's right here. Pet him and slowly play with him." She turned her head and raised an eyebrow at him. "Here." He lifted Yun up and gently placed the little kitten on Aeleya.

Aeleya felt a little nervous as she watched Yun just sit there. Aarush passed her a little toy which she used to play with him. Yun took a little bit, but soon after he began to play with the toy. He didn't run away and just played on her lap. "Aarush, look. He's not running."

"Of course. With a bit of patience, it isn't hard to get an animal to like you. Look at me, an animal like me is head over heels for you." He smirked as he kissed her cheek.

"Hey, stop that." She rubbed her cheek and gently pushed him away, while focusing her attention on the little kitten.

Aarush grumbled. "Yun better not steal you from me, or else I will skin this little thing alive." He spoke with a glint in his eyes.

"You can't do that, or else I won't even let you touch me." She said with an equal amount of dissatisfaction.

"What! That's such a cruel thing to say." He spoke with shock. Suddenly he picked up Yun from her lap and placed him on the ground. Picking up a toy, he threw it across the room. "Screw off Yun. This is my wife!" The little kitten, not understanding a single thing, chased after the toy without much thought.

"Aarush, why did you do that?!" Aeleya glared at him.

Aarush ignored her and pushed her onto the bed and smiled. "Got to claim you once again I see. That little shit needs to know that it shouldn't mess with my property."

"Property?" She looked at him with a glare, yet Aarush ignored it.

"Yes property. I don't care about all that bullshit people say back home. You're my property, and I'm yours. Simple." He then planted an aggressive kiss on her lips. She rolled her eyes at his actions, but didn't struggle. She knew he was weird like this.

After a few minutes of his 'claiming', Aeleya got off the bed and fixed her clothes and hair with a set of plump lips. "You're too much Aarush." She sighed and walked out of the room. "Anyways, let's quickly get to the place." Aarush smirked and got up. Following behind her, he placed a drinking bowl and a food bowl in his bedroom, including a small little box.

"Yun, let's get you into this room." He picked up Yun and placed him in the bedroom. He quickly shut the door and then left with Aeleya.

"Aarush, I got a message from Hazim saying that the wedding is going to take place in three days, again." A ding sounded from her phone as she sat in the car. Pulling it up, it was a message from Hazim.

"Three days again? Lammy seems to be in a rush." Aarush widened his eyes and spoke bitterly. "Well, it's better this way. I can atleast witness the wedding earlier, then you and me can leave for our honeymoon." He smiled and rubbed her cheek with love.

She smiled sweetly at him as well. "Yeah, we can finally just spend time peacefully. No dawats, no problems, just you and me." She leaned on his shoulder and spoke. Her hand was wrapped around his as she kissed it.