Injured 1

White-Fire took off, running between the trees and away from the onslaught of arrows and their pursuers.

As it ran, it saw a fallen tree blocking its path and jumped over it. This shook everyone, causing Jareth to almost fell off. Astrid quickly grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him closer to her. "Jareth, please hold on."

She turned her head to look at him and saw his eyes dropping close, her gaze went down to his injured arm and saw some dark lines on his arm where the arrow stuck into his skin.

Panic stricken, Astrid yelled in her mind, "White-Fire, please hurry!! He is poisoned.

"White-Fire could hear the urgency in her voice and increased its speed. It was well aware that Astrid was scared, she hadn't seen Jareth in such a state before and it caused her to panic.

Not long after, they arrived at where they camped before, Astrid got down from White-Fire leaving the little beast. Little White-Fire held tight to its mother as it waited.