Injured 2

Astrid helped Jareth sit and rest his back on a tree close by. She dropped his weapons on the floor close to her and pulled her bag and his off of their bodies.

"Hey Jareth!" She called out and lifted his head with her hands, "Look at me, you can do it. Just stay with me please."

He groaned in pain as he tried not to put down his head. At this rate, he could become unconscious or go into a coma if he sleeps. She needed him to be awake while she drew the poison out of his system.

She tore lightly on the injured part of his shirt and took a piece of cloth from her bag. She still had a small water gourd and brought it out from her bag.

"I am going to pull out the arrow, Jareth. We need to quickly remove the poisoned blood," she informed him.

"Hmm." That was all he could utter to prove he was with her. She watched him with teary eyes as he bit down hard on his lips to keep himself from falling into a sleep.