Never Thought I Would See This Day



"No, she is not Isadora my daughter, but, this is my flesh and blood, my granddaughter, Astrid."


Astrid did not say anything. Rather she stood there watching them and waiting for the first one to take the first move towards her. 

After about a minute, Draco's voice broke as his tears streamed down his cheeks. "You have your mother's eyes and his."

Up until now, she had not yet noticed that ever since she left the ocean, her eyes had changed and became their lovely colour of orange and blue sapphire colour in turn. A perfect blend of both of her parents, represented in her.

His feet moved on his own as though they had a mind of their own and wanted more than anything to hold her in his arms.

Taking that as a cue, Draco got himself back and hurriedly went to her. Astrid who had seen it coming did not know what to do either.