Warm Welcome



"Welcome, your majesty." 

Her face lit up beyond compare. Everything was better than she had imagined. While they were busy greeting her, Astrid's attention was focused on other things.

Aside from Elvendel's palace and… wait a minute…she had somehow managed to visit all the kingdom and seen their palaces first hand.

Although she did not have any cause to enter the human kingdom's palace, she did live in the kingdom all her life.

And Alacia was no different, she wandered in it and had a good glimpse of all she needed to see but this was different. It was like the land was calling to her to come view and see its wonders.

Noticing how carried away she was, King Regin beckoned on them to rise and waited for Astrid to join him on the ground. As soon as she did, he gestured for her to step forward as he presented her to her people.