Another Truth Revealed



It was an explosion that only a few persons were familiar with. That being Astrid, Isadora, Blade, Snow, and Cullen.

They saw with their eyes, the first person to do that.

At the same time, they heard a sharp cry pierce through the crowd, pulling all attention in her direction.

Astrid snapped her head to the side and watched as her mother vibrated in rage watching again for the second time how her beloved died before her.



If not for the water ball cage she was in, Astrid knew the elves would have received her wrath once more. 

Several bubbles rose in her mini cage. An obvious tale that she was doing all she could to break free.

On the other hand, Marceline could do nothing. She stood, transfixed, staring at the scene before her while her dead son lay on the ground.

It had always been the elves and not the fairies. They had been the ones wronged all this while.