[Bonus chapter]Two Wrongs Cannot Make A Right



They could not deny that the words spoken by Isadora were true. She suffered the most, yet they came to her turf to wage war.

How foolish.

"Answer me!"

They all had their heads lowered in utmost defeat. It was a complete shame as to what they were facing right now. How dare they do this to a person, a living being?

No one deserved to suffer that way but Astrid, her mother and Draco, suffered it all.

For the first time in his life, Blade felt extremely satisfied. He told them Astrid was innocent of her people's mistakes, turns out she and her people were all innocent and they wronged her.

He was happy though. Happy e did the right thing, following his brother's advice and released her.

If not, more death would have happened and that way the war would have raged on with Isadora on a killing spree.