Sexy Teacher Lin Ruyi

"Zombies? Yeah, right. Think of something better if you want to fool me, Bojing."

"Zixin, I'm telling you it's real! Have you not been watching the news?! It's total chaos over there in America!"

"America is always in chaos these days. It's probably some hoax or a rumour. Don't believe whatever the media tells you."

"Have you been living under a rock?! The entire nation is on alert about this matter! What have you been doing lately?!

"Bojing, how could you forget? The new season of Galactic Storm just started airing this week!"

"Fuck, Zixin, how could you be so easy going at a time like this!"

The two friends continued bickering for a few more minutes until the teacher walked in.

Zhang Zixin simply would not believe the nonsense his best friend was spouting. Zombies were things you only saw in movies and TV shows or read about in some novel. They were not real and never would be. He couldn't believe the whole school was raving about this obviously-not-true crap. Zhang Zixin had more important things to worry about like when the damn Playbox console he ordered would arrive.

He cleared all thoughts of zombies from his mind and concentrated on what was important at the moment: their sexy bombshell supermodel-body maths teacher Lin Ruyi.

'This bitch shouldn't allowed to be a teacher,' Zhang Zixin thought. She was too damn hot for her own good. Especially that bountiful chest of hers. If some ignorant little 5-year-old saw them, he would probably ask why the pretty lady was hiding watermelons in her shirt. Zhang Zixin occasionally dreamed about sucking on those giant natural tits of hers.

She had an alluringly curvaceous body that could make men commit crimes. Her bottom was round and bouncy and begging to be spanked. It didn't help that she dressed like a porn star. Most of the time she wore a short skirt that revealed those long, sexy legs of hers and a tight, revealing blouse or shirt that exposed a large portion of that deep valley in her chest. All of this coupled with her Miss Universe level face, she was the dream woman of the boys in our school.

Zhang Zixin wished she was some bimbo all the boys in the class could gangbang but sadly those kind of women only existed in porn videos. She was actually a very smart person who taught maths.

But still it didn't matter how smart she was. She was a terrible teacher anyway, Zhang Zixin concluded. How could anyone concentrate on the problems and equations when she was flaunting that sinful body of hers? Ever since she transferred here, the boys had started failing every maths paper. It was really getting out of hand.

Still, no one complained. Fuck, whoever did would have a bounty on his head.

Zhang Zixin continued ogling his sexy teacher for the remainder of the class. As usual he didn't learn a thing.

The bell rang and Lin Ruyi's class ended much to the reluctance of the boys in the class.

"What's next?" he asked Yu Bojing, who was sitting to his right.

"English, I think." Yu Bojing replied absentmindedly.

"Bojing, what's wrong?" Zhang Zixin noticed his friend was acting weird.

"Zixin, can I tell you a secret? But you promise me not to tell anyone else!" Yu Bojing said seriously.

"How long have we been friends, Bojing?! You can trust me with anything!" Zhang Zixin spoke passionately.

"I'm sorry, how long have we been friends, Zixin?" Yu Bojing smiled.

"Um… a certain amount of years?"

"5 years, you bastard!"

"Yeah, yeah, that's right!" Zhang Zixin smiled shamelessly. "Anyway, what's this secret of yours?" he quickly asked.

Yu Bojing sighed.

Zhang Zixin grew excited. He believed Yu Bojing was about to reveal that he was the illegitimate son and heir to a wealthy billionaire who had recently died. And since they were best friends for a certain number of years, he would certainly enjoy some benefits as well.

Taking a deep breath, Yu Bojing spoke firmly, "Zixin, I am in love with Ms Lin!"

'What the fuck….'

Needless to say, Zhang Zixin was immensely disappointed. When would free money drop from the sky? The universe was too unfair, he thought righteously.

Then he processed what Yu Bojing had just said. Zhang Zixin felt extremely amused.

His best friend was in love? With the big-tits teacher of all people?

A smile crept into Zhang Zixin's face. The smile grew until he started outright laughing at Yu Bojing who was glaring at him.

"Zhang Zixin, I'm serious! I love her! She must be my soulmate!"

"Bojing, I love her too. She's everyone's 'soulmate', hehe." Zhang Zixin said with a perverted smile. He thought Bojing was joking with him and tried to play along.

"What?" Yu Bojing looked confused.

"What?" Zhang Zixin was confused as well. Was this punk actually serious? "Bojing, you…you really love her?" he asked carefully.

"Yes! I want to marry her! I want her to have my children!" Yu Bojing passionately spoke out loudly attracting the whole class' attention.

"Shhh…" Zhang Zixin silently scolded his best friend.

"Zixin, Bojing, what are you guys talking about?" one of the boys asked.

"Hehe, we are discussing about the upcoming XXX movie starring Ava Addams." Zhang Zixin told them with a perverted smile. He couldn't let them know about Bojing's intentions. Who knows what could happen? They might take him seriously and try to throw him off a bridge or something.

The boys showed a look of understanding when they heard my words and smiled lewdly. "Good, good,'" they simply said and returned to their business.

The girls looked at Zhang Zixin and Yu Bojing with disdain. Zhang Zixin felt distressed. 'If you know what I'm talking about why look at me like you're the pure ones!' he complained in his heart but did not dare to speak out. The girls were too unreasonable.

"Okay, Bojing, listen." Zhang Zixin told his friend calmly. "Miss Lin is a very beautiful girl. I'm sure she already has a boyfriend. Forget about her. There's plenty of beauties in our school."

Zhang Zixin believed someone as beautiful as Miss Lin must have a partner. Or multiple ones, who knows? Sometimes you really had to judge a book by its cover. He didn't wish to see his best friend heartbroken in the end and tried to persuade him.

"I don't care, Zixin! I must confess my feelings to her and I will do it today!" Yu Bojing declared.

"Woah, woah, calm down Bojing. Why are you getting so worked up?"

"How can I not be anxious? The zombies are coming! I must confess to her soon or it will be too late. It's now or never!"

"Again with the zombies? Bojing, seriously….."

The English teacher entered then.

"We'll talk about this during lunch." He whispered to Bojing.

Two more periods later, the two were on their way to the cafeteria.




The hot topic was zombies. Almost everyone was talking about it except some guy who was having his own buffet all alone.

"Pssst, people are so gullible these days." Zhang Zixin was annoyed.

"Zixin, for the last time, it's real. The zombie apocalypse is upon us!" Bojing said ominously.

"The world won't end before I get that fucking Playbox 3."

Yu Bojing sighed in defeat. There was no convincing his friend.

"Big brother Zixin, wait!" a melodious voice called out to them. The two turned around and saw a pretty girl running towards them.

She was a cute, short girl with big, shiny black eyes and long hair tied into pigtails. As she ran, her big bosom, tightly concealed within her thin school uniform was jiggling playfully. A few guys in the cafeteria were already having nosebleeds.

"Yu Xifeng?" Zhang Zixin knew this girl. She was Yu Bojing's little sister, their junior in high school.

"What are you doing here?" Yu Bojing scolded with an irritated voice. He looked particularly annoyed to see his younger sibling.

"Hmph!" Yu Xifeng gave her brother a look of contempt. "Did I say I was looking for you? I'm here to meet big brother Zixin!"

"What for? We have important things to talk about!" Yu Bojing glared at her.

"It won't take a minute!" said Yu Xifeng who was extremely irritated with her brother. "And I want to talk to big brother Zixin alone!"

"About what?!" Bojing said and was about to continue when Zhang Zixin gave him a look.

Glaring at his sister one last time, he walked off in a huff.

After he left, Yu Xifeng's personality turned completely different. Shyly she lowered her head like an obedient and kind little girl, a faint blush on her face. She locked her hands together in front as she stared at Zhang Zixin from above with her shiny, big blue eyes and opened her cute little mouth.

"Big brother Zixin, I have a request!" she said in small voice, blushing heavily.

"Oh what is it, Xifeng? I will definitely accomplish it for you!" Yu Xifeng was like a little sister to Zhang Zixin so he couldn't help but spoil her a little.

Yu Xifeng took a deep breath. "Big brother Zixin, after school, will…will you meet me up at the school terrace?" she blurted out the words quickly, blushing hard.

"At the terrace?" Zhang Zixin was confused but readily agreed. "Sure, I'll be there!"


"I promise."

"Yay!" Yu Xifeng jumped up happily. "Thank you, big brother Zixin!" she said and smiled cutely.

Zhang Zixin was mesmerized by her massive boobs that flopped up and down. She was so young. How was it possible they grew so big?

"Then, I'll see you later, big brother Zixin!" she skipped away, humming happily.

Zhang Zixin smiled and went over to where Yu Bojing was waiting at one of the tables with two lunch trays.

"What did she want to tell you?" his friend questioned.

"Nothing, she just wants to meet me later."

Yu Bojing didn't care much about his sister's affairs. He started eating.

Zhang Zixin picked up his spoon as well and began eating. Mouth full, he started up the conversation. "So, Bojing about Ms Lin..."

His words were cut short when they heard a girl's scream.