The Zombie Apocalypse Is Real

Somewhere in the school cafeteria, a crowd had gathered. Zhang Zixin and Yu Bojing went over to see what was going on.

They were stunned by what they saw.

A boy, whom Zhang Zixin recognized to be Li Xiaojian from the class next to them was on the floor, trashing about uncontrollably making weird guttural sounds.

"What's wrong with him?! What is going on?! Someone please!"

One of the girls was talking hysterically. She was Li Xiaojian's girlfriend Wang Jia and the girl who screamed earlier.

"Sun Feng, what happened?" Zhang Zixin asked one his acquaintances in the crowd.

"Oh, Zixin. I'm not exactly sure but according to the witnesses, Li Xiaojian and his girlfriend were just having lunch together and being lovey-dovey when all of a sudden he just fell on the floor and started acting like that."

Li Xiaojian's body kept twitching, turning and eventually his body began emitting cracking sounds. It scared a few girls who screamed in horror.

"Bojing, you're good with biology? Do you know what's happening?" Zhang Zixin asked his best friend but didn't get any reply for a long time. "Bojing?" he turned his head to find Yu Bojing staring at Li Xiaojian with a pale face. Fear and horror could be seen his eyes.

"Zixin, it's happening! It's really happening! The zombies! They've come!" Bojing finally responded in a terrified voice.

His words were heard in the entire cafeteria. Panicked murmurs filled the place.

"Bojing, get a hold of yourself!" Zhang Zixin grabbed his best friend's shoulders and shook him. "You're worrying everyone for no….."

Zhang Zixin stopped speaking.

Li Xiaojian's body had abruptly stopped moving.

"Baby?" Wang Jia called out. The cafeteria had gone completely silent.

A few seconds passed.

Then, Li Xiaojian moved. First he straightened his legs with deep cracking sounds. Then he raised his right arm. And then his left. Slowly, his body rose in a chilling manner.

A collective gasp could be heard when everyone finally saw Li Xiaojian's face. The students were shocked and horrified.

Li Xiaojian was known to be a nice and gentle person who was kind and respectful to everyone. The person they were looking at right now resembled nothing of that sort. He had a pale, vicious face and had an animalistic expression, saliva dripping from his mouth.

But the scariest part were his blood-red eyes that gazed at them like a predator. Since when did Li Xiaojian have red eyes?

"Baby! Are you all right? Are you hurt?" Wang Jia was the first to react and walked closer to him.

"Don't!" a few people called out but the girl cared too much for her boyfriend.

Li Xiaojian growled savagely and without warning, pounced on his girlfriend, pushing her down onto the floor. Wang Jia shrieked in pain as he held her down, gripping her shoulders tightly.

"Baby, stop! You're hurting me!" she cried out but Li Xiaojian did not react to her pleas if he was even Li Xiaojian at all. Right now, he didn't seem human.

Roaring like a beast, Li Xiaojian bared his teeth, dripping with saliva and lunged his mouth at his girlfriend's neck.

Out of nowhere, a steel tray smacked his head. Li Xiaojian fell back to the floor on his back, seemingly knocked out.

"Call the teachers now! Hurry!" said the person who hit Li Xiaojian. It was none other than Zhang Zixin.

His words woke everyone from their stupor. Immediately there was pandemonium in the cafeteria, everyone running about frantically, not knowing what to do. The students wanted to leave the school. They also wanted to call their parents, their friends. What was it safe outside? Were there others like Li Xiaojian in the school?

The fear and panic could be felt in the air.

"Everyone, calm down!" a booming, male voice silenced the place. Everyone turned their heads.

It was the principal! The principal had arrived!

While everyone was panicking the lunch lady had contacted the staff.

"What's going on here?" the principal asked calmly.

"Sir, it's like this," said a boy named Yang Lie, who was a member of the student council. "A student, Li Xiaojian….."


Everyone felt a chill up their spine.

"Oh no!"

"Li-Li Xiaojian, he's moving again!"

"P-principal, please stop him!"

The principal looked at the ferocious looking Li Xiaojian and frowned. "Guards." He ordered solemnly.

Two security personnel in black appeared on both the principal's sides and slowly began walking towards Li Xiaojian.

Li Xiaojian roared and started running towards them. The girls screamed in fear.

Fortunately, the security personnel were experienced former military men. The two of them grabbed one of Li Xiaojian's arms each and slammed him down on the floor, restraining him. All of it was done with perfect coordination.

Li Xiaojian struggled wildly, trashing his body around and screamed like an animal repeatedly. But the security personnel were strong and managed to hold him down.

Soon, more security personnel came and with their help, Li Xiaojian was dragged away somewhere.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. But then they remembered Yu Bojing's words.

The zombies. They were really here. Everyone wanted to leave immediately. They worried for their family and loved ones.

"All right, everyone, school is over!" the principal said. "All of you proceed to the assembly hall and wait for our instructions!"

The herd of students immediately made their way to the school assembly hall.

"Come on get up." Zhang Zixin said extending his hand. Wang Jia was still sitting on the floor in a daze. She seemed unable to believe that all of this was happening. Her boyfriend had seemingly gone crazy, attacked her and was now dragged away to who-knows-where.

She looked up when Zhang Zixin offered his hand. After a moment of hesitation, she took it and stood up shakily.

"W-why did you hit him so hard?" she asked him weakly, biting her lips.

"He was going to hurt you." Zhang Zixin said calmly.

"No, never.." she grew agitated. "Xiaojian would never….he would never…" she said to Zhang Zixin but was actually trying to convince herself.

Zhang Zixin sighed. He didn't know what to say. Fortunately one of her friends came and took her away, giving Zhang Zixin a look of thanks. Zhang Zixin watched with pity as he stared at her departing back. He had heard from his friends how Li Xiaojian and Wang Jia loved each other very much. They had planned to go to the same college and get married after that.

Now their future seemed uncertain if there was even a future left.

"Zixin?" Yu Bojing called out to him. "Are you okay?" he asked, concerned.

"I'm fine." Zhang Zixin sighed. "Bojing…you were right. This is real. Very real. The world as we know it will no longer be the same."

Zhang Zixin finally accepted the truth of the matter. Truthfully, he knew about the zombie thing a while ago. He just didn't want to believe it and immersed himself in anime, porn and video games. But now he was forced to accept the severity of the situation.

Bojing nodded. "I wish I was wrong," he said in a depressed voice. "Deep down I hoped I was just being crazy about the zombies thing. But I was right. Zixin this could be the end of the world. The end of humanity!"

Yu Bojing became frantic. Zhang Zixin grabbed his shoulder and shook him back to his senses.

"Bojing, stop thinking so much! We don't the whole situation yet. Nobody besides Li Xiaojian has become like that. We need to be prepared and careful!"

"Ah yes you're right…you're right…I'm sorry, Zixin. It's just…it's just….I'm scared."

Zhang Zixin sighed. "Me too, Bojing, me too."

The two made their way out of the cafeteria. Students were running around everywhere, trying to find your close friends, boyfriends and girlfriends before they were all separated.

"Bojing, let's head over to the assembly hall."

"Wait, Zixin, I can't go yet. I have to do something first."

"Do what?" Zixin asked but he already knew the answer.

"I have to find Ms Lin." Yu Bojing said with a determined face.

"Bojing…" Zhang Zixin wanted to tell his best friend it was pointless. That it was a waste of time to chase after an older woman like her. That he would only get heartbroken. But he refrained from saying all that stuff.

The world was currently in a very delicate state. Anything could happen tomorrow. He didn't want his best friend to have any regrets.

"All right." Zhang Zixin nodded in understanding. "But you better make it home safely! Okay?"

"I'll be fine, I promise." Yu Bojing smiled.

The two friends hugged. Then Yu Bojing said goodbye ran off towards the hallway leading to the teachers staff room.

Zhang Zixin gave his friend one last look before leaving as well.

He was halfway there then suddenly stopped. For a minute he just stood there like a statue.

Then he turned around and went another direction.

His destination was the student council office.

"I hope she's still there…."