
Ever since his best friend Yu Bojing had confessed his secret love for their maths teacher, Lin Ruyi, Zhang Zixin, had been thinking a lot, though he hadn't shown it. He had been thinking about his own crush.

Mu Yanyan. She was the Vice President of the Student Council. A cold beauty, perfect in everything she did Zhang Zixin believed. Her intelligence was ranked in the top ten of the world's smartest minds. She was also a member of the Mu Clan, one of the most ancient and powerful clans in Huaxia.

Compared to her, Zhang Zixin's greatest achievement in life so far was having a Platinum rank in the online game League Of Legends.

She was smart, pretty and came from a wealthy family.

Zhang Zixin was a porn-addict who played video games all day. He came from the middle-class.

They belonged to two different worlds. Zhang Zixin could only look at her from afar.

But still Zhang Zixin couldn't help but like her. Every time he caught a glimpse of her, his heart would go badump badump. He tried to suppress his feelings for her in various ways but it was of no use. She still remained in his heart.

Zhang Zixin was planning to go on with his life, just burying these feelings in his heart but then this zombie apocalypse thing happened.

When he saw his friend Yu Bojing determinedly making the decision to confess to the person he loved, Zhang Zixin felt inspired and motivated too.

'If Bojing can do it, why can't I?'

Feeling a sudden drive, he impulsively went to find her.

Gathering his courage, he made his way to the Student Council Office. He hoped to get there before she left for the assembly hall. Zhang Zixin wanted to talk to her in a more private setting. It was highly possible she would just shoo him away considering the current situation but Zhang Zixin wasn't thinking straight at the moment. He just felt he had to meet her now.

When he finally reached his destination he took a deep breath and approached the door that had a golden plaque with the words 'Student Council Office' engraved on it. He was about to knock on the door when it opened on its own, confusing him. Was this place haunted?

"Come in," said a clear and elegant voice from inside.

So there are still people here. Zhang Zixin gulped. He felt happy but shy too. Was he going to confess in front of her friends?

Zhang Zixin entered the office. There were four people in the room, all of whom he recognized.

Sitting behind her desk was none other than the Student Council President, Dugu Jingfeng, the No. 2 ranked beauty in the school. She smiled at Zhang Zixin as he walked in.

Standing beside her was Ling Ling, the Student Council Secretary. She was Zhang Zixin's senior but had the figure of a middle-school student, short and cute. Zhang Zixin had always wanted to hug her. She probably sensed his lolicon nature and glared at him.

There were two sofas with a table in the middle. On the right sofa sat an arrogant looking young man. He was Tian Long, Student Council Special Advisor, whatever the heck that was. Everyone knew he was in the Student Council just to woo Mu Yanyan. He made up this bullshit special advisor position as an excuse to be near her.

And then finally, sitting on the left sofa was the person who Zhang Zixin had come for, the stunningly beautiful Mu Yanyan. She was sitting there calmly drinking a cup of tea. When Zhang Zixin walked in, she gave him a glance which made his heart go badump, then ignored him as if he was air.

"Excuse me." Zhang Zixin said nervously. He was finally here. Now what? Should he just scream 'I love you!' and bolt out?

He also found it quite strange. They were sitting so calmly here without a care in the world. Didn't they know what was happening?

"Hello, junior." Dugu Jingling said politely, smiling. "What brings you here? Shouldn't you be heading to the assembly hall?"

"I-I came to speak with Senior Mu." Zhang Zixin said. He could feel his face getting hot. It wasn't everyday he interacted with people of their 'level'.

Everyone except Mu Yanyan showed a suprsied face. Mu Yanyan put her cup down and turned to him. Zhang Zixin felt weak when she looked at him. He was actually being regarded by his crush! The feeling was too good! He felt nervous and excited at the same time.

"Well, what business do you have with Yanyan?" Tian Long said in a rude and arrogan, not even bothering to give Zhang Zixin a glance.

Mu Yanyan frowned. She didn't like being addressed by Tiang Long as if they were very intimate.

Even her frown is so pretty, damn. Zhang Zixin praised in his heart. He was also pleased to know that she wasn't so close with that bastard Tian Long.

"Um before I talk about that…" Zhang Zixin began. "I know it's none of my business but shouldn't the seniors be evacuating as well…? Don't the seniors know of the incident in the cafeteria?"

Dugu Jingling smiled at him and was about to reply but Tian Long beat her to it.

"We already know about that," he said proudly, looking at Zhang Zixin with contempt. "You don't need to concern yourself with our matters. We already have our own plans."

Dugu Jingling was furious and glared angrily at this egocentric self-proclaimed advisor. The junior was just asking out of concern which touched her yet this bastard replied so rudely. She really wanted to beat the living daylights out of him. He had made the Student Council look bad!

If it wasn't for his family's influence she would have kicked him out long ago.

"Junior, why are you looking for me?" Mu Yanyan finally spoke. Her cold and emotionless voice was like a melody to Zhang Zixin's ears.

He gulped. This was it. Now or never.

There was a faint temptation to run away but he suppressed it. He could not back out now. Nor could he dally any longer. A zombie apocalypse was happening. He was worried about Yu Bojing, Yu Xingfeng and his stepmom who he should have called a long time ago. He had been too preoccupied with thoughts of zombies and love confessions to do so.

Zhang Zixen cleared his throat. Then he spoke, making sure his voice was as clear as possible.

"Vice President Mu, I-I know you probably hear something like this every day and I might just annoy you but the future is uncertain and I don't want to die with any regrets! Let me just speak my feelings and I'll be on my way!"

Zhang Zixin was sweating profusely now and took a deep breath to calm his nerves.

"Vice President Mu, I..I like you!"

Dugu Jingling, Tian Long and Ling Ling were stunned. Especially Tian Long who looked ready to murder Zhang Zixin any second now. "Listen here brat…" he started but Zhang Zixin just ignored him and continued on.

Mu Yanyan showed no reaction on her face as she stared indifferently at Zhang Zixin.

"You're beautiful and smart but you already know that. I'm just a nobody and you are one of the most important people in the world. To someone like you, I'm probably just an eyesore. I'm not worthy of you but I can't help but like you. I don't expect you to say anything in return. I just wanted to tell you how I felt."

"If I could have one wish, it would be to see your smile just once. This might sound pretentious of me but the reason I like you isn't because you come from a rich house or your social standing. I just think you're pretty and I like you. I just like you! There's no way I can think of how to describe my feelings to you like in those romance novels. It's just …I like you!"

Mu Yanyan turned her gaze away from him and clasped her hands, still remaining silent.

Ling Ling just blinked her cute eyes and watched the spectacle happily. President Dugu Jingling's cheeks were red as she gazed at Zhang Zixin with an intense expression.

Tian Long kept frowning and wanted to speak but was silenced by Dugu Jingling's death glare each time.

"Anyway, this is stupid of me to worry about considering your background but I hope you stay safe. I..I hope I can see you again though I might be asking for too much. Vice President Mu, I just want you to know…I..I care about you very much."

Mu Yanyan spoke nothing.

Dugu Jingling was panting heavily like she had ran a marathon, a fire burning in her eyes as she stared at Zhang Zixin. "Are you all right, President?" Ling Ling asked her worriedly.

"I have already taken too much of your time." Zhang Zixin bowed. "I'm sorry for bothering you so much. Vice Presdent Mu, please be safe and live happily. I…I love you!"

Mu Yanyan said nothing.


"Well then…errr..I'll take my leave now…" Zhang Zixin said awkwardly. "Goodbye, Vice President Mu, President Dugu and Secretary Ling!" he didn't say anything to Tian Long, ignoring him. Zhang Zixin was a proud feminist who only gave his attention to girls.

Then he bolted out the door and ran like the wind.

Nobody in the office said anything.

Dugu Jingling stood up abruptly. She stared at where Zhang Zixin had been standing moments ago with fiery eyes.

I..I must…have him!

Ling Ling had a faint blush on her cheeks which she covered up with her writing board.

That guy…..kyaa~

Tian Long broke the silence. "Hmph the nerve of that little punk!" he said disdainfully. "Yanyan, don't bother thinking about what he….."

When he saw Mu Yanyan, his eyes widened in shock.

Mu Yanyan, the ice-cold beauty was blushing heavily.