The appetizers (5)

Based on the eye color of the Ganipotes that were coming at him, Lazar was dealing with 2 betas and 4 omegas with the betas leading the charge side by side...

Given the approach he was planning to take, which was to not use the Dark Slash, it would be normal for Lazar to worry about the possibility that he would be overwhelmed by the betas as soon as they reached him since it was 2 against 1, or at least the possibility that they would be able to restrict his movements to the point where the omegas behind them could pounce on him without him being able to defend himself as soon as they got to his level at their turns, however, he knew that considering his abilities this wouldn't happen.

Before he became the Disciple of Death, Lazar had estimated that his constitution was equal to that of a beta Ganipote because he could match their brute strength, and now, since his constitution had doubled in the meantime, for him it wasn't being arrogant to think that they were no longer a significant threat, in fact, he was confident that he could beat to death the 6 Ganipotes in front of him with his bare hands and without them even having a chance to scratch him back if he was relying on his strength and speed alone...

Moreover, beyond his statistics, the bonuses brought by the different pieces of Lazar's set had an impact on his power that he wasn't even able to fully measure yet, so, in the end, for him his biggest problem wasn't the fight itself but the fact that he had to make it look like he was going to have a little trouble winning it.

Seeing that the two betas were about to reach a range where they could attack him, Lazar stood still in a position that would allow him to retaliate quickly since he wanted to wait and see how his opponents would proceed before acting accordingly.

Thanks to his improved perception, he could afford to be so passive because in his current state of concentration the alterations that this statistic brought to his vision as well as to his notion of time allowed him to easily anticipate what the two betas were going to do...

In other words, from his point of view their movements seemed slowed down as if he was seeing them move at their real speed divided by 2.

Rather eager to pick up his extermination of the Ganipotes and Garaches where he had left off, Lazar smiled slightly, 'Show me what you are worth.' He thought when he saw that the betas were about to act...

Lazar's smile faded when he saw how the beta on the left didn't seem to be planning to get creative with a rather predictable attack as the movement of his head and arms made it very clear that he wanted to bite him in the face and slit his throat with his claws.

Fortunately, Lazar quickly regained interest in the fight when he saw from the corner of his eyes that the beta on the right wanted to take advantage of his comrade's haste to attack him in a more subtle way...

Indeed, he had taken a step to the side and therefore moved further to the right of Lazar when the other beta had launched his attack, which meant that he was now almost in a blind spot of Lazar's vision and that technically if he took clever advantage of the fact that Lazar was rather busy with his comrade he would be able to launch an attack at an angle that would give him a very good chance of hitting his target.

Understanding what the beta on the right was going to do instantly, Lazar didn't panic because it made his job much easier; by taking the time to take that step to the side, he had given him a short but sufficient time to deal with the beta on the left before having to worry about him...

Lazar waited until the momentum that the beta on the left had gained was too great for him to stop his attack then when he considered that it was the right time; he bent his knees which allowed him not only to avoid the claws and fangs of his opponent but also to take advantage of his position to propel himself towards him with his blade in a stabbing position directed towards the heart of the latter.


His blade having reached his target but not killed it, Lazar didn't linger on the eyes full of incomprehension and pain of the beta he had just impaled with his blade and quickly followed up by withdrawing his weapon from the heart of his victim before using this time his sheath to attack it...

The beta he had seriously injured being in shock, Lazar could have finished him off but decided not to because he felt he could kill two birds with one stone given what he saw out of the corner of his eyes, namely the other beta about to attack him.

Lazar hit with his sheath the ribs on the right side of the rib cage of the beta in front of him...


He held back and yet, the strength that Lazar used was such that he heard several ribs break on impact, as to what happened after the impact; the beta he hit flew off the ground and went several meters before hitting the beta on Lazar's right who was clearly caught off guard since he didn't try to dodge.

❗ [You have eliminated a beta Ganipote (E ★★★☆☆)] ❗

❗ [75 experience points obtained] ❗

Although he was very surprised that the beta he had just hit died so easily, Lazar didn't lose focus; the omegas apparently believed they still had a chance to win since they hadn't run away and were now only about 10 meters away from him...

So, not wanting to leave the time to the beta which had just been percuted to recover from what happened to him so that it could joined his forces to those of the omegas, Lazar rushed towards him wanting to benefit from the fact that he was still on the ground and that the corpse of his comrade on him was still restraining his movements to kill him.

When Lazar finished his short sprint towards the beta and leaned over him with his weapon ready to deliver the fatal blow, he was positively surprised to see that he was still trapped under the weight of the other beta...

As much as to say that the hateful glare he gave him wasn't enough to prevent Lazar from planting his blade in his brain through his forehead.

❗ [You have eliminated a beta Ganipote (E ★★★☆☆)] ❗

❗ [75 experience points obtained] ❗