The appetizers (end)

❗ [You have eliminated an omega Ganipote (E ★★☆☆☆)] ❗

❗ [25 experience points obtained] ❗

❗ [You have eliminated an omega Ganipote (E ★★☆☆☆)] ❗

❗ [25 experience points obtained] ❗

Amandla hadn't been as active as Lazar between the moment he started fighting and the moment he killed his second beta, she had contented herself with finishing off with an arrow in the head each the 2 omegas she had wounded earlier with the same arrows she had used to dismember Giulia...

But anyway she didn't need to do much, the hardest part was already done, now what remained was only the 4 omegas who were rushing towards Lazar and Giulia who was in a fetal position crying and bleeding to death in an almost general indifference; as much as to say that in these conditions the probability that their opponents would turn the tables was zero.

Seeing that an increasing puddle of blood was forming around Giulia when she turned her head in her direction, Amandla decided to get a little more involved in the elimination of the remaining omegas assuming that if she wanted to have a 'nice conversation' with Giulia then the sooner the better...

So Amandla conjured up 2 arrows in her left hand, notched them and got into position to shoot with her bow, she observed the situation at a glance and gave Lazar a guideline accordingly, "Just take care of the 2 that are closest to you!" She shouted to her partner while aiming at one of the 2 omega's at the tail of the charge before shooting.

As usual with Amandla's attacks, it lasted only a fraction of second and was terribly effective; after her first arrow was shot, it went straight to Amandla's first target's head, making it explode on impact...

Noticing that the omega she wanted to target second was blinded because his entire face had been splattered with bits of brain, skin, bones and blood coming from his comrade, Amandla targeted him anyway, even though she knew that he wouldn't be able to do anything until he regained his vision and that it would be better to target the other omegas in the meantime if she wanted to be more efficient.

Of course, there was a reason for that and that was that according to her, she and Lazar shouldn't only show themselves to be less strong than they really were, but also less intelligent, which by the way was the reason why she had finished off the omegas that were already wounded instead of helping Lazar with the betas earlier.

❗ [You have eliminated an omega Ganipote (E ★★☆☆☆)] ❗

❗ [25 experience points obtained] ❗

The arrow Amandla shot hit the omega's right shoulder then shredded everything in its path before exiting through his left shoulder, severing his body into two distinct parts and obviously killing him in the process.

As she was about to notch 2 more arrows in the case that Lazar would need assistance, the latter took care of himself before she was able to do anything to support him...

After all, he had shown that he was much faster than the betas when he trashed them, so it was no surprise that the remaining 2 omegas were no problem for him; he didn't even have to bother blocking or dodging their claws and fangs because his attacks were far too fast for him to have to give a shit.

'Good.' Amandla told herself with a smile on her face while walking towards Giulia after having seen with which ease Lazar had decapitated the 2 omegas in a succession of only 2 movements of his blade.

In anticipation of taking care of Giulia, Amandla conjured up the 2 arrows she had intended to use to help Lazar, "Calm down and don't kill her yet." Her partner clarified, perhaps thinking that she wanted to kill Giulia immediately when he saw her conjuring her arrows, which wasn't totally false given the context, because the closer she got to Giulia, the less Amandla found it satisfying to see her in such a pitiful state, and the more she wanted to finish her quickly instead of torturing her further...

Not that she was regretting putting her in that state in the first place, but rather that she thought that her victim had enough when she saw her face full of pain, tears and snot.

Arrived in front of Giulia, Amandla gave her a light kick in the belly to make her back face the ground, which made the former cough a big amount of blood despite the lack of strength in Amandla's blow, "I don't know what you expected but in any case it wasn't worth it." Amandla told her looking down on her with an air of pity instead of anger as Giulia was trying not to choke on the blood in her mouth.


Giulia clenched her teeth to try to get over the pain but unfortunately that wasn't the only thing she had to deal with, she also had to bear with the humiliation of her failure and that was hurting her much more...

The fact that the big-breasted bitch was looking at her as if she was to be pitied was making her feel even more miserable, she considered it as an insult because for her, one could only afford to have this kind of feelings for an opponent that one didn't consider as a real threat, "*Ptt*, B-bitch, *cough*." She insulted the blondie after spitting some of the blood in her mouth on one of her boots, inwardly hoping that it would provoke a violent or hateful reaction from her to make her feel that she wasn't as insignificant as she thought she was right now.

Seeing that the pity the blondie had shown her was no longer present on her face, Giulia felt a little better, then she saw a mocking smile form at the place of it and her frustration returned even stronger than before, "Lazar, torture is pointless, we will get nothing from her, we might as well get it over with." She said, looking away and completely ignoring Giulia's presence.

"" Her mind wasn't very sharp right now for obvious reasons, but Giulia didn't fail to notice that Amandla had called Logan by a different name than the one she knew...

She then saw 'Logan's' silouhette appear above her head, "Yeah, she lost too much blood, she's not worth it." He answered promptly in a cold tone, looking at Giulia straight in the eyes.

"Can I kill..." Amandla was about to answer but something interrupted her sentence, when Giulia heard what she said next, she smiled weakly knowing what was happening, "4 presences moving at high speed at 300 meters in this direction." She said, pointing to the TD Garden.