Operation "Black heart"

Arabian company

Two months after the events described in the last Chapter:

Our main character was in the operational command headquarters when discussing the best plan of attack on the forces of the European Union in this region:

"Monsieur Le Prince, you will have ideas for an attack plan, and I hear you are famous for your ability to plan."

Still drinking his coffee, Julius replied:

- I heard that the survey has finished exploring the city's sewers?

-So exactly, there were found charges for the explosion, activating from heat and sounds, at the entrance to the city, what are you trying to say?

-My company recently developed a device for creating magnetic waves that destroy mechanisms, they do not even know how they will be killed

-Are you really sure this is an emergency operation, can you guarantee that they will be with us quickly enough and will work at all? I do not question your confidence, my Lord, but are you sure of your words?

-Hmm, of course, I even took a couple of boxes with me, since the radius is only 5M2, but we can equip a squad of Knightmasters with devices attached to them, I even made a special design for attaching them.

"But I think free cheese is only in a mousetrap?"

- So and there is, I will take with you contract on supply with doubled sum from original-delivered Julius, after all he profited on British army and now received lucrative contract, after all they not will be able to abandon, too much at stake sake of seizing this facility. It contained the largest reserves of Arabian oil, and if Britain received it, it would deprive the European Union of the ability to support tanks and vehicles with sufficient gasoline. Although there were large reserves in Russia, this was quickly spent due to the war with Britain.

The entire command staff sat with a grim face, for they knew that he had taken advantage of their position. The man who spoke to Julius was one of the few who was happy, because his career depended on this battle and if he lost his troops, he would fall by several ranks, and after all, one of the pillars of the British army.

- Okay, we agree.

Soon the contract was signed, and Julius inwardly laughed at them, because some of them would have tried to copy the blueprints, but would have failed, since the device was automatically destroyed after trying to open its insides, unless a voice command was issued.

After a week of preparations, the operation was called "Capture of the black heart". Julius was close to the elite of Cornelia's Legion.

- Sir, do you think it would be possible to end the war with the European Union? I am more and more struck by its bloodshed - you may want to know why such words are spoken by the elite of the army? He was close to Julius almost all the time and even considers him a close friend, as well as his main character. Initially, his brain was professionally washed by the state, but due to constant communication with Julius, he saw all the horrors with his own eyes, he hid his opinion and spoke about it only in the presence of the Prince. By the way, his name is Jack Green

-With our current Britain, this is only possible when one of the parties loses, but even a temporary peace between our States is not possible at the moment. This at least requires the overthrow of the Emperor or his death.

"This is the first time I've seen someone who speaks with ease about the death of their own parent," his friend said with a grin.

"Ahah, you should have met my younger brother, he wants to kill his father, but the older one is not far behind, he wants to overthrow him. One thing is for sure, being a member of the Royal family is definitely fun.

Suddenly their conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door:


"Mr. Prince and sir Green, I have been ordered to report the start of the operation.

"Thank you, we're leaving."

At 23:00 local time.

Group Knightmare was at the entrance to the sewers:

-All activated devices, we do not want that because you forgot to click the switch, our operation failed.

"That's right, sir.


It quickly moved to the quiet mode of transportation that a company of the 4th Prince specially pre installed on Knightmare.

No one forgot that there were charges laid, but the devices worked as they should, not only disabling the mechanism of the explosion, but also sending a false signal that the bombs were not deactivated, maximizing their time for their stealth.

In 5 minutes at the entrance to the city.

"Sergeant, did you put a charge on the hatch?"

"That's right, your Majesty, everyone is ready, we can activate the charge."


The entire city woke up to the sharp sound of an explosion, those who were not far from it saw a huge column of fire and smoke coming out. The EU army reacted sharply, but did not expect to see what was happening.

They saw a group of Knightmare at the head of a night-black knight, and when they realized, many immediately started screaming and running in panic. They are not afraid of the squad Knightmares and the Black knight, who was known as the "Black angel of death." They knew why he was given this nickname, because when they did not hear that several thousand people died at his hands during the fighting in Italy, it was a one-sided massacre. The high command still dreams of this name in nightmares, but the most remarkable thing about it is that it got the nickname angel because of its help to civilians, or else its name might have been "Lucifer".

- Headquarters, headquarters, this is Delta group, spotted the 4th Prince of the Holy British Empire, nicknamed the "Black angel of Death" with a group of Knightmare, what to do!?

After hearing his bid for the position despaired, what could they do? Here is one of the most famous army dogs of the British Empire, which destroyed all their plans.

"You can't back down!" Delta, do you copy?


- Delta?! Answer me, Delta!!!

In response, a distant voice was heard, which the EU headquarters in the city barely heard, but immediately realized who the voice belonged to:

"I know where they are!" We quickly go to the city administration clearing the enemy troops, avoid civilian casualties if possible, the order is clear?!

"Yes, your Majesty."

So began a one-sided massacre, the European Union tried to send the first of Their knightmare developments, but the British machines broke them with one blow, many had to retreat, although several people died because of the joint attack of the Knightmare and military equipment

The next day:

On the streets, you can find bodies in the army uniform of the European Union, but what was more striking to civilians was the destroyed city hall, on which hung the flag of the Holy British Empire. A small part of the population in the surrounding areas was evacuated to a temporary place of residence, everyone was surprised that the British known for their racism are helping the population.

A military administration was established in the renamed city in honor of the Prince " Julichsburg" at the personal request of his Royal Majesty and his services on the battlefields, with this text appeared an official document on the renaming.

Officially, the operation is "Black heart" was completed, which caused a relief of the operational staff, especially the General-major

Of Wallenstein, who had gray hair for the night.

After a week in the official residence of the fourth Prince renamed the city in honor of him, "Julichsburg":

"Mr. Prince, may I come in?" a voice rang out sharply at 16:00 local time

"Yes, of course.

"Thank you, your Majesty."

-Can I find out the purpose of your visit?

"Yes, we have received an official order from Pendragon that a new Legion is being officially established and that you will take charge of it."

- Hah, I think I'll leave Arabia soon. You can go, but leave the order on the table.

So there was an army whose name was constantly dreamed of in nightmares along with their commander…