1) The beginning of the story: meeting with СС

Timeskip: 3 years later

During this time, our hero was loved by the people. What is the reason? After his confirmation at the head of the new Legion, he called it the "order of the black crusaders", which was a metaphor for what would happen next. …

He began to destroy corrupt officials throughout the Empire. At first, minor officials were taken into custody, but thanks to the creation of charitable foundations and sponsorship of procedures for accepting other peoples as "honorary Britons", which undoubtedly increased the support of the Prince among the people and led to the fact that after a year of hard work, any aristocrat trembled with fear for him, because he knew that his sword was hanging around their necks.

His Legion gradually lured some of the elite from the armies of other princes, which led to quarrels in the families, especially with Cornelia, who had the most men left. They quarreled constantly, because Cornelia was sad, because there was a kinship between them. She quickly noticed the change in his character after entering the Academy, but he responded with a shiver down his back and walked away from the answer. She tried to investigate the incident, but the Academy refused to answer her question, saying it was a personal order from the Emperor.

And every year she saw him move away from her, and soon their relationship reached a critical point, and their dialogue constantly ended with the slamming of the door. In the end, she became even more attached to Euphemia, whom she adored as much as her younger brother.

Let's go back to the "order of the black crusaders" - it was an elite sent to the hottest military points, where they needed 100% confidence in victory, because of what they dreamed in the worst nightmares of their enemies. But in Britain, only the positive side of Julius Di Britannia was noticed, as he was known for his open attitude to other Nations and believed that a person should be judged only by his own actions, and soon his fan clubs appeared in all the main zones and the main region.

Conversation between John and Julius at the latter's estate:

"Are you sure we should go to Zone 11?""I've heard there are separatists there, but not to the extent that we are, are you sure your older brother Clovis can't handle it?"

"Do you know who this idiot is?""He's a terribly envious man with low intelligence and arrogance, you know what I don't like to say about my family members?" Why, you ask? Well, then, I'll tell you, Schneisel looked at me with a constant, predatory gaze, but he always kept the mask of a good figure and was not the worst example. Clovis is a man consumed by his ego and envy. when I was 2 years old, I drew my own picture for the first time, and do you know what he did then? Clovis tried to push me down the stairs, but I was lucky to survive.

Although he was a seven-year-old child at the time and could be accused of childish unreasonableness, things only got worse over the years.

"Not very pleasant memories," John muttered.

"Ha, forget it, it's mostly none of your business, my personal bodyguard knight. Julius replied with a laugh."Seriously, I think it will fail, and the uprisings will only get worse.

"Warn everyone that we're going to Zone 11?""

- Yes, thank you, reduce the time of my load.

A week later in zone 11:

POV Lelouch.

- Checkmate.

"How can I lose?""what?"How is that possible?"

I got up, tired of listening to the aristocrats who were losing so quickly. I'm sure he'll checkmate faster than I can ... Hell, am I remembering him again?! I HATE THE ROYAL FAMILY!

- Hey, you?"Are you going to take the money?"

"Yes, of course.

5 minutes later, in the sidecar of the rival's motorcycle, Lelouch's friend:

- Hey, you set a record of 8 minutes and 32 seconds. Well Done, Lelouch.


"Hey, don't be quiet, you don't look like yourself."""

"Oh, I'm sorry, I've been thinking. Are we going the wrong way?

- Huh? Yes, it's faster, but now we're in the ghetto. A dark place spoils people, makes them hate life. Ugh, it's finally over.

Together they passed the screens with a speech by Prince Clovis, in which he spoke of the need to defeat the terrorists.

In 10 minutes at Ashford Academy":

"Hey, Lulu! You were late again and missed classes! Rivals, you've taken it to gambling again!?

"Shh,calm down, Shirley. Rawls Asked .

Suddenly Lelouch stumbled on a girl with crimson hair and lime-colored eyes who reminded him of Julia.

"Oh, I'm sorry. a woman's voice said.

"Are you all right?" Lelouch asked when he awoke .

But she was already leaving and didn't hear the question.

But after 10 seconds the commotion started:

- Down with British racism!

- This school was created for the Japanese!

"Turn out all the Brits!"""

Rawls got into the argument again, and was about to get a thrashing for it, when Lelouch's familiar voice rang out:::

- Wait, you must not use violence!

The crowd began to disperse, and Suzaku also began to leave.

- Suzaku! Lelouch shouted and followed the Japanese.

"Why are you avoiding me?"""

"Your past will be cleared up if I talk to you, so we'd better break up.""

"You're talking about it again."".. Lelouch said as Suzaku descended the stairs.

An hour later, classes ended, and Lelouch was about to play with Reeves again when he noticed a military plane falling.

"Hey, come here!"""

"Are you sure he's going to a restricted area?"""

- Yes, faster!

When they arrived at the building, Lelouch quickly got out of the motorcycle sidecar and entered the ruined building, and what he found puzzled him. There was a capsule there, and he dared not approach it, but nothing happened to it.

"Oh, hell, I didn't mean to.

He quickly touched it, but smoke poured out of it, and Lelouch quickly jumped away from the capsule.

But it wasn't poison gas, as he first thought. No... There was a girl with lime-colored hair, a thin body, and a beautiful face, with amber pupils, but he noticed that they seemed empty.

"Is that a girl?""Hey, are you okay?"

This is completely related, is this some kind of British experiment on people?

Suddenly he heard the patter of army boots, which made him turn unconsciously in that direction.

"You came here knowing this was a restricted area?""- about a dozen machine guns were pointed at him .

"You must die!"""

- Hey, wait, this is my friend! Lelouch flinched at the familiar voice.:

- Suzaku! You... Why?!

"Kurugi Suzaku, are you contradicting your commander?"""

- No! I didn't mean that!

"You value your friend or Britain, I must seriously punish you for this, but you must kill the so-called 'friend', " the squad leader said, handing the semi-automatic pistol to Suzak.

"No, I can't kill him.…

"Then die!"""

- Suzaku! Lelouch shouted, seeing his dead friend with a dazed face.

Before he could think for 10 seconds, the roof began to collapse, he jumped back and began to think about how to avoid murder in the slums. He tried to hide, but a group of Englishmen managed to catch him.

"Now that you have seen this girl, I must kill you."""

- No!- the girl jumped before the shot was fired.

"What?"""... She saved me?Lelouch thought to himself and began to curse Britain for all its sins.

"You must not die!""- I will give you power, but in return you will fulfill my desire."

"What are you doing?"""!

"I'm a witch.""

- Royal Alliance, the legend comes to life again


"Of course!

- Then we'll sign the contract!

There was no longer any illusion of where Lelouch's body was. :

-If you start to threaten to bring the threat to the end. Lelouch said, activating the Hyas.

"In the name of Lelouch V of Britain, die!"""

"Yes, it is."

Lelouch was lost in her dreams about the destruction of Britain.

Meanwhile, on the battleship of privileged land:

"Your Highness, Prince, allow me to report," Bataar said, dropping to his knees.

- The transport plane that was carrying the container crashed. The team sent to return the container was found dead. Reason: suicide for all squad members

The Prince did not react and was talking to two servants about the dress he should choose.

"Your Highness!"""

"So she left?"""

-That's it!...

Meanwhile, Ashford Academy:

Lelouch began experimenting with his new power and learned that it only works once, but forces people to do everything he asks without exception.This caused him to Wake up from sleep and think about his next step in this place...