2)The beginning of the story: Meeting brothers...

2)The beginning of the story: Meeting the brothers

POV Julius

The day after the Geass was received by Lelouch, on

top secret military base Zone 11:

-Well, when will we come out of the shadows at Zone 11 and announce ourselves?John grumbled in an old voice

"Are you going to grumble?" I need to wait for a more convenient appearance, you know that the appearance of the "Imperial Inquisitor" appointed recently will stop the fun?

-In General, I don't understand why the Prince was appointed as the second head of the Empire. What's the catch?

- Hah, my friend there is no catch, only pros, I received official permission to chop off the heads of princes and not only.

This is a recent innovation in the Empire, made personally by Charles di Britannia, who wanted to give his own son permission to conduct business without judicial permission.

A week ago:

After it was announced about sending to Japan, the "Order of the Black Crusaders" began preparations, but the day before the departure, Emperor Charles di Bratannia unexpectedly arrived in person:

"Hello, my son."

Julius sat on one knee in front of his father:

-Hello, your Imperial Majesty! Do you need something from the humble fourth Prince?

-I would not call you modest, you are just like me, in terms of your own personality, always looking for benefits and never look at your superiors as a significant hindrance. I think you might even have tried to overthrow and get the throne, but I wonder why you're going to zone 11.

- Hmm, crush the separatists like flies? What else could there be? Julius replied with a slight grin.

- Don't lie to the Emperor and your own Emperor, especially for the first reason, I can deprive you of everything!

-Ah, damn it... I know that there is a Lelouch! Did you find out that I was digging through his mother's records and comparing people's databases with his mother's last name, because I knew that he loved her?"he was looking for it because it would have put the course of history on a different path altogether, which would have kept Lelulash out of Ashford Academy

- Answering your question, it's logical, I knew about your connection and I was the one who sent him there, especially when you announced the departure to Zone 11, I found out that you were looking for him.

"Well, to hell with it... so why do you need me?"

-I believe that it is time for a new position, "Imperial Inquisitor" to clean up the garbage from the top of the garbage. when Charles said this, he surprised his son.

"I thought you never looked at corruption and only sought to defeat God," Julius laughed familiarly, startling Charles so much that he screamed:

"How do you know, puppy?"?

=You thought I couldn't hack British servers? God, it took me 10 minutes to do this, who are you hiring for security?

"You fucking bastard, I'm going to execute you myself!"

=Hmm, and you guessed where you got your ideas about the "Imperial Inquisitor"?

"What do you mean?"!

- That's it-Julius laughed hysterically, activating my Geass.."I am the true Emperor of this world, and I command you, Charles di Britannia, to forget this dialogue with Lelouch and the fact that I sought him, and you will officially appoint an' Imperial Inquisitor" with unlimited power!"

"That's right, my Lord," said Charles's voice, empty and cold.

"Now, get out of my sight!"

You may have wondered why he doesn't use Geass on the Emperor to get the throne. First, you can immediately see changes in the character when using it in the long-term character, and he did not want to know the secret except for his closest friends. Secondly, he is an immortal and needs to have fun, what fun is it to get the throne so easily?

A week later in Zone 11:

"Wait, did you hear the plane?"John said with a surprised look on his face.

-Yes, it was not a transport plane, perhaps the fighters are flying to the area of possession of the terrorists? It seems my fun begins-uttering the last phrase, Julius smiled ironically

"Very funny, I applaud you, my Prince, or should I call you the 'Imperial Inquisitor'? "

-The last title is better, it is higher in rank. I am in fact the shadow Emperor, although this is only formally, I am above the Emperor in fact…

"You're kidding!"? I hate you, why did I go with you?? That's how you can say things like that in a secret British Empire base with wiretaps everywhere. You want the Emperor to take our heads off?

"Ahem, forget it. This won't happen. All right, get a squad together, we're heading for the third Prince's battleship.

Meanwhile in the Ghetto:

"Who are you?" Why the hell did you give us the knightmares?

"My name is Zerro, and now listen to my plan…

In the battleship of privileged land in 10 minutes:

"What's going on here?"!- Clovis La Britannia hits the table, almost breaking it due to an increase in adrenaline in the blood.

"Why are we losing troops so quickly?"? Are you all fucking soldiers or what?! a stream of low words poured from the third Prince's mouth

"Spare me, your Majesty... We don't know why we're losing ... Wait, you see, the eleventh is regrouping?"

- Mr. General, our Knightmare is coming to us, we contacted the owner, his voice code does not match the original, what should we do?

"It looks like their trap or leader is coming to us, because what kind of madman would go into a trap for his own enemies without knowing about the new devices on all the Knightmasters in Britain?" It looks like he forced that soldier to activate the Knightmare and killed him, I think we should interrogate him, if this is their leader we have a jackpot, and if the trap we can easily eliminate it-the Prince ordered to act

"The eleventh are leaving, your Majesty!"

"All right, let them go, we've lost too many people.

"Are you sure, your Highness?"! the General standing next to him said, clearly unimpressed by the Prince's actions

"How dare you talk to me like that?"!I can execute you for insulting the highest rank and deprive your family of a title of nobility!

"I'm sorry, your Majesty."!"what's wrong?" pleaded the man who understood what he had done

-Get this bastard court-martialed for betraying Britain and bring the man who was driving on the captured Knightmare.

In 5 minutes in the battleship:

"Heh, third Prince of Britain, do you remember me?" a strange voice called out, but at the same time he trembled in fear because it reminded him of a certain person…

- Die-turned man, spoke in his voice imperious voice and the guards shot themselves.

"What's going on?"! And who are you?!? scared the hell out of Clovis La Britannia with fear staring at the man

"I am Lelouch VI Britannia," the figure said, and turned on its mesmerizing eye."Who killed my mother?"?

Of Shnizel and Cornelia should know about it-said the empty voice of Clovis.

"Hah, it's amazing, he's not connected to this!"Lelouch felt relieved and fired at the Prince.

POV Julius

"Who are you?" the third Prince's highest-ranking officer asked

"I am the' Imperial Inquisitor", the fourth Prince of the British Empire, the leader of the 'Order of the Black Crusaders', I have come to investigate the violations of the third Prince and deal with the rebels, who have already become a pimple on the face of the Empire, which must be squeezed out,

"Your Highness?"! Come in!- soldier trembled in fear from this behalf of, after all he heard about how that far comes this Legion the there reigns death, more accurately he and there is itself death.

- I'm going alone, stay here-said Julius John, in the form of ordered

"That's right!

In a minute Clovis's corpse is La Britannia:

Lelouch again began to fall into his state of reverie and forgot that he was standing in the middle of the enemy command, but he was awakened by a familiar voice:

- Ay as poorly, the third Prince was assassinated eleventh. So how do you suggest I clean up after you, Lelouch?

"What?"! Brother, how did you get here??Lelouch shouted at the top of his voice

- Hmm, I think you should explain yourself to me! We haven't spoken to you in 8 years.

However Lelouch quickly remembered what situation he was in and turned on his Hyas:

-You will answer my questions!

"God, HAHAHAHAHA, Lelouch! Are you serious?! Such tricks don't work for me, Oh, my stomach hurts from laughing


"Well, let's just say I had exactly the same ability as you, only it can work as much as you want, and I'm an immortal.

"What?"! How is this possible??

- Hmm, I think you should show it.Julius activated his Hyas.

-It differs from mine, Yes, he had a sign in another color and I feel his power taking me over, thought Lelouch, assessing the ability of the brother.

"Now to the point. I offer you the service of my personal knight-bodyguard, in exchange for your own life, you will not only enter the most elite Legion in Britain, but also save your life - with a smile that made Lelouch shiver, Julius pulled out a gun and pointed it at his own brother

"What are you doing?"!

"Well, actually, the murderer of the third Prince, since you refused the inheritance, you will not be forgiven, but if you want, I can hush up your incident, since I can kill any person in the Empire without trial, what do you say, little brother?" Julius continued after Lelouch's question.

"I feel like I'm making a deal with the devil, but I don't have a choice, so I agree…