Chapter 6: Flashback

The air in the room was so thick and tense it felt that if you took a breath your whole world could freeze. Every manner of creature was looking straight at him, so expectantly. Their eyes were searing a hole in his flesh, he was being severely burned but he didn't feel a thing. A chill was all he felt, crawling down his spine as if to haunt him with displeasure.

"This burn is from my mom..." Damn, he felt like Todoroki right now. But he had no sad reason behind it.

The crowd gasped, like it was a scandal.

"Does your mother control fire?" A water fairy asked, unaware.

"No, in my world very few can control fire." He was talking about fire performers of course, but he wasn't going to tell them that.

"Then what happened?" They all questioned in unison.

"It was ten years ago, I was 7," He began to tell one of his worst memories.

*... Inside Iru's memories ...*

It was a cold summer day, unlike any other Iru had experienced before. It was his 7th birthday, his biggest birthday yet, an award for his good grades in school. Essentially the entire cram school was at his house celebrating. His parents had prepped a triple tier chocolate fondant cake, decked in sprinkles and molded flowers.

Him and his friends were goofing off, they were all sitting in a big circle just talking random bullshit.

"Truth or dare?" Akihiko randomly asked out of the blue.

"Who? For me?" Iru pointed at himself.

"Duh! Baka." Akihiko smiled at him mischievously.

"Uh ok... dare I guess?"

Both Misaki and Natsu leaned in and kept looking back and forth at them.

"I dare you to kiss me! On the lips." Akihiko smiled like it was obvious Iru wouldn't accept.

"But that's gay!" Iru didn't realize he was blushing.

"I know, you don't have to do it if you're chicken."

Back then, being 'chicken' was like not knowing Japanese. You'd be singled out from everybody at school, because you weren't cool enough to hang around them. But what was worse was that this dare was also something that could do that to your reputation. At least it's a dare, so it's not like he was gay, right?

"Fine. I'll do it." Iru said nervously.

Misaki and Natsu grinned at him evilly, the twins standing in unison, went behind Iru to hold him in place. What exactly did they have planned?

Leaning closer, Akihiko grabbed Iru by the tie and pulled him in, pressing his lips to Iru's. They were so warm, comforting almost, Iru's eyelids fluttered, slowly closing. Suddenly Akihiko slid his TONGUE into Iru's mouth, surprised he opened his eyes, only to close them again.

This wasn't half bad he thought. Wait, he liked this kiss? They were SEVEN. This wasn't supposed to be happening, how did Akihiko even know what this was?

Before Iru could push him off, he noticed his mother coming in from the corner. She was livid, and holding something.


Throwing what was revealed to be boiling water at him and Akihiko. The grip on his tie was loosened and Iru fell back into the arms of the twins, stunned not being able to comprehend what just unfolded nor the pain of the water burning through his flesh.

Akihiko was screaming in agony and fear as Iru's mother dragged him away whilst he too was being scorched by the water.

All Iru was left to do was look around at the halted guests, staring at what had just gone down. He was just as surprised as they were, if not more so, his mother had just revealed her true nature to them.

Realizing the pain on his arm, he loosened his tie and wrapped it around the burn. Again looking around to see everybody slowly starting to leave, he stood and grabbed Natsu by the arm.

"Where is everybody going?"

"Home." She answered, pulling her arm out of his grasp, "I wouldn't go to school for the next week if I were you, this isn't going to settle well." she continued to walk away and all Iru could do was watch.

*... Back to reality ...*

"After everybody had left, my dad informed me that Akihiko was taken to the emergency room since most of his left side had been burned beyond recognition." Iru said solemnly, lightly touching the burn on his arm.

"What happened after that?" Pressed the fairy who originally asked.

"Well, when I had built up the courage to go back to school, I was avoided, half the school thought of me as the gay boy and the other half wanted not to get involved with my family." Iru smiled in pity for himself, "Akihiko and his friends started to bully me after that. My life's been like that ever since. I think the only people who I remain on friendly-ish terms with are Misaki and Natsu since they feel a little bad for being a part of that." he finished talking.

"Wha-" The fairy started to ask but Iru cut her off.

"No more personal questions, it's my turn."