Chapter 7: But why?

"Ok..." The fairy said with almost a sad tone.

Iru smiled slightly since this meant he'd finally figure out how this world worked and how he could get out of it.

"Ok, but first," Iru paused, standing up and walking over to a deer. "this needs fixing." He said, straightening the tie on a formal looking deer. "Much better."

He then sat down pondering which question he should ask first.

Glancing down to the mouse to he paused his thought, "I never asked.. what are you exactly?"

"I am, as most of you know, a Greater Egyptian Jerboa." The mouse looked at him.

"A wha wha-?" Iru was clearly lost.

The mouse sighed. "A Greater Egyptian Jerboa."

"Yeah no I'm still calling you a mouse." Iru said plainly.

"Buffoon." The mouse said crossly.

Mockingly, Iru moved his hands and mouth as the mouse said that.

"Now for my questions. How do I get out?"

The animals looked at each other and then back to Iru. Dreading telling him, they sat there in silence pondering how to put it. The mouse sighed and piped up for them, "You don't."

"Eh?" Iru looked at the mouse.

"You don't go back. That's it. You're stuck here."

"No fucken way-"

Iru was cut off by the sudden loud thunder, one of the creatures in the room opened the blinds to a far left window to reveal it was raining outside.

"Well, now that I think about it, there is a way you can leave." The fancy deer said out of the blue.

"Wait really?" Iru's face lit up with hope which quickly turned into fear.

"Well, it's supposed to be impossible, like, a 1/500,000,000,000 chance or something, but if you can make it all the way to the boss and actually defeat him (which is impossible lol) you get to meet the The Dark Tyrant. And supposedly he'll bestow a gift upon you or something I'm not entirely sure how it goes but according to legend it's the 'highest honor'??? Whatever that means? So I'm sure if you do that you can leave this place."

And so, Iru thought long and hard. So hard that smoke started to billow out from his ears.

After a moment, he sighed, "So that's it then I'm never getting out of here."

"Hey I didn't say that." The deer spoke defensively.


"WELL MAYBE YOU'RE LUCKY." The deer spat back at him.

"I'm stuck HERE, HOW AM I LUCKY?"


And with that, they both sighed and turned their heads away from one another.

"After that I'm NOT helping you fight the enemy." The deer mumbled.

Slowly turning his head to face him, Iru angrily said, "You never said you'd help me!"

"I didn't?" The deer looked back at Iru, "Oh well we'd all love to help you."

Every animal nodded in agreement, and Iru started to tear up.

"You guys!!!" Iru smiled as some tears flowed down his face, he didn't know why. He desperately longed to go home to his family, no matter how much he hated them on the outside, they were the only people he, in actuality, loved. Even if it was a diluted, unrequited love. He wanted to hug his mother, feel her warmth against his skin. To play chess with his father, and lose like he always did. Memories he never noticed were now so valuable.

Attempting a smile, the deer spoke, interrupting the silence. "Let's you home, kiddo."