Chapter Two: Cherry Blossom High

"I want more toast!" Said Aoi banging his utensils on our low table I've grown up with this table ever since I was three I remember dad waltzing in a grin from ear to ear with a box he got from a garage sale. sitting on my special pillow it had the little twin stars on it I've never grown out of cute and kawaii things and probably never will, mom was setting down another piece of avocado toast and a bowl of rice with the toast still in my mouth I ran up to school which was conveniently only two blocks away, the cherry blossoms were falling around me then after about three or four minutes till I was at the school Sakura high as I was walking up the school I saw three girls walking by first glance they looked like delinquents leather jackets face masks even one of them was holding a bat the girl in the middle caught my attention I immediately looked back hoping she did not notice me gazing at her finally as I glanced back confirming that she noticed I jogged toward the entrance relived I went to my locker I went ahead since I was early to decorate my locker once I was done i changed my shoes I went in class 6B where I had miss kokona the teacher was a smiley women who was clearly the environmental type plants were in every corner as I slipped into my desk and pulled out my phone with a little bunny keychain and a pastel phone case, texting my mom telling her I got to school safely I clicked off my phone and glanced behind me to see the other broad and saw something the girl from the entrance I did a friendly wave she glanced away from my face to look at one of the other girl from the entrance I figured she was just shy, the green thumb teacher came to the front with everyone settled in there seats with there textbooks open to page one. after the VERY boring lecture the girl from earlier she asked "what's with the childish backpack" I started to blush like crazy "I'm aki by the way" looking like a tomato she walked away laughing clutching my books I passed some of the guys and all they looked at was my chest i lifted the books to my chest the boys obviously lost interest they walked away faster, as I was walking though the halls trying to find class 2B as I slipped into my seat and immediately turned around to see if the same girl was there but the seat was empty "skipping class I suppose" I said to myself I glanced beside me to see a girl sitting there with her sketchbook wide open from a quick glance she looked like and otaku and how? Well she had short black hair and glasses with a t shirt with the hidden leaf logo on it her phone had a keychain of chibi Sakura also from Naruto and a sailor moon eraser in her sketchbook was FULL of fan art I was impressed by how much anime things she could hide in plain sight, the teacher was late so I took all the courage I had to tap her on the shoulder "hi" I said cowardly "oh I um...h..hello" she said fidgeting under her desk "I saw your shirt do you like anime?" I asked her face turned almost as red as mine did when they told me about my backpack. After a few seconds of silence "y..yah I really do" she said shamefully "I do to" I said brightly trying to light up the mood her face was now lighted with delight I was glad those words left my mouth "do you like Naruto?" I asked eagerly "YES" she said to me " does this mean we're friends now?" She asked "of course!" I said super fast embarrassed I sat back down in my seat because everyone was looking at me probably wondering why a tiny Asian girl jumped out of her seat, thankfully the teacher and she looked like she stayed up all night probably doing teacher homework. Hello class my name is... the teacher droned on after what seemed like HOURS it was finally lunch yui (that's her name) said she had a surprise for me so I headed for the rooftop the curiosity was driving me CRAZY finally I heard the jingle of her keychain s that's how I knew she was close she was holding a cute little bento with pink polka dots she opened it and said "enjoy the feast!" I was amazed! It was an anime style bento! One of the rise balls were shaped as Naruto his headband was a strip of seaweed with a smile and cute cheeks there were two of them "wow this looks amazing did you make this yourself?" I asked "well yah" she said beaming at the food she created we both went and ate our food till we looked like Hansel and grettle rolling out of the candy house. Finally it was last period my favourite part of the day I glanced behind me the girl aki was right behind me alone when the teacher walked in to start the lecture three minutes into the class I felt something pulling my hair I ignored it and thought it was just the seats metal part but the pain got sharper and sharper I turned around seeing everyone grinning from ear to ear and saw aki pulling my hair, my eyes felt like bags of bleach my stomach felt it was twisted and turned inside out TWICE I put my head down on my desk when aki let go waterfalls of tears ran down my eyes "CRYBABY" they all said "settle down this instant! The teacher growled everyone went back to reading about some Japanese treaty or whatever finally it was lunch I went to the rooftop to enjoy the view then I heard the jingle of yuris keychains so I knew she was coming my imaginary dog ears perked up at the sound of it then I saw her she was pushing aki! "Alright alright I'm going I'm going" said aki pestered yuri have me a wink and skipped away "hey" I said awkwardly shuffling my foot "hey" said aki " I'm really sorry what happened she said aki I heard her heart beating fast face blushing "oh it's ok" I said quickly trying to avoid small talk which I already ran into "No it's not!" Said aki it was mean and nasty I'm sorry I sighed smiled and hugged her "I promise you it's OK" trust me I said letting her go from the hug she was blushing REALLY hard now "wanna go get boba later maybe on Sunday? She asked hiding how exited she was "well I'll see you tomorrow I guess" I said "y..yah" said aki I felt a wave of relief going over me as I skipped out the door heart beating as well