Chapter Three: Boba Date

"Alright mom I'll be gone for about two in a half hours see you~" god dammit I'm going to late no no no! After walking a block or two she ran into the same manga cafe she saw when moving here but I have a date with aki right? No it's not a date right all these thoughts raced thoroughly around my mind it wouldn't hurt right? As I walked in I saw aki not at a table but in a way to tiny maid dress "crap crap crap" in a blink of an eye she was starring right at me "I guess I haft-a die now" I said to myself as i ran out the door to the boba cafe we were going to meet at sweat dripping down my face I ordered two mango slush bobas as i sat at a table for two after about ten minutes aki arrived blushing clutching her bag, "hey aki over here!" I said waving my hand wildly in the air she walked over to the table and gave me a warm smile " look pretty" I said immediately regretting it because she flushed like those cartoon characters when they eat some type of spicy food. "You" she said playing with her keychains on her bag we sipped our boba and talked about our teachers the crappy vending machines on how b65 never works and talking about well just life stuff. I guess I better go now I said "wait!" Yah? I asked curiosity stabbing me "was that you at the manga cafe there was a girl who looked just like you!" Sweat dribbling down my back "I of course not heh heh" and just like that I ran out of there stupidly in the middle of the road I went to catch my breath thank gosh she thought it was someone else I said to myself comforting my little anxiety pet in the back of my head, as I ran and ran back to the apartment and fell face forward onto my bed "mmmhhmmh" (that was me screaming) as I rolled over looking at the ceiling after a large sigh I stood up from my very very sad odd breakdown I went over to the kitchen and saw a sticky note saying this: hi miki! Moms going to a night shift for two days and your brother will be at a sleepover at aunt suki love you! ❤️ I sighed and crumpled the paper and threw it in the trash bin I went to the living room I ran my fingers through the leather books and picked out one of my all time favourites the Diviner's a classic occult novel I I made some cherry tea and went to the balcony the minutes felt like seconds and hours felt like minutes because before I knew it it was about 3:45 PM so I ran i side because it started raining no...pouring! I I went to take a shower and came out with a towel and heard a knock on the door I assumed it was my brother probably getting dropped off since he was scared when they told him ghost stories, "coming!" I yelled I opened the door to see aki dribbling with all the rain frozen half to death i I thought what the hell is she doing on my porch the second thought was when I looked down to se my towel and with my body shape this was NOT I repeat NOT and advantage! "C..can I come in?" She said shivering from the cold shuttering "YES of course!" I said quickly gesturing inside the room she walked in slowly like she was breaking the law or something I immediately looked down again realized what I was wear "uhh t..turn on the fireplace and I'll be right back!" I said running to my room as I closed the door and the curtains when I started changing I heard footsteps coming toward my room "shit shit SHIT!" I'm just trying to get dressed for gods sake before god could answer my prayers the door nob jiggled open "is this the bathroom" she muffled she took one good look at me a red wave came out of her nose she obviously had a nose bleed " I tryed to carry her and she was surprisingly light so I carried her to the main couch and after two minutes she woke up "sorry" I said before she could pass out once again " it's my fault now you think I'm some type of gross pervert don't you?" She said glumly no no no it's fine I said trust me your anything BUT a pervert your an innocent cinnamon roll I said cheerfully but secretly I was still dying inside from the incident, let's watch something together shall we I said trying to change the subject as fast as I could! What about that she said pointing to the show k-on! I nodded happy she enjoyed the same thing I did, after two hours of k-on! Aki fell asleep on my shoulder I tapped her on the shoulder but she wouldn't budge so I decided to carry her again to my room I layer her down and made the brilliant idea of sleeping on the couch till when I was about to leave I felt a grab on my night dress "please stay" she muffled I went under the cover and basically passed out the last thing I thought was "maybe I do like her"