Michelle Showed Her Might


The gun shot, but it only shot toward the sky. The voice of a woman echoed, "So this is what he meant at the last second… And what he meant by 'don't trust anyone' was to never let your guard down. It seems that you need more experience."

Michelle appeared from Evan's shadow, deflecting Risa's gun to the air while slicing her neck.

"Michelle Graham…" Risa was surprised by her appearance. She thought Michelle disappeared to handle another mission. To think that she had gone inside Evan Young's shadow to appear at the last moment, no one could predict it, especially with that stunt from Kai Carter.

Michelle swiftly sent her head flying. She then turned to Ayaka and said, "Keep this in mind. You need to grow faster. We won't always be there to protect you."

She turned back again, glaring at the four incoming terrorists. "But we need to remove those four first."

"!!!" Ayaka finally understood. "Follow me."